Chapter 1679
Chapter 1679
Concubine Liu Gui, who got the news early in the morning, asked the maids and nuns to wash and dress her up, and stood waiting at the gate of Yongning Palace, looking up.

"Your Majesty, go and rest in the hall. You just sat down for less than half an hour, and you have been standing here for more than an hour. I am worried that you will not be able to take it anymore." Sun Nanny stood beside Concubine Liu Gui , Consolingly said earnestly.

"I'm not tired. I think I'm going to see the emperor. I'm not tired. Not only is I not tired, but I'm very energetic. I want to be here and wait for him to come. It's been 12 years, a full 12 years." It's gone." Concubine Liu Gui said with tears in her eyes, the veil wiping the corners of her eyes.

"Then, please sit on the chair and wait." Nanny Sun ordered someone to bring the rosewood chair over.

But Concubine Liu Gui only sat for a while, then stood up again, and looked outside.

"Mother Sun, tell me, will there be any accidents? Why has it been so long, and General Wei hasn't brought anyone here yet?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Mr. Wei has done things safely and never missed, and it will be the same this time."

"Nurse Sun, take a look, is my complexion okay?"

"The empress put rouge on her face specially, and her complexion looks good."

"..." As time passed, Concubine Liu Gui became more and more anxious.

"Your Majesty, Aunt Xiangning is back." Finally, the little eunuch who was watching from the outside ran in quickly and knelt down and said.

"Really? That's great!" Concubine Liu Gui suddenly felt unprecedented excitement, her voice trembling, said.


Concubine Liu Gui looked at the entrance of the hall, and saw Xiang Ning walking hurriedly, followed by Wei Shijie as the general, and beside the general was a young man, this young man's eyes were as bright as a mirror.

Her heart trembled, and she took a few steps forward, holding Nanny Sun's arm tightly, suppressing the surging emotions in her heart.

"Meet the imperial concubine." Wei Shijie knelt on one knee and said.

"General Wei get up quickly! This is..." Concubine Liu Gui never took her eyes off Yao Tong, she kept watching him closely, never blinking, tears were about to fall from her eyes at any time.

As for Yaotong, who was originally in a calm mood, when he saw this sad woman, his inner emotions were also strongly fluctuated.

He stopped abruptly and looked towards her.

Is this his mother?

Ever since he could remember, he didn't know who his parents were.

He has never experienced the feeling of having parents, and he was brought up by his master alone.

"Your Majesty, let's talk inside." Sun Nanny took Concubine Liu Gui's hand and reminded.

"Okay, okay, come in and talk." Concubine Liu Gui came back to her senses, when she turned her head and walked in the hall, her feet were weak, but luckily someone supported her.

After finally sitting down, Concubine Liu Gui couldn't wait, looked at Yao Tong, and asked, "This child..."

Wei Shijie glanced at Yaotong and nodded at him.

Yaotong took out the half-moon shaped silver ornament from his bosom, held it in both hands, handed it to Concubine Liu Gui, and said, "I have carried this with me since I was a child."

Concubine Liu Gui couldn't help it anymore after seeing this half a month later, she burst into tears, grabbed Yao Tong's hand, and looked at the back of his hand, although the teeth marks were not clear, but there was still a mark.

"Yes, I ordered someone to make it for you. The princes and princesses in the palace all use gold, but you use silver, because you are allergic to gold, and you will get rashes all over your body if you touch it, so I use gold. I bought silverware, and your hand, you must have known from General Wei, that I bit it out of desperation..." Concubine Liu Gui said excitedly.

Yaotong's hands trembled slightly, and he said, "Yes, I am indeed allergic to gold. My master didn't know it. On my sixth birthday, he made me a gold collar, and I wore it all night. The next day I was covered in red rashes and almost passed out."

"That's right! That's right! At that time, I didn't know that you were allergic to gold. Three months after you were born, you put the gold bracelet that the emperor gave you last time on your hand. As a result, you were covered in rashes the next day. , and almost went into shock, but luckily the imperial doctor arrived in time, and the crisis was resolved, that time it scared me to death, and I knew that you can't touch gold." Concubine Liu Gui was even more excited, and she held Yao Yao tightly. Big drops of tears fell down Tong's hands, his face was sad and excited, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"My master said that when I found me, I had deep tooth marks here. Later, I was worried that the scars would be unsightly, so he applied some ointment on me, and the tooth marks disappeared a lot. Later, I was too lazy to apply it. Leave some." Yao Tong said.

"Yes, yes!" Concubine Liu Gui took Yaotong's hand with both hands and said, "It's you, it's my son, it's my son Yantong, you are my son Li Yantong, this is your father personally A name for you."

Yao Tong looked at the crying woman in front of him, slowly raised his trembling hands, but when he was about to touch them, he slowly retracted his hands.

He never knew his parents, but now that he has found them, they have such identities that he never thought of.

He has never enjoyed the tenderness of his mother, so now he doesn't know how to face such a person who calls himself mother.

"..." Concubine Liu Gui cried for a long time before finally stopping.

She felt that the child in front of her was unfamiliar with her, and instead of being agitated and crying, she seemed too calm.

On the one hand, she felt lost and waited 12 years for the moment of being a member of the group, but on the other hand, she felt relieved, knowing her identity and knowing her own identity, she was not in a hurry to recognize relatives, which shows that this The child is not a follower.

"Your Majesty, don't cry, the third prince has just come back, and he is still very unfamiliar with everything here." Xiang Ning comforted the noble concubine, and secretly glanced at the third prince who had just returned.

"Yes, I won't cry anymore. Now is the time to be happy. If I keep crying, I'm afraid I will scare the emperor." Concubine Liu Gui finally regained her composure and asked Yao Tong to sit aside.

"General Wei, all these years, thanks to you, you have been helping me find the emperor's son. Now that the emperor has been found, the emperor and this palace will be very grateful to you." Concubine Liu Gui said to Wei Shijie.

"This is the duty of this official. The imperial concubine and the third prince must have a lot to say, and I will leave first." Wei Shijie stood up, bowed his head slightly, and said.

"You remember to pick me up tomorrow." However, when Wei Shijie turned around to leave, Yaotong suddenly stood up and said.

"Emperor..." Concubine Liu Gui's face turned pale when she heard this, "You..."

Wei Shijie walked in front of Yao Tong and said, "I will come to see you again tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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