First-class daughter

Chapter 1678 Chapter Palace

Chapter 1678 Returning to the Palace
Chapter 1678 Returning to the Palace
"Who is that?" Yao Tong sat on the horse and asked loudly.

"The person who chased you." Wei Shijie replied while flicking his horsewhip.

"Chasing me? You said I was the third prince, why are people chasing me?" Yao Tong asked.

"Because you are the third prince, there are many people who want to kill you. If you don't go with me, you have already been killed!" Wei Shijie had to tell him this cruel reality.

"Who wants to kill me?" Yao Tong continued to ask.

"Maybe it's her, maybe it's him, maybe it's him..." Several people flashed in Wei Shijie's mind, but he couldn't tell him his guess now,
"So many people are trying to kill me..." Yao Tong's eyes flashed with thought, "So, it wasn't the Zhou Dynasty people who were robbed back then, but these people who wanted to kill me did it, but it's strange. How did you keep me alive?"

After hearing this, Wei Shijie tightened his hand holding the rein.

This child is so keen that he can understand a little bit.

"Then who are you, and what is your relationship with Concubine Liu Gui? Why do you want to protect me?" Yao Tong asked again.

"I am Wei Shijie, the great general protecting the country, Liu... Concubine Liu Gui is the master, so I naturally obey the master's orders." Wei Shijie said with an imperceptible feeling in his eyes.

The horse continued to run forward. Under the cover of other men in black, Wei Shijie and Yao Tong rode together for a long time, and finally got rid of the pursuit.

Wei Shijie heaved a sigh of relief, jumped off his horse, and said, "We are far away from Qizhou, so we are safe for now."

Seeing that Yao Tong's face was tense, he comforted him, "Don't worry, they are trying their best to prevent you from going back. Once you go back, you will have security. With the status of the third prince, they dare not act rashly."

"Won't act rashly? So, there will still be people who want to kill me, just be careful, right?" Yao Tong said.

"..." Wei Shijie paused, this child had a quick mind and a quick reaction, and with further refinement, with time, he would become a great weapon.Now, the crown prince has repeatedly made mistakes and has offended the emperor several times. Because of the power of the queen's family, he has not been abolished.

However, if the three princes can achieve something, it will not shake the emperor's determination to abolish the prince.

"When the time comes, Concubine Liu Gui, I will do my best to protect you, so you don't have to worry. Besides, the emperor will also be your umbrella, those who dare not be so blatant."

Yaotong didn't say anything, he wasn't worried, no matter whether he was the real third prince or not, he would not stay in the palace, he would go back to inherit the master's pharmacy, continue to practice medicine to help the world, and be a good doctor.

He was sitting on horseback, and the person he always thought of along the way was Le Yan.

Everything happened so suddenly, before he even said goodbye to Le Yan'er, the maltose also fell on the ground, and he didn't have time to give it to him.

That's it!

After returning from Li Chao, go back and find her.

The horse continued to run towards the depths of the night, but Yaotong never expected that this separation lasted for many years, and when they met again later, they had already met and did not know each other.

On the way from Qizhou to Li Chao's capital, he was hunted down several times, and it was only when he was approaching the capital that he was at peace.

At the feet of the emperor, the assassins naturally did not dare to act rashly.

With Wei Shijie, a martial arts general, guarding him all the way, Yao Tong was fine, but he himself was injured by an arrow in his arm.

"I'll take you into the palace right now, first to see Concubine Liu Gui, and after meeting Concubine Liu Gui, wait for the emperor to summon you." Wei Shijie said.

"Tell me, if I wasn't the third prince, would the emperor and the imperial concubine kill me?" Yao Tong asked with a smile.

Wei Shijie calmed down slightly, and said, "I brought you back, and I will be responsible for you, but, at this point, you are already the third prince."

Yaotong frowned slightly, "You are already the third prince? Are you so sure? What if it's all a coincidence?"

"In this palace, there is only conspiracy, no coincidence." Wei Shijie's words were kept secret.

The expression on Yao Tong's face paused.

"Let's go, don't think too much, the answer will become clear soon." Wei Shijie was always very polite to him, and treated him with the same attitude as his master.

Yao Tong followed all the way to the outside of the palace wall, where Concubine Liu Gui's close maid, Xiang Ning, was already waiting.

When she saw the young man next to General Wei, seeing the young man's heroic face, upright figure and intact body, her heart finally fell.

It seems that this time he was right. With General Wei's cautious personality, he would not bring people into the palace without full assurance.

She hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General Wei, it's been a hard journey, please and... please come in with me, Your Majesty has been waiting in Yongning Palace for a long time."

Then Yao Tong stopped when he finally stepped into the palace gate.

This threshold seemed to separate two worlds. Once he entered, he might never be able to leave.

Wei Shijie turned his head, seeing him walking away, he said, "What's wrong?"

Along the way, Wei Shijie tried his best, but Yaotong could see that he was a person who was very sincere to Concubine Liu Gui, and he gave his life to protect him several times.

"It's okay, let's go." He didn't hesitate any longer, and walked in.

Wei Shijie put his arms around his shoulders, and said, "Don't worry, what I said will stand."


Xiang Ning walked in front, Wei Shijie and Yao Tong walked behind, Yao Tong looked around, and this was Li Chao's palace.

"General Wei..." After walking for a while, Yaotong suddenly heard an unhurried voice from ahead, and looked up.

I saw a gracefully dressed woman standing in front, followed by maids, nurses and eunuchs, her eyes were fixed on Yaotong's body.This is Concubine Shu who is under Concubine Liu Gui.

"Ms. Concubine Shu." Wei Shijie and Xiang Ning both bowed to pay respects, but only Yaotong stood and did not pay respects.

"This is the one you worked so hard to find for the noble concubine? Don't be mistaken, this is related to the blood of the royal family. If you are not will die." When the last word came out of her mouth, she felt as if a The poisonous snake spilled a mouthful of venom in its mouth.

Wei Shijie kept his composure and said, "Thank you, Concubine Shu, for reminding me that people will go through a confirmed tour at the end of the day, and I don't know that your concubine is in the palace."

Concubine Shu smiled slightly, walked towards Wei Shijie, looked at him condescendingly, and said, "General Wei has been loyal to the concubine for many years, which is really rare."

"The last general is also entrusted by the emperor." Wei Shijie's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

Concubine Shu snorted softly when she passed by Yaotong.

This soft snort basically represented the attitude of the vast majority of people in the palace towards this prince living among the people.

(End of this chapter)

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