First-class daughter

Chapter 1673 Upset

Chapter 1673 Upset
Chapter 1673 Upset
"Yes, what kind of toon did he let the miss eat, so the miss is so seriously ill. It's okay not to see her, but who said that our miss can see you as soon as you see her." Zhuxian very much agreed with Le Yan's approach.

"Wait a minute, you have to tell him..." Le Yan explained to Zhuxian again.

Zhu Xian nodded, and went to reject Qi Yan.

Qi Yan has been standing at the gate of Prince Heng's Mansion.

Xiaoyuan looked up at the sun, and said, "Master, it's been an hour, and Miss Leyan still hasn't come out, why don't you think of another way, standing here, being bombarded by the people of Prince Heng's mansion is not a solution .”

At this moment, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and a man dressed in a white brocade robe appeared in Qi Yan's sight.

"Prince Heng..." Seeing this, Qi Yan immediately stepped forward, bowed, and said, "I have seen His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Is it you?" Feng Yunzheng asked when he saw that it was Qi Yan.

"Yes, Your Highness Ninth Prince, I want to enter the palace to meet someone." Qi Yan said.

"Who do you want to see?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"I want to see..." Qi Yan opened his mouth, Le Yan?Liuxian?
"Who do you want to see, don't you even know?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Feng Leyan." Qi Yan said.

Xiao Yuan listened, and Qiao Qiao let out a breath.

"Why did you see Le Yan?" Feng Yunzheng asked again, she had just come out of an old incident.

"Your Highness, to be honest, I am the cause of Leyan's illness." Qi Yan said, "I didn't know she couldn't eat toon, and I brought scrambled eggs with toon for her to eat, so I want to go and have a look."

"Has Le Yan already rejected you?" Feng Yunzheng said.

"..." Qi Yan nodded.

"In that case, I can't promise you, unless she is willing." Feng Yunzheng finished speaking, got on the horse, and left the palace.

Qi Yan stood where he was, his heart sank.

it's dark.

At dinner time, Le Yan went to Lian Siyue's yard to have dinner with her.

During the meal, Qingdai serves vegetables to the two of them.

During the period, a young man came in to report, Qing Dai went to listen, and when she came back, she glanced at Le Yan, and then whispered something in Lian Siyue's ear.

"Oh?" Lian Siyue showed a slight surprise in his eyes, "You waited for a day?"

"Yes." Qing Dai nodded, "I heard it's always been there."

"Boom" at this moment, there was a muffled thunder outside.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily. This is the first spring rain this spring. The first spring rain will always last longer." A servant who didn't know the truth said.

Le Yan's hand holding the chopsticks paused.

"Don't talk too much." Qing Dai scolded in a low voice, the servant didn't know what he said wrong, but he still retreated immediately.

"This crispy almond chicken tastes good, and it's light, Le Yan'er, eat more." Lian Siyue added food to Le Yan as if she didn't hear anything.

"Eat more too." Le Yan said.

The mother and daughter finished their meal together, but the rain became heavier and heavier.

After eating, Le Yan stayed again, brought some fresh fruit with Lian Siyue, and waited for her to rest before leaving.

The two maids drew up the curtain, and Zhu Xian who was waiting outside immediately took the cloak and tied it on for Miss, then took the oil-paper umbrella from the maid beside her, opened it, and said, "Miss, go back."

"En." Le Yan nodded and walked into the rain curtain.

The pattering rain fell on the umbrella, and the sound also tapped on the tip of Le Yan's heart. After walking a few steps, the upper of the shoe was covered with a layer of moisture.

It was already very dark, and the lanterns of the Wangfu were faintly visible in the rain, giving it a sense of tranquility.

"Miss, be careful, your lanterns should be set higher, so as to illuminate the road, don't let the lady fall." Zhu Xian reminded the servant who was lighting up the lights in front.

Almost at the gate of the yard, Le Yan stopped suddenly.

"Miss, what's the matter?" Zhuxian asked hurriedly.

"It's nothing, let's go in." Le Yan paused, and finally did nothing, and walked into the yard.

After going in to wash, he took off his clothes, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

However, after the bed curtain was put down, she never fell asleep, her eyes were fixed on the bed curtain.

The sound of the rain outside disturbed people a little, and they couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

"Miss, are you okay?" Zhu Xian asked softly outside when she heard Le Yan's unusual turning frequency.

"It's okay, I still have some rashes on my body, it's just that I don't feel well, you can go down, you don't need to guard." Le Yan said.

"Yes, the servant girl went out."

The sound of Zhu Xian's footsteps, along with the pattering rain, gradually disappeared in Le Yan's ears.

I don't know how long it took before she finally fell asleep slowly.

In the dream, she saw a boy running around in the pharmacy, grabbing and delivering medicines to patients. She sat behind the counter and wrote prescriptions, watching the busy figure of the drug boy, and occasionally grinning. .

In the dream, they ate maltose together, and the sweet juice stuck to their tongues and remained sweet in their hearts.

When I woke up, it was already daylight.

Zhuxian ordered the servant girl to bring in water, and when she washed her, she hesitated to speak several times.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Le Yan said.

"Miss, Mr. Qi... I heard that he stood outside the palace all night." Zhuxian said.


Le Yan was startled, and paused the hand that was about to put on the orchid hairpin.

"Standing all night?" The rain yesterday also fell all night.

Le Yan got up and said, "Zhuxian, let me have a look."

"Yes, miss." Zhuxian originally hated Qi Yan because of the Xiang Toon, but seeing him like this, she felt compassion again, and she was afraid that something might happen, and she couldn't get away from the miss , so I still told Le Yan.

The rain outside had stopped, water was still dripping from the trees, and the road was also wet. A few servants were sorting out the flower pots that had fallen from the water in the garden.

In the air, a blast of cold air hit, Le Yan shuddered, and couldn't help speeding up the pace of her feet.

Then Qi Yan, could it be that he is crazy, just so worried about Liuxian's body?She even stood outside for a whole night, and she promised to take good care of her and not let her get hurt again.

Outside the palace gate,

Qi Yan was still standing where he stood yesterday, looking in the direction of Prince Heng's Mansion.

After a night of rain, he was soaked and frozen, his face was pale, and his lips were trembling and dark purple.

The hair was tightly stuck to the sides of Jun's face, and the rain fell drop by drop.

He just stood there for a whole day and a night.

Xiaoyuan stood aside, almost fainted, no matter how much he persuaded, the young master still refused to leave.

"My lord, if Miss Le Yan is willing to come out, she would have come out long ago, we still..."

Just as Xiaoyuan was talking, the gate of the palace finally opened slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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