First-class daughter

Chapter 1682 Sisters

Chapter 1682 Sisters
Chapter 1682 Sisters
Yaotong first took a look around the magnificent bedroom, and then carefully observed the furnishings in the bedroom.

He likes this, no matter where he goes, he must first familiarize himself with the things around him.

After a while, he got on the bed and lay down on the bed.

After running around for half a month, I was obviously very tired, but I didn't feel sleepy at all when I lay on the bed, I couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Thinking about my inexplicable life experience in my mind, thinking about the pursuit and killing I have experienced along the way, and narrowly escaped death.

Finally, I thought of Le Yan.

"I left in such a hurry and didn't say anything, and the pharmacy became a mess because of the fight. If she saw it after she came back from practicing on the mountain, she must think that something happened to me. Would she be very worried?"

Le Yan is always sensitive and slender, what should I do if I hide and cry secretly?
Yao Tong thought about it, feeling very sad, and couldn't fall asleep even more.

He got up, walked to the desk, saw the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, spread out the rice paper, prepared to write a letter to Le Yan, and asked Wei Shijie to send it.

"Le Yaner:

I am brother Yaotong, I left without saying goodbye, I really have a lot of heart, but I can't say it now, but I assure you, I am safe and well now, you don't have to worry.One day, we will meet again.

Yao Tong. "

He felt that the writing was not good, so he kneaded it into a ball again, threw it aside, and wrote again.

After repeating this several times, throwing away a pile of paper balls, I finally wrote a letter that I was satisfied with, and then I folded the letter, put it on the letterhead, and put it on my chest.

Holding this letter, he finally fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night.

Le Yaner, no matter what, you are the one who gives me courage.

In his dream, he dreamed of the red rope she gave Le Yan, and dreamed that she was following him, holding a pack of maltose in her hand, her spirit was high and her smile was as bright as the sun.

He himself woke up in a sweet dream, and before he woke up, Le Yan's happy smile was still in front of his eyes.

Her smile was his medicine, and his originally unhappy mood also relaxed.

The few maids who came in to wait on him saw that His Highness was in a good mood after waking up early in the morning, and a stone hanging in his heart finally came down halfway.

"Your Highness seems to be in a good mood today, so the empress is relieved." Standing aside, Hongtang said.

A court lady was about to put on clothes for him, and her hand almost touched his chest, but he immediately protected her and said, "I'm here, don't touch it."

The palace maid was stunned for a moment, and suddenly she was at a loss.

Hongtang smiled and said, "There must be something important to His Highness hidden here, you should be careful not to touch it."

Yaotong had heard the lady-in-law's elder sister rescue him several times, so he asked, "Sister, what's your name?"

When Hongtang heard that His Highness actually called her Elder Sister, she was taken aback, quickly knelt down, and said, "If you can, His Highness can call your servant Hongtang. Only the Second Princess can afford the word "Sister." , Your Highness, please remember."

Yao Tong was stunned for a moment, then remembered that there is a difference between master and servant here, a master is a master, a slave is a slave, and there is no way to overstep, so he said, "I made a mistake at the moment, so it's fine if you don't call me later, get up quickly."

"My servant, thank you Your Highness." Hongtang was already in a cold sweat from fright.

Yao Tong changed into new clothes, wrapped in a purple brocade robe, with a white jade crown to tie his hair, and a golden belt around his waist, inlaid with emeralds.Looking at it this way, the shadow of the little drug boy in the country has disappeared, except for the rough palms, from other perspectives, he is a well-clothed and well-fed prince.

"Your Highness is worthy of being the emperor's son. His natural aura is irresistible." Hongtang sighed.

Yaotong looked down at himself, "It's just a suit of clothes, is it so important?"

"Your Highness, would you like to look in the mirror?" Hongtang ordered the two servant girls to bring the bronze mirror and hold it in front of Yaotong.

With some doubts, Yao Tong looked in the mirror, and suddenly, even he himself was taken aback.

This... After changing his clothes, the change was so great that he almost couldn't recognize himself.

"Your Highness, go out quickly, the imperial concubine has been waiting for you early in the morning, seeing you like this, the empress must be very happy." Hongtang said.

After one night, Yao Tong was indeed not as stiff as last night.

"Princess Nine and Princess Ten are waiting too." Hong Tang reminded.

Nine princesses, ten princesses?
He remembered that last night, the noble concubine said that there are two younger sisters, namely the ninth princess and the tenth princess.

Yaotong followed behind Hongtang and walked into Concubine Liu Gui's bedroom.

Concubine Liu Gui was sitting on the chair, but she kept leaning forward, wanting to see when Yao Tong would come.

The ten-year-old eighth princess Li Yiyan and the seven-year-old tenth princess Li Haoyue sat aside, looking at the entrance curiously.

"Mother Concubine, why hasn't he come yet? Did he get up late?" The seven-year-old Li Haoyue asked in a somewhat immature voice.

"Hush!" Concubine Liu Gui hurriedly said, "First, don't talk about him, you should call him third brother. Second, third brother didn't get up late, but he just came back. He must have not had a good rest last night. Rest a little longer today. , but also to nourish your energy, and go to see your father later."

"Oh, I understand, Concubine Mu." Li Haoyue said obediently.

"Mother and concubine, does third brother like our place?" asked the ten-year-old Eighth Princess Li Yiyan.

Hearing this question, Concubine Liu Gui was slightly taken aback, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Obviously, Yantong doesn't like this place, and he was thinking about leaving here last night, he doesn't want to be a prince, he just wants to continue to be a person living among the people.

"I like it, he will like it, his relatives are here." Liu Guifei's words were not only answering her daughter, but also comforting herself.

"Mother Concubine, will he like the gift I gave to Third Brother?" Li Haoyue asked, shaking a wooden dagger in her hand.

"Then you have to ask the third brother, not the concubine mother." Li Yanyan said.

"Your Majesty, the Third Prince has arrived." At this moment, a notification came.

Concubine Liu Gui hurriedly looked over, only to see a completely new Yao Tong came in, with his hands behind his back, although he was only 13 years old, he was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and an even more handsome face.

"Emperor..." Concubine Liu Gui was pleasantly surprised, after a little dressing up, the child's demeanor immediately came out.

It was his son, the child she had been waiting for for 12 years, that's right.

"Imperial concubine." Yao Tong bowed, following the politeness taught by Hong Tang.

Concubine Liu still didn't call her mother, Concubine Liu Gui couldn't help being a little disappointed, but she still pretended nothing happened, and said, "Huang Er, come and recognize me, this is your eighth younger sister, Li Yanyan, and this is the third elder brother."

Li Zhiyan stood up, walked in front of Yao Tong, bowed, and said, "Yan Yan has seen the third brother."

Facing the person calling his brother, Yaotong was a little uncomfortable, opened his mouth, and only said two words, "You're welcome."

"This is the tenth younger sister Haoyue." Concubine Liu Gui continued to introduce.

"..." Yao Tong nodded to her.

Unexpectedly, this Li Haoyue took out a wooden sword as if offering a treasure, walked up to Yaotong, raised her head, and said, "Third brother, I am Haoyue, this is the sword I gave you."

Yao Tong paused, took the sword over, and said, "Thank you."

Concubine Liu Gui realized that Yao Tong was still unfamiliar, but she was not in a hurry, but said, "Let's go to the Imperial Study Room first, and see your father."

(End of this chapter)

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