Chapter 1687
Chapter 1687
After the banquet started, food and fine wine carefully prepared by the imperial dining room were placed in front of everyone. After the second princess, the sixth prince and the seventh prince had respected the queen one by one, they began to chat freely. Harmonious, they exchanged glances with each other, deliberately ignoring Yao Tong.

A prince who suddenly appeared, and the son of a favorite concubine, brothers who were not considered close at first, became members of the unified team because of the appearance of this common enemy.

Sitting alone on the seat, Yaotong looked at the brothers and sisters who were dressed in fancy clothes and had high self-esteem, and found that he was incompatible with everything about them.

He has always been alone, but he is used to it, and Le Yan is his first friend in life.

The queen had a panoramic view of everything, and felt that it was almost done, so she winked at the second princess and the others.

The second princess met the queen's eyes, then chuckled, turned around and looked at Yaotong, "I forgot to talk about it for a while, third brother, you are new here, sister Huang will offer you a toast first, and we will give you a cup later." In this palace, we must get along well."

To the second princess's sudden toast, Yao Tong was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the wine in the wine glass in her hand.

Just as she was thinking about it, the second princess suddenly became a little unhappy, and sneered, "Third brother, the emperor's sister's wine glass has been raised for a long time, are you so disrespectful to the emperor's sister?"

Yao Tong regained consciousness slightly, holding the wine glass, after a pause, drank the wine in the glass, but did not say anything more to the second princess.

After drinking it, he only felt the spiciness in his throat. He looked at the second princess, and he still felt that the wine was so spicy that it was difficult to drink it. Why did the second princess, who is a woman, have no feeling for this wine?

He asked, "Second Sister Huang is a good drinker."

"The third emperor is wrong. This princess doesn't like to drink alcohol, but I drank it for you." The second princess deliberately said this in order to let Yaotong relax his vigilance and drink more.

"Oh, so that's the case." Yao Tong nodded, looked at his wine again, and seemed to have some thoughts in his heart.

He felt dizzy for a while, and stretched out his hand to rub his head.

With the second princess toasting, the sixth prince and the seventh prince also stood up holding their wine glasses, "We are men, and it's the first time we meet, each of us should drink three glasses to count! If you don't drink, you won't take us seriously .”

After the sixth prince finished speaking, before Yaotong could speak, he drank three cups in one go.

The seventh prince also drank three cups immediately afterwards.

Now, Yaotong will drink six glasses of wine in a row.

The maid on the side wanted to pour wine for Yaotong, but he blocked it with his hand, stood up, and said, "You two brothers toast, I naturally want to drink, but there is also a jar in my mother's palace for a long time, I want to bring it, Drink with all the brothers."

The two of them looked at each other and said, "Brother Sanhuang, this is the queen mother's banquet, so don't think about running away, or you will be disrespectful to the queen mother."

"Naturally dare not."

"You have good wine, just ask a servant to get it. Why do you go there in person? As for the wine in your hand, it was a gift from the queen mother, so you have to drink it." The sixth prince said, thinking, a foolish boy in the country Forget it, after drinking so much, I still need to bring wine!

"You must drink the wine that the queen mother gave you. As for getting the wine... then please invite Xiang Ning, who is waiting outside the hall, to come over, and I will tell her to get the wine." Yao Tong said.

"Okay, let that servant come in." The sixth prince said.

After a while, Xiang Ning bowed and walked to Yao Tong, Yao Tong let Xiang Ning in, put her hand on the table, knocked with her index finger, and ordered, "You take the jar of wine that my concubine gave me last night. Bring it, I want to drink with all my brothers and sisters."

Xiang Ning was taken aback for a moment, but nodded immediately, and said, "Yes, Your Highness, servant girl will go now."

"Come, come, drink, drink..." As soon as Xiang Ning left, several people booed Yao Tong to drink again.

Yaotong resisted, and drank six cups in a row. The wine had a strong aftertaste. After he drank it, before Xiang Ning brought it, he was already groggy, had a splitting headache, and even his legs were a little weak.

"Third Emperor Brother, I would like to toast you again. The Imperial Sister had a bad attitude just now, so don't take it to heart." The second princess raised her glass again.

The fifth princess looked at this scene, pursed her lips, and lowered her eyes slightly.

Yaotong had just drank six cups in a row, and now he was so dizzy that he couldn't see anything clearly, and the alcohol was gradually making him lose his mind. Yaotong waved his hand and lay down on the table.

"Oh, what is this for?" The second princess was startled, and looked at the queen.

In today's wine glasses, except for Li Yantong who is drinking the strongest baijiu, everyone else is drinking light fruit wine.

No, he cannot fall down.

Yaotong thought in a daze, gritted his teeth again, and straightened up.

"Come on, Brother Sanhuang, Xiangning brought the wine, keep drinking, keep drinking." The sixth prince greeted Xiangning when he saw Xiangning coming over with the wine.

"I, I can't do it." Yao Tong waved his hands again and again.

Xiang Ning put the wine jar in front of Yao Tong, seeing that he was so drunk, she felt a little worried, why did the third prince ask him to bring wine when he was so drunk?

After she put down the wine, she bowed and prepared to leave. She had to report to the imperial concubine quickly.

The queen gave Yurong a wink, and Yurong followed immediately, stopped Xiangning outside the hall, and said, "The empress ordered you to wait for the third prince here, and you must not leave without your order."

"Come, come, keep drinking." The fourth prince came over, hooked Yao Tong's shoulders, opened Concubine Liu Gui's wine, poured a glass, and handed it to his mouth, "Concubine Liu Gui's wine is really good. For the sake of respect, you have to drink too."

Thus, Yao Tong was given half a jar of wine again, and he could hardly sit still.

The queen curled her lips slightly, and said lightly, "The third prince is too strong to drink, come and help the third prince to rest in the palace."

After saying that, two eunuchs stepped forward and helped Yaotong into the hall.

"Yurong, you have always been careful in doing things, you go to the palace to serve the third prince." The queen ordered, looking at Yurong meaningfully.

"Yes, Empress." Yu Rong met the Queen's gaze, nodded knowingly, and hurried to the hall.

Seeing that Yaotong was already drunk, the second princess and the others didn't stay any longer, stood up and bid farewell to the queen one by one.

"Today, my classmates are too drunk, and you brothers and sisters didn't have a good conversation. When there is a chance in the future, I will arrange for you again." The queen glanced at the humanity under her eyes.

"Yes, queen mother." The second princess leaned slightly.

After the banquet was over, the queen still sat where she was, sipping tea carefully.

Inside the hall.

After Yurong entered, she found that Yaotong had fallen asleep on the bed.

Looking around, seeing that there was no one around, Yu Rong suddenly pulled out the hairpin from her bun, loosened her hair, and then unbuttoned her coat...

(End of this chapter)

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