First-class daughter

Chapter 1692 Exercises

Chapter 1692 Exercises
Chapter 1692 Exercises
Li Junqi lowered her head and struggled to sit up from the ground, but just as she stood up, she fell down weakly and rubbed her ankle in pain.

Yaotong watched this scene, and said in a cold tone, "Stop pretending, what the hell are you trying to do?"

If I remember correctly, she is the queen's daughter. She also witnessed the whole process of today's banquet, but she was the only one who did not participate.

Now acting hypocritically in front of him, maybe the empress thought of something.

After thinking about it, Yaotong looked at Li Junqi with a bit of disgust.

"I didn't..." Li Junqi sprained her feet and felt a little pain, and the skin on her wrist was a little worn out. Facing Yaotong's questioning eyes, she pursed her mouth a little bit aggrieved.

"Third brother, can you give me a hand?" Li Junqi shrank her neck, the cobblestone floor was very uncomfortable after sitting for a long time.

Yaotong looked at her aggrieved and pitiful look, but she was not moved at all.

In his mind, he remembered that once in Qizhou, there was a little girl with ragged clothes and timid eyes. At that time, he walked towards her almost without hesitation, and a look of emotion flashed in his eyes. .

"Third brother..." She called out again, and she saw the different expression in his eyes.

Yao Tong came back to his senses, his face was even colder,
"You appear here alone? What kind of tricks do you want to play? Do you want to wait a while and call everyone together to say that I have lightened you?"

"Third brother, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. I just apologized to you." Li Junqi's clear eyes sparkled.

Li Junqi sat on the ground, pursed her lips, looked at Yaotong with watery eyes, "Third brother, I came here specially to find you, and I really want to apologize to you."

Yaotong stared at her, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

"I know that today's matter is very unfair to you, and I didn't expect it to develop like this. I'm sorry, I have no ability to stop this, but I think I should come to you and express my apology."

"Third brother, I'm sorry."

Li Junqi looked at Yao Tong, and there was a gleam of guilt in her bright eyes.

Yaotong met Li Junqi's gaze, and when she saw her pale complexion and sincere tone, the hands in the cuffs were slightly clenched and then loosened.

"You are the queen's daughter. If you disappear, someone will come to find you."

Yaotong said lightly, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Third brother." Li Junqi grabbed Yaotong's sleeve.

Yaotong turned around and looked at Li Junqi, "Is there anything else?"

"No, it's okay..." Li Junqi shook her head and let go of Yaotong's sleeve.

Yao Tong quickly left the imperial garden.

Li Junqi stood where she was, looked at the back of Yaotong walking away, lowered her eyes, and sighed softly.

Everyone envies them princes and princesses born with golden spoons in their mouths, but who knows that they also have a lot of helplessness?
After a while, two court ladies hurried over and carefully helped Li Junqi to leave.

After Li Junqi left, a figure came out from the shadows and sneered, "This queen's daughter is really interesting."


The next day.

After Wei Shijie got down, he ordered someone to invite Yao Tong, and came to the shooting range.

"Greetings to Your Highness the Third Prince." After seeing Yaotong, Wei Shijie bent down to greet him.

"General Wei." Yao Tong called out.

Wei Shijie nodded, and took Yaotong to the inside of the shooting range, and said as he walked, "What happened yesterday caused a lot of commotion in the palace, but fortunately, His Highness was witty and returned his innocence."

"General Wei once said he would protect me, but is he sincere?" Yaotong didn't want to bring up those bad things again.

"Naturally, the end will always protect His Highness the Third Highness."

An unknown smile flashed across Yao Tong's lips, "Then I'll take General Wei as my backing."

"It would be great if the Third Highness thinks so." Wei Shijie looked at Yaotong with a hint of relief.

"What did General Wei ask me to do here?" Yaotong returned to her usual expression.

"In the Li Dynasty, princes usually had to learn riding and archery from the age of four. This is a compulsory course for every prince. Now that His Highness has returned to the palace, it is time to practice riding and arching more diligently, otherwise this subject will fall behind too much. , will be very detrimental to His Highness in the future." Wei Shijie looked at Yaotong and said.

In fact, there was no need to practice in such a hurry.


"Two months later, the hunt will be held. At that time, many people will watch the performance of the Third Highness."

"Did the third prince practice archery before?" Wei Shijie handed Yaotong a bow and arrow.

Yaotong took the bow and arrow, shook his head, "No."

"Well, let's start with the most common conical arrow today." Wei Shijie said, raising the bow and arrow in his hand.

While raising the bow, he said, "You must be accurate when you draw the bow, the draw distance must be accurate, and the front sight must accurately enter the center of the yellow. When you draw the bow, you must be stable and decisive."

After the words fell, the bow and arrow in Wei Shijie's hand left the string, and a bow and arrow landed firmly in the yellow heart of the opposite target.

"Your Highness, let's try it." After shooting the first arrow, Wei Shijie motioned Yaotong to have a try.

Yaotong nodded. When he was watching Wei Shijie's demonstration just now, he had memorized a few key points, so he picked up the bow and arrow and pointed it at the yellow heart on the target in front of him.

With a sound of "whoosh", Yaotong pulled the bow and arrow decisively.

On the opposite side, an arrow landed on the edge of the target, but did not land on the yellow heart.

"It's the first time Your Highness is shooting an arrow with such strength, you are already very talented." Wei Shijie nodded in praise.

Yaotong didn't say anything, just picked up the second arrow.

The second arrow also landed on the target, but not on the yellow heart.

The third arrow...

The fourth arrow...

All morning, Yaotong and Wei Shijie were on the shooting range, practicing archery.

It only took Yaotong an hour and a half from the edge of the target to hitting the yellow heart every time.

Wei Shijie looked at Yaotong's extraordinary talent, his eyes were tinged with some deep meaning.

He thought, the Prince's rival appeared.

From now on, there will be no more peaceful days in this palace.

After noon, Hongtang from Concubine Liu's Palace came to the shooting range and said, "Your Highness, General Wei, the imperial concubine ordered your slaves to invite the Third Highness to Yongning Palace for lunch."

"That's fine, the Third Highness is also tired, let's call it a day." Wei Shijie looked at Yaotong and said.

Yaotong nodded. Today, when he was practicing archery, it seemed that he had aroused some self-confidence in his heart, and even now he still has some unsatisfactory thoughts.

"Tomorrow, let's go to practice equestrianism." Before leaving, Wei Shijie said.

"Okay." Yaotong nodded.

After Wei Shijie left, Hongtang glanced at the bows and arrows on those archery targets, and exclaimed, "Are all these arrows shot by His Royal Highness?"

"Yeah." Yaotong nodded slightly.

"The Third Highness is really amazing. If the imperial concubine finds out later, she will be very happy." Hongtang looked at Yaotong with admiration.

His Highness the Third Highness practiced archery for the first time today, so many arrows hit the bull's-eye, which is too good.

"Don't tell anyone about this matter, if it spreads out, just say that His Highness the Third Highness's swordsmanship is terrible." Wei Shijie had a thought in his mind, and ordered Hongtang.

(End of this chapter)

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