First-class daughter

Chapter 1689 Human Heart

Chapter 1689 Human Heart
Chapter 1689 Human Heart
"Your majesty, please let my concubine see Yantong!" Seeing that the emperor would not let her interfere with Yantong's affairs, Concubine Liu Gui couldn't help it, her tears fell even more fiercely, and she knelt down beside the emperor's legs.

The emperor frowned and said helplessly, "Aifei, you..."

At this moment, a deep and hoarse voice came from the entrance of the inner hall, "Father, mother..."

Hearing this voice, Concubine Liu Gui suddenly raised her head, and when she saw the person standing at the door, she didn't care about anything else, she quickly got up and ran over, holding Yao Tong's arm, "Yantong, Yantong, are you okay? How are you?"

After the queen saw the figure at the door, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes, but it was fleeting.

How could this be?
Li Yantong drank so much spirits, he should have already fallen asleep by now, how could...

The queen and Yu Rong looked at each other, and found that Yu Rong was also surprised and bewildered, but after touching the queen's sight, she quickly avoided the queen's sight, feeling a little scared in her heart.

Yaotong walked slowly to the center of the hall, her clear eyes fell on the emperor, and she said seriously, "I didn't molested the maids of Yongchun Palace, I was wronged, someone deliberately took the opportunity to get my son drunk, and wanted to take this opportunity slander my ministers."

As soon as the words came out, the emperor's face changed, and he frowned, "Who is going to harm you?"

After the words fell, Yaotong's eyes fell on the queen mercilessly, and Yaotong's eyes looked at the queen coldly, "It is the queen who wants to harm my ministers. Today, the queen is hosting a banquet in Yongchun Palace to drink for other princes and princesses." All of them are light fruit wine, but the wine in Erchen's cup is the strongest white wine, the purpose is to make Erchen drunk, so that he can sing today's play!"

"Nonsense! It's simply nonsense!" Just after Yaotong finished speaking, the queen yelled sharply, "Third prince, it really is Han Bengong's heart that you say this."

After the words fell, the queen turned her gaze to the emperor, showing a heartbroken look, "Your majesty, my concubine is hosting a banquet in Yongchun Palace today, and it is entirely out of good intentions for the third prince to get acquainted with the princes and princesses. Who knows that the third prince himself Not to mention that drinking too much has caused a catastrophe, but the concubines have been wronged, the concubines feel really sad and wronged."

Seeing the empress's acting skills, Yaotong looked at the emperor with a blank expression, "I dare you, my father, to summon the second princess, the sixth prince and the seventh prince to be present."

The emperor glanced at Yaotong and nodded slightly.

After a while, the princes and princesses who had attended the banquet were all summoned to the scene.

After the second princess stood still, seeing the scene in the hall, the corners of her lips curled up gloatingly.

And Yaotong also cast his first gaze on the Second Princess, and sneered, "Second Sister Huang, how many glasses of wine did you drink today?"

Suddenly being asked this, the second princess was slightly taken aback, seeing that the emperor was also looking at her, she opened her mouth and said, "Two cups..."

"Only two cups?" Yaotong asked.

"Like three cups." Afraid that she might miss something, the second princess changed her words again.

This Li Yantong's eyes seemed to be poisonous, looking into his eyes and speaking, she was inexplicably lacking in confidence.

Damn it, her majestic second princess was actually frightened by a brat from the countryside.

"Is it two cups or three cups?" Yaotong asked again.

After asking this question, the second princess, who was already guilty, suddenly became angry from embarrassment, "Third emperor brother, what do you mean? Today I toast you a few glasses of wine, and it's all out of good intentions. I want to use the wine to warm up with you. After all, we are all brothers and sisters, and it is not a good thing to get along so well. What do you mean by asking questions here now?"

"Second Sister Huang said before that she is too strong to drink, but after three glasses of strong wine, is there no trace of drunkenness? Even you don't smell of alcohol at all." Yao Tong glanced at the second princess and smiled mockingly.

"You..." The second princess didn't expect that she would be exposed by this brat all of a sudden, and her face turned pale.

At this time, the emperor in the throne had already changed his expression.

After a pause, Yaotong looked at the princes who attended the banquet together, "When you toasted, you said that as a prince, you have to drink three glasses of wine each, but almost each of you toasted me for two rounds, saying When you woke up, each of you drank six cups, not including the ones you drank alone."

"So why, except me, you drank so much wine, all of you were not drunk, why did you have nothing at all?"

After Yaotong finished speaking, Concubine Liu Guifei, who had been worrying about her heart, immediately said, "Someone wants to get Yantong drunk on purpose, just like what Yantong said, except for you, everyone else drinks. It's fruit wine."

Yao Tong nodded, glanced at the Queen, and sighed softly, "Actually, from the first glass of wine I drank, the wine was extremely fierce and strong, and I realized the intention of the Queen to host a banquet today. So I wasn't really drunk. Instead, I was drinking with my head up, and when you weren't paying attention, I vomited all the wine on my sleeves."

After finishing speaking, Yaotong raised his right hand and pointed to his wide sleeve.

He was thankful that he was wearing a dark shirt today, so when they were not paying attention, he had the sleeves to cover him up, and he avoided several glasses of strong alcohol, only then was he able to maintain some sanity in the end.

"Later, when Xiang Ning went back to get the wine, she took the opportunity to bring me Jiujiu pills, so from the beginning to the end, I was not drunk, let alone molested the maid." Yaotong said firmly.

After finishing speaking, Concubine Liu Gui said, "Quickly send Xiang Ning into the palace."

Xiang Ning was waiting outside the door, and after hearing the summons, she hurried in, described what happened today in detail, and took out a cloth bag from her body, which contained a few hangover pills.

Concubine Liu Gui's face brightened, "Your Majesty, Yan Tong has a clear mind and is not drunk at all, so how can you talk about molesting a court lady!"

"Your Majesty, the third prince has indeed molested the servant girl in the inner palace, and the servant girl's clothes were torn by the third prince!" Yurong quickly picked up Concubine Liu Gui's words.

She had already spoiled the empress once because she broke the bowl, if she missed this time, the empress would definitely not let her go.

The queen snorted coldly and narrowed her eyes, "If the third prince wasn't drunk at the time and Yu Rong deliberately framed you, why didn't you stop it then and let things happen to the present situation?"

Yaotong seemed to have known the queen would say this, and smiled, "Even if I stop it, is it useful? Yurong will still cry and call me wronged. Today, from the time I stepped into the gate of Yongchun Palace, I was doomed." We have to accept this storm."

"The reason why I watched all this happen is actually to see how bad people's hearts can be."

(End of this chapter)

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