First-class daughter

Chapter 1688 Intervention

Chapter 1688 Intervention
Chapter 1688 Intervention
Yongchun Palace.

Concubine Liu Gui was holding a booklet, which recorded all the configurations of Linhua Palace.

"The weather is a bit erratic these days. The Ministry of Internal Affairs prepares some light shirts, and we should also prepare some warmer brocades for Yan Tong." Concubine Liu Gui pointed to the clothes on the brochure.

The maid on the side nodded in response.

"And here..."

Concubine Liu Gui was about to say something when a young eunuch hurried in from the outside and said anxiously, "Young Concubine, it's bad!"

"Why are you in such a panic!" Liu Guifei looked at the little eunuch displeased.

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, "Third prince, the third prince flirted with the empress's maid, and the empress was furious. Even the emperor has been alarmed at this moment. The imperial concubine should go and have a look!"

"What?" The booklet in Concubine Liu Gui's hand slipped down. After hearing the news, she almost fainted, "No, it's impossible, Tong Yan is definitely not this kind of person!"

Concubine Liu Gui was shocked, so she hurriedly headed towards Yongchun Palace, when she walked out, she staggered, and if it wasn't for the mother's support, she almost fell to the ground.

In Yongchun Palace, it was already in chaos.

The emperor and empress sat in the main seat with a solemn expression, Yu Rong knelt on the ground, her hair was still draped over her shoulders, and now she was crying with tears streaming down her face, while the rest of the servants knelt on the ground, all trembling, not daring to show their anger. .

Seeing this, the queen frowned, sighed, and looked at the emperor, "Your Majesty, my concubine never expected what happened today. Originally, the concubine thought that as the mother, Yantong had just returned to the palace, and he would My brothers and sisters are not familiar with me, so my concubine specially organized this banquet to introduce Yantong, but I didn't know that such a thing would happen. Your Majesty, my concubine is also responsible for this matter, so please punish me." The queen said, He got up and knelt before the emperor.

With a cold face, the emperor bent down to help the queen up, "The queen also has good intentions, how can I blame you for this matter."

"Your majesty, but..." The queen sighed, "The third prince grew up among the people, so he inevitably got into some bad habits. In the future, my concubine will definitely supervise Concubine Liu Gui and educate the third prince well. The concubine has already given orders, No one is allowed to mention this matter, otherwise the concubine will be severely punished.

The emperor's face became more gloomy when he heard this, but a faint smile flashed in the empress's eyes. When the third prince's crime of molesting the court lady is confirmed, the emperor's impression of Li Yantong will become bad.Moreover, by the way, the love for Liu Guifei, that bitch, will also be taken back a bit.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." At this time, Concubine Liu Gui hurried in. After hearing Yao Tong's news, she ran all the way here. Her body, which had not yet recovered, turned pale after the trot. There was no trace of blood.

"Your majesty, Yan is with him..." Concubine Liu Gui looked at the emperor with disbelief.

The emperor glanced at Concubine Liu Gui, and the anger that was originally full of anger calmed down a little, "You are not in good health, you should let the servants prepare a sedan chair, and the servants of Yongning Palace should be punished, but they didn't take good care of the concubine."

"Your Majesty, my concubine is fine. I heard that Yantong had done something wrong, so I came here in a hurry." Concubine Liu Gui breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help looking at the queen.

"Yes, I was shocked when I heard about it. You came just in time, so listen to it." The emperor said.

"Yurong, tell Concubine Liu Gui what happened today." The queen accepted the words and said with a blank face.

Yu Rong nodded, her tears continued to fall, and she said, "The imperial concubine, the third prince drank with several princes, the third prince was greedy and drank too much, the empress was kind enough to let the third prince stay in Yongchun Palace rest, and let the servants take care of.

then.The servant girl thought that His Highness the Third Prince was asleep, and was afraid that the Third Prince would catch a cold, so she wanted to cover him with a quilt, but His Highness actually pulled the servant girl onto the bed, and then pulled the servant girl's clothes hard, thinking, wanted to make the servant girl... ..."

Yurong said, and couldn't help crying again.

"Noble concubine, it stands to reason that if the third prince really likes Yurong, it's nothing if he wants it. I can't refuse it, and I will make good arrangements. However, as a prince, Yurong He is also a caring person who has stayed with me for many years. However, as a prince, he did this, it really... damages the emperor's prestige and the prince's reputation."

"No, it's impossible! Yantong is not such a person, he is definitely not a person who is greedy for beauty! The emperor and empress, I feel that there must be something hidden in this." Concubine Liu Gui immediately denied it, and subconsciously clenched her sleeves.

She knew that it must be the queen who started to attack!

It's just that the queen chose such a method. Now that the queen's territory here, Yurong is also the queen's person, there must be no evidence to prove Yantong's innocence.

The queen's move is really ruthless!
"Hidden feelings?" The queen looked displeased when she heard this, and said in a deep voice, "Grand concubine, what do you mean? Do you think it's Bengong who wronged Yantong? It wasn't Bengong, nor Yurong. According to one person, the servants in the palace all said that they saw the third prince molesting Yurong with their own eyes."

"The imperial concubine, the third prince, the third prince... he did indeed do such a thing." The two maids at the side also said.

Yu Rong continued to sob, looking very sad.

Concubine Liu Gui's heart tightened, she was too anxious, she actually said something that offended and doubted the queen, the emperor would be upset when he heard this!
She quickly knelt down, prostrated herself on the ground, and said, "The empress made atonement, the concubine did not mean that, but the concubine believed in her son, empress empress, I don't know where Yan Tong is now, the concubine wants to see him, ask him clearly fact."

"He molested the court lady, I was afraid that she would take advantage of the wine and do something unruly, so I temporarily arranged him in the palace, waiting for the emperor to make a decision." The queen said.

"Grand Concubine, the empress is also considerate of this matter, otherwise the third prince will lose control and do something scandalous, and it will hurt you and him." The emperor said.

Concubine Liu Gui bit her lips lightly, "Of course the concubine knows that the empress thinks about the concubine's mother and child, but the concubine really wants to see her own child and listen to him personally, if he really committed a damned crime, The concubine will be the first to punish him."


"Your Majesty, the concubine thinks that it is better for Concubine Liu Gui not to see the Third Prince for the time being. Now is the time for the Third Prince to reflect. If she meets Concubine Liu, Concubine Liu Gui loves her son dearly. The Third Prince is too dependent, and the concubine is afraid... ’ said the queen.

The emperor frowned and said, "Concubine Liu Gui, don't interfere with this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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