Chapter 1677
Chapter 1677
Yao Tong reached into his bosom, stroked it, and took out a half-moon-shaped silver ornament, "Are you looking for this?"

"Where did this thing come from?" The leader in the middle pointed to the jade pendant and asked.

Looking at this thing, Yaotong pursed her lips, then a sly look flashed in her eyes, and said, "I picked it up."

The man stood up with a bang, and said, "This matter is of great importance, to be honest, otherwise, many people will die!"

Yao Tong was taken aback for a moment, seeing the seriousness on this man's face.

""If it's about your life experience, do you plan to keep silent? "The leader in black said.

life experience?

A flash of astonishment flashed across Yaotong's originally calm eyes.

As long as he can remember, he has been a helpless person, and now someone has mentioned his life experience?
He paused and said, "It's mine. It's been hanging around my neck since I was a child. My master said it was there when he picked me up. I don't know where it came from. Why, you know? Then tell me , what does this mean?"

Hearing this, the man in black at the head revealed a glint in his eyes, walked around behind Yao Tong, raised his hand and pulled Yao Tong's wrist, when he saw that there was only a faint mark on his arm, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

Concubine Liu Gui once said that when he was snatched away, she bit the third prince out of desperation, wanting to leave a mark, if she didn't die, she would still be able to see him.

However, after so many years, the imprint would probably fade away slowly.

"What on earth do you want to do? How did you know about my background? Are you here to find someone or to kill me when you dress up like this?" Yaotong asked.

"Have you ever had tooth marks here?" Wei Shijie asked.

"The tooth marks my master said, but later he applied medicine to me, and gradually left such a small mark." Yao Tong replied truthfully.

"My lord, after looking for so many people, this one seems to be the most similar." Another man in black stepped forward and whispered to the leader in black.

The leader of the man in black listened and thought for a moment. After a long time, the leader of the man in black suddenly took off the black cloth covering his face, faced Yao Tong, and knelt down on the ground.

"I am General Wei Shijie of the Li Dynasty. If I am not mistaken, you are the third prince who was lost by Concubine Liu Gui 12 years ago."

"Third Prince?"

Seeing this battle, Yaotong suddenly fell into a burst of astonishment.

Three princes?
Who are you talking about?


"Third prince, do you think it's me?" Yaotong looked around, and when she was sure that there was no one around, she pointed at herself
Master Wei nodded and clasped his fists, "The general thinks that you must be the one. However, I still have to go back to Beijing to ask the emperor and the noble concubine to make a decision. Therefore, I ask you to follow us to the Li Dynasty."

Yaotong felt a little unreal, more difficult to accept, the master said he was a doll picking up mud in the field, how could he be a prince?

"Impossible! I am not!"

"Really, please follow us back." Wei Shijie said.

"Why did your third prince of the Li Dynasty live among the people?" Yao Tong asked, his heart was greatly shocked.

"Back then, Concubine Liu Gui brought the third prince out of the palace, but she didn't want a group of thieves from the Zhou Dynasty to rob His Highness while the concubine was praying for blessings. At that time, there were not many people around the concubine, so they could not snatch the third prince back. These people The imperial concubine was lingering on the sick bed, but she never stopped looking for the third prince, fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and the general finally found His Highness."

"Stop! You said it yourself. It's not so certain. Don't misidentify Your Highness. If you make a mistake and find out that I am not, I can't afford to be charged with impersonating a prince in the end!" Yao Tong said.

Wei Shijie was once again surprised by the child's performance. He not only has a good attitude, but also has a quick mind and a good sense of urgency.

Only the blood of the royal family, who grew up in this countryside, can't hide their edge.

"No matter what, I will keep your life safe. Please follow the general back to the palace immediately to meet the emperor and the imperial concubine." After Master Wei finished speaking, he seemed unwilling to waste any more time.

Yaotong paused on the spot, and shook off Mr. Wei's arm, "No, I don't believe what you said, and I won't go with you."

What is the third prince of the Li Dynasty? He is just a little medicine boy, how could he be the third prince of the Li Dynasty.

What's more, what's more, if he hastily followed them away, he might never have the chance to see Le Yan'er again in the future.

"Your Highness, the half-moon silver ornament next to you was placed next to His Highness when Concubine Liu Gui gave birth to His Highness. There is another half-moon silver ornament with Concubine Liu. Bufan will go and have a look." If he was willing to go, he said.

"Could it be that you really don't want to know your own background and who your parents are?" Seeing his stubbornness, Wei Shijie said.

These words made Yao Tong's heart skip a beat.

In this world, who wouldn't want to know their own parents?
However, the background of his possible parents made him a little unbearable.

"Especially the imperial concubine, don't you want to see the imperial concubine? Ever since the third prince was robbed by thieves, the imperial concubine has been ill and washed her face with tears all day long. Now her body is getting weaker and weaker. It won't be long..."

When mentioning his biological mother, Yaotong's calm black eyes flashed with disappointment, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.

These years, every time in his dreams, he always dreamed of his mother.

But every time, when he was about to see his mother's face clearly, he woke up.

When he was a child, seeing other children accompanied by his mother every day, he could only stand behind the master and watch them from a distance.

At that time, he was thinking, if he also had a mother, would his mother love him so much.

I really envy those kids.

"What do you think..." Master Wei called out again.

Thinking of her mother, Yaotong's expression relaxed a little, she pursed her lips, and opened them slightly, "Okay, I'll go back with you."

Seeing that Yaotong finally let go, Master Wei's expression brightened, "Okay, let's go back to Li Dynasty now!"

As soon as the words were finished, Master Wei put away his sword and was about to go out, a group of men in black suddenly rushed in from all directions of the pharmacy. The men in black held sharp swords, and stabbed in the direction of Master Wei and Yaotong without saying a word.

When Master Wei saw these people, his eyes darkened, and he shouted, "No, quickly protect Your Highness!"

The men in black behind nodded repeatedly and formed a circle, enclosing Master Wei and Yaotong in the middle.

"Who are these people?"

Yao Tong also noticed something strange, the group of men in black who came here now obviously had a strong murderous aura and wanted to put him to death.

This time, Yaotong really felt the danger coming.

While the two men in black were fighting each other, General Wei pulled Yaotong and ran towards the window.

Yao Tong followed Master Wei, and when he was about to jump out of the window, another man in black came from behind.

"Place up!"

Following General Wei's order, the rest of the men in black who brought along immediately formed a flying formation.

As soon as the formation came out, another wave of men in black was temporarily trapped.

General Wei took Yaotong out of the pharmacy, got on his horse, and quickly rode out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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