Chapter 1690
Chapter 1690
His eyes were piercing, and he looked directly at the queen. The queen's heart trembled, and she couldn't help holding her hand.

After hearing this sentence, the emperor was slightly taken aback.

"Yantong..." Concubine Liu Gui was startled, she never thought that Yantong would say such a thing.

"Presumptuous!" The Empress suddenly slapped the table with one hand, and said sharply, "Third Prince, you are too presumptuous! You target me every sentence and slander me everywhere, what is your intention?"

"Heh..." Yaotong smiled coldly, "Whether it is slander, I think the empress knows better than anyone else."

"Your Majesty, the minister and concubine never did these things. As the mother of a country, the minister and concubine never did anything inappropriate. The third prince's one-sided words and wild guesses are really unfair to the minister and concubine."

Yao Tong ignored the queen, but faced the emperor, knelt down on his knees seriously, and called out, "Your Majesty..."


Hearing this address, the emperor's face changed a little.

"Your Majesty, don't be rude! Call me Emperor Father!" Concubine Liu Gui hurriedly stopped her, and then said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, Yantong is not used to it yet, please forgive me."

"Caomin implores the emperor, let Caomin leave the palace, and let Caomin feel that he has never been here before." Yaotong said firmly.

What?Concubine Liu Gui felt panicked when she heard this, "Tong Yan..."

When the Queen heard this, a faint smile appeared in the corner of her eyes. It seemed that what she had done today was not in vain. This kid retreated despite the difficulties as she expected.

This is the best way, if you defeat a person, you must defeat his fighting spirit first, and Li Yantong has already been defeated before the battle begins.

"You mean, you don't like the palace, you don't want me to be your father, and you still think it's better outside the palace than in the palace?" The emperor looked at his son with expressionless eyes.

"Yantong..." Concubine Liu Gui was sweating nervously. If the emperor asked these few questions, if she didn't answer them well, every sentence would be fatal.

"No." Yao Tong shook his head, "The imperial palace is very good, and it is also very good for the grassroots to find their biological parents. Naturally, the outside of the palace is not as good as the palace. However, with the appearance of the grassroots, farce like today will still appear. Your Majesty, actually The grassroots never wanted to fight for anything, now that I know who my parents are, that's all right, so I beg the emperor to let me out of the palace."

Concubine Liu Gui was shocked.

"Yan Tong..."

Yaotong turned around and looked at Concubine Liu Gui.

"Mother and concubine, I don't want to be a prince. My wish is to be a good doctor and treat diseases for the common people."


The look in the emperor's eyes changed slightly. Instead of being furious because Yaotong proposed to leave the palace, he looked at Yaotong with a gentle gaze.

"Yantong, you are my third prince. This is your only home. You cannot leave the palace. You have to live in the palace. My blood cannot be lost among the people." The crowd said coldly, "Today's farce will end here. I will never forgive anyone who dares to mention it in the future."

The expression on the queen's face was a little stiff, and the rest of the people looked at each other without saying a word.

After the emperor finished speaking, he got up and stood up, and when he passed by Yaotong, he gave Yaotong a meaningful look, "Since you are my son, in this palace, you should stand firmly when you come in. "

After all, the emperor walked away.

"Yantong, Yantong, it's okay, go back with Concubine Mother." As soon as the emperor left, Concubine Liu Gui was afraid that Yaotong would say the words of leaving the palace, she stepped forward and grabbed Yaotong's arm.

Yaotong lowered her eyes, and stood still?What does it mean?
The queen was still standing there, and after seeing this scene, she raised the corners of her lips coldly, "Concubine Liu Gui, the third prince has spoken rudely to me many times today, you must teach me a good lesson when you go back, otherwise, next time, my palace will I will discipline you myself!"

"Yes, empress." Although Concubine Liu Gui was annoyed at what the empress had done today, but the other party was the empress after all, and the emperor didn't say anything today, so the mother and son could only swallow this anger.

"This palace is tired, you all go out!" The queen waved her hand, signaling all the people in the palace to leave.

After all, those princes and princesses looked at each other, and then left Yongchun Palace one by one.

Yurong still kept her kneeling posture, kowtowed to the queen immediately after everyone was gone, and said tremblingly, "Empress empress, it's due to the negligence of the servants, I didn't realize that the third prince was pretending to be drunk."

"It's not that you were negligent, it's that this palace underestimated him, and he easily broke through this situation today." The queen frowned, her eyes seemed to be poisoned.

"Then next..." Yurong looked at the queen, hesitating to speak.

The queen held the armrest of the chair and said softly, "Let's let Li Yantong go for now, the emperor didn't say anything today, but I understand the emperor, although the emperor didn't say anything to me today, but he has thoughts about me in his heart of."

"Yes, empress." Yurong nodded.

"Also..." The queen glanced at Yurong, frowned, and said, "Go and watch the prince, let him study hard, and make sure nothing goes wrong. I have a deep premonition that this Li Yantong will be The crown prince's greatest rival in the future!"

After hearing this, Yu Rong was startled, but she didn't dare to say anything, and quickly retreated.

After Yurong left, the queen sat alone in the palace, thinking about what happened today, her anger and unwillingness gradually rose.


After Yaotong left Yongchun Palace, she went directly to Linhua Palace.

Concubine Liu Gui couldn't say anything, so she just ordered the maids and eunuchs of Linhua Palace to take care of Yaotong and report something to her.

In the dormitory, Yaotong sat quietly on the chair, looking at the red string on his wrist silently for a long time.

At this time, Yongan Palace.

Concubine Shu was lying on a couch, and after hearing what happened in Yongchun Palace today from the second princess and the fourth prince, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, raised her eyebrows, and glared at the second princess, "You are really stupid like a pig!" , almost died by the queen's sword!"

"My concubine, I didn't expect that today's matter would develop so seriously. Li Yantong, that country boy, is so alert, and even tried to find a way to get the medicine to understand alcohol." The more the second princess said, the more unwilling she felt. .

Today in the main hall of Yongchun Palace, she was forced to be unable to speak a word.

After returning, she immediately reported the matter to Concubine Shu, but unexpectedly, Concubine Mu called her stupid as a pig.

Concubine Shu sneered, pulled the corners of her mouth in disdain, and sat up from the imperial concubine's couch, "You listened to what the empress said today, and got Li Yantong drunk during the toast, do you know how much you are in the eyes of your father now? ugly?"

"Originally, you were not your father's favorite princess. After today, your status in his heart has plummeted. Are you afraid that one day, you, an unfavored princess, will be married off the Great Wall?"

(End of this chapter)

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