Chapter 1683
Chapter 1683
"After seeing it?" Yao Tong asked.

Concubine Liu Gui paused for a moment, and asked, "Emperor, are you so unwilling to stay with your concubine mother and younger sisters?"

Yao Tong pursed his lips in displeasure.

Seeing this, Hongtang stepped forward and whispered, "Your Highness, the Emperor knows that you have returned, and has been waiting."

Yaotong glanced at Concubine Liu Gui, her face was a little pale, and she had just heard her coughing a few times from a distance.

Then look at the two sisters, Li Zhiyan and Li Haoyue, who also looked at him with those big watery eyes.

"Let's go." He turned around and walked outside the hall.

"Third brother, wait for us, wait..." Li Haoyue was lively by nature, she got up when she saw this, ran towards him, grabbed his hand, and said, "Third brother, wait for mother concubine!" with us."

Yaotong felt a pair of small hands holding her, so she shrank back to avoid Li Haoyue's touch.

Li Haoyue pursed her mouth and said angrily, "Third brother is so stingy, concubine mother, third brother won't let me hold you."

Concubine Liu Gui finally showed a smile on her face, and said, "Haoyue, don't be naughty, third brother is a big boy, he doesn't like this, in the future, he is not allowed to do things that brother doesn't like."

Li Haoyue's mouth pouts higher.

And at this time, Yaotong suddenly bent down and whispered something in Li Haoyue's ear.

Li Haoyue's eyes widened immediately, "Really, can I see her?"

Yao Tong nodded.

"That's great. You bring her here, and I'll play with her." Li Haoyue suddenly stopped being angry, and looked forward to it.

Concubine Liu Gui and Li Zhiyan looked at each other.

"Mother and concubine, what did the third brother and the eighth younger sister say? Who are they talking about?"

"Mother and concubine don't know either." Concubine Liu Gui was very happy to see the harmony between Li Haoyue and Yao Tong.

She stepped forward, walked to Yaotong's side, and whispered, "Huanger, thank you."

After hearing this, Yaotong's heart trembled slightly, and he said, "It's nothing."

Here, Li Yuyan slowed down, grabbed Li Haoyue, and asked in a low voice, "What did the third brother tell you just now?"

"He said I can't touch his arm casually, only one person can touch his arm."

"Who?" Li Zhiyan asked curiously.

"I didn't say, there is such a person anyway." Li Haoyue's attention has been attracted by other things.

Li Zhiyan thought for a while, and thought to herself, could it be that the third brother met someone in the folks, and this person is very important, otherwise he wouldn't have made his arm exclusive to that person.

Who will it be?
Li Yuyan also became curious, so she told Li Haoyue, "Take a chance to ask more, and find out who it is."

"I won't ask." Li Haoyue refused without even thinking about it.

"Why?" Li Zhiyan asked.

"If you want to ask yourself, ask yourself." Li Haoyue quickened her pace and caught up with her concubine and elder brother.

Li Yuyan stood where she was, and snorted, "Okay, Li Haoyue, I won't tell you when I investigate clearly."

"Yanyan, why haven't you come yet, and you're having trouble with Haoyue again?" Liu Guifei held Li Haoyue's hand and said softly in front of her.

"Here we come, mother!" Li Zhiyan followed.

Walking out of Yongning Palace, Wei Shijie, the great general who protects the country, was already waiting. He first took a look at Yaotong, and when he saw this tall and straight person, his eyes showed approval and he nodded.

"Greetings to the imperial concubine, the third prince."

"General Wei, excuse me. As someone who is as good as the emperor's son, the emperor must have many questions for you to interpret. Let's go together." Concubine Liu Gui said.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time." Wei Shijie said.

The mother and son, together with Wei Shijie, were walking on the way to the imperial study, when the servants and servants saw them and greeted them one after another.

There are also some people who hide in the dark and observe secretly.

And the eyes of these people all fell on the 13-year-old Li Yantong.

The emperor was handsome when he was young, and the prince and other princes were also handsome, but the third prince, Li Yantong, was even more extraordinary.

"It's true that people rely on clothes and Buddha relies on gold clothes. Yesterday, I stopped on the way to see it. At that time, I was still a dirty little beggar. Today, after being dressed up by the imperial concubine, my appearance has changed." Not far away , Concubine Shu hugged the cat in her hand, stroked it nonchalantly, and said sarcastically.

"But looking at it this way, it doesn't look like I grew up among the people." Someone said.

"The imperial concubine's complexion seems to have improved a lot."

"What do you know!" Concubine Shu said with a stern face, "That is going to see the emperor. How this Li Yantong will be in the palace in the future depends on how the emperor feels about it today. The noble concubine doesn't want to I tried my best to dress him up in a more dignified way. But he grew up among the people and didn't understand anything, so he will naturally reveal his secrets after a long time."

As soon as Concubine Shu said this, some people stopped talking. Some people thought that Concubine Shu had not given birth to a son and could not understand Concubine Liu Gui's finding her son back. Some people thought that what she said made sense.

After walking all the way, I finally arrived at the gate of the Imperial Study Room.

The chief eunuch at the gate saw Concubine Liu Gui, hurriedly stepped forward respectfully, knelt down and said, "Empress Concubine, you are here, this servant will go pass the news."

"Thank you, Eunuch Jiang." Concubine Liu Gui nodded.

Eunuch Jiang went in.

Concubine Liu Gui looked at Yaotong and said, "Prince, don't be afraid. The concubine mother will accompany you. When you see the emperor and queen, don't be nervous. Just answer whatever you ask, don't Talk about leaving the palace."

Yao Tong did not comment.

"Imperial Concubine, Your Majesty and Empress invite you, General Wei, and... the third prince to go in." Eunuch Jiang lowered his brows pleasingly, but glanced at Yaotong quietly.

"Yan Yan Haoyue, the two of you are waiting here, the concubine mother and the third elder brother have gone to meet the emperor father and come back again." Concubine Liu Gui told the two daughters.

"Mother Concubine, you go, I will take good care of my sister." Li Yanyan said.

So Concubine Liu Gui turned around and led Yaotong to the imperial study, with Wei Shijie walking behind.

After Yaotong stepped into the imperial study room, a majestic atmosphere greeted him.

After walking a few steps, passing through a curtain, from a distance, I saw the man in the bright yellow dragon robe sitting on the chair in the middle, sitting upright, with majestic eyes, before he walked in, he felt the shroud of the emperor's air .

His gaze, from the moment Yaotong came in, has never left, and there is gradually a little excitement in his eyes.

The queen sitting beside her glanced at the emperor, her fingertips holding the veil tightened.

Concubine Liu Gui led Yaotong in all the time, took Yaotong's hand and knelt down together, and said, "The concubine pays homage to the emperor, empress empress, the concubine brought the emperor's son Yantong...bring Yantong."

Concubine Liu Gui's tone couldn't help being a little difficult, and her voice began to choke.

"Greetings to the emperor." Yao Tong knelt on the ground with Concubine Liu Gui, said.

"This... is our emperor Yantong?" The emperor leaned forward.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is our son Yantong, Your Majesty." Concubine Liu Gui, who was always gentle and tender, couldn't hide her excitement at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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