Chapter 1676
Chapter 1676
Let's say, that day, Qizhou.

"Yaotong, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid my leg injury would be hard to heal." An old man looked at Yaotong who came to deliver the medicine, his face full of gratitude.

"Uncle Zhang, today's medicinal materials have been delivered to you. If you use them up today, you won't need to use them tomorrow, but you must pay attention so that your wounds don't open up, you know?" Yao Tong brought a box of ointment to the back , Good life told Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I remember."

"Then I'll go first, the pharmacy is still busy, and I have to deliver medicine to others later." Yaotong said goodbye to Uncle Zhang after delivering the medicine.

After leaving Uncle Zhang's house, Yaotong walked on the street and successfully cured another person, feeling a little better.

As a doctor, it is his bounden duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. It is his happiest thing to see these people coming out of the pain every day.

"Maltose, freshly made maltose!"

When I walked to the street, there were street vendors yelling maltose.

Yaotong couldn't help but pause, walked to the stall of maltose, and took out some money for the medicine just now, "A bag of maltose."

"Okay! Take it, my lord." After collecting the money, the peddler handed Yaotong a bag of maltose.

After Yaotong took the maltose, he hid the maltose in his arms like a baby, with a smile on his brows and eyes, thinking to himself, Le Yaner, a greedy cat, loves maltose the most, and I will bring it to her later, she will definitely very happy.

On the way back to the pharmacy, many people who had been given medicine by Yaotong greeted Yaotong.

Yaotong felt quite emotional in his heart.

After the master died, he inherited the pharmacy. On the first day of inheriting, he secretly vowed in his heart that he must make the pharmacy flourish, and make up for the wrong things the master did, so as to accumulate blessings for the master.

No matter what the master has done, he has always been the one who adopted and raised him, so he has no resentment towards the master, and only hopes to perform his duty well.

Just as he was thinking, he had unknowingly walked to the door of the pharmacy.

Yaotong took out the key and was about to open the door lock, but found that the door lock had already been opened, and the lock seemed to be broken in two by violence.

Is there a thief?

Impossible, it's broad daylight, who will come?

Could it be... a person...Young Master sounded in Yaotong's mind?
No, no, the young master is dead, and he will definitely not appear in the pharmacy again.

Yaotong thought for a while, took a deep breath, and gently pushed open the door of the pharmacy.

After entering the door, Yaotong didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or something else, but Yaotong felt that the atmosphere inside was very weird. After walking a few steps forward subconsciously, Yaotong realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned around and left the pharmacy.

Suddenly, about seven or eight men in black suddenly rushed out from behind the counter of the pharmacy, and the leader rushed to the door, closing the door heavily.

At this time, two more men in black stepped forward, trying to restrain Yaotong, only then did he realize that there was a man with a serious face sitting in the middle of the room.

Yaotong subconsciously dodged sideways, and couldn't avoid the sudden man in black, and ran towards the back door, even dropping the maltose bag in his hand to the ground.

He hurried to pick it up.

At this time, a man in black flew forward, blocking Yaotong's way.

Yaotong bent down, dodged cleverly, walked around to the counter, reached out to pick up a jar at the corner of the table, and took out a handful of powder from it.

"Don't run! We have something important to tell you, and it won't hurt you."

Two more men in black stepped forward, but as soon as they got close to Yaotong, Yaotong shook his hand, and the powder in his hand immediately fascinated the face of the man in black.

"Don't hurt me? Ghosts believe it! Don't hurt me, do you need to be so sneaky?"

The man in black took two steps back, and suddenly covered his eyes in pain, "Ah! It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"Pain? Hehe, of course it hurts. Not only will it hurt, but you may also be blind!" This is a can of medicinal powder that he just ground up. It was originally used to treat plagues of rats and insects. A pot of medicine is a lot of money, a waste of my money."

The man sitting in the middle looked at Yaotong and nodded slightly, with an imperceptible admiration in his eyes.

This kid has a good attitude for dealing with sudden crisis situations.

The rest of the men in black continued to step forward to capture him.

Yaotong once again took out a handful of powder from the jar and wanted to throw it over, but this time the man in black had already prepared himself, and flew forward, kicking the jar away in his hand
The force was so great that the jar was split open, and the powder spilled out, Yao Tong immediately covered his mouth, turned around and ran to the back of the medicine cabinet.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the silver needle that was usually placed on the counter, his eyes lit up, and he touched the silver needle.

Seeing that a man in black was about to come forward again, Yaotong quickly took out a silver needle from his sleeve, hid it between his fingers, and when the man in black raised his hand, he quickly stabbed the man in black. at the wrist.

"Hmm..." The man in black groaned, his wrists suddenly went numb, and he couldn't pull up any strength, "You..."

Yaotong shook the silver needle in his hand and said, "The acupuncture point I just pierced is your acupuncture point, and it won't take two hours to recover, who wants to come and try it?"

He understands that with his meager strength, he is still far from being an opponent against these people. Now he can only confuse them and find a chance to escape from the pharmacy.

Seeing this, the other two men in black who were guarding the gate couldn't help but look at each other and rushed towards Yaotong.

"Stop!" At this moment, the man sitting in the middle finally spoke, and the two retreated.

Yao Tong looked at the man and asked, "Who are you guys? What do you want to do?"

"You don't have to be afraid, we won't hurt you, we just want to find something on you." The person in the middle said.

"Looking for something?" A thought flashed in Yaotong's eyes, and he suddenly remembered something on his body. Could it be that they came to look for that?
However, he really didn't understand the identities of these people.

"My master is dead, and my master is also dead. I am alone now. If there is anything I can find on me, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person." Yao Tong folded his arms around his chest and said.

"It is because you are alone that we are looking for you."


At this time, the person in the middle winked.

The two people next to him held Yaotong's arm at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.

Another man in black came over and said, "I'm offended, please don't take offense", and he was about to grope Yaotong all over his body.

Yaotong felt a little strange, these people wanted to arrest him, but they seemed to be very polite to him, as if they were afraid of offending him.

Who are they?

"Wait! Don't touch me, I'll show you what you want to see!" He said when the man in black's hand was about to touch him.

The man withdrew his hand and glanced at the leader. He nodded, and the men in black all backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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