Chapter 1693
Chapter 1693
Hongtang was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to her senses and said, "Yes, this servant obeys."

In a short while, inside Yongning Palace.

Concubine Liu Gui had been waiting in the palace for a long time, and after someone had reported to Yao Tong earlier that she agreed to come to Yongning Palace for dinner, Concubine Liu Gui was a little relieved.

Ever since she found the emperor, she has been worrying about gains and losses every day, for fear that in the blink of an eye, her emperor will be far away from her again.

Thinking of this, Concubine Liu Gui's eyes gradually turned red again, and the sourness in her heart welled up.

"Imperial Concubine, Your Highness the Third Highness has arrived." The eunuch Xiao Chun'er ran into the door to announce.

Seeing Yaotong arrived, Concubine Liu Gui immediately got up and walked to the door, "Yantong, you're here."

"Greetings, Concubine Mother." After seeing Concubine Liu Gui, Yao Tong bowed down to greet Concubine Liu.

"Get up, why do we need so much etiquette between mother and child?" Concubine Liu Gui smiled, took Yaotong's hand, and walked inside.

Yaotong glanced at Concubine Liu Gui, noticed that she seemed to have just cried, and frowned slightly.

Ever since he met his mother and concubine until now, the mother and concubine seemed to have always looked this delicate, and her figure was also thin. Yaotong couldn't help remembering that General Wei had told him before returning to Li Dynasty's palace, My mother has been very weak in search of herself all these years.

After being seated, a table full of meals has been placed on the dining table.

"Yantong, are you tired after practicing archery all morning? Hurry up and eat more." Concubine Liu Gui personally picked some vegetables for Yaotong and put them in Yaotong's bowl.

"Thank you, I'll do it myself." Yao Tong was still not used to this, and stopped Concubine Liu Gui from moving.

Concubine Liu Gui's hand holding the chopsticks froze slightly, then nodded.

During lunch, Yaotong didn't speak much.

Concubine Liu Gui wanted to say something several times, but she was afraid of disturbing the warmth of mother and child at this moment, so she swallowed all her words.


Yongchun Palace.

"Wei Shijie is personally teaching Li Yantong how to practice archery?" The queen was a little surprised when she heard the news from Yurong.

Who is this Wei Shijie?
He is Li Chaoyi's first-class general. Not only is his riding and shooting ability first-rate, but he also has his own unique set of tactics.

Wei Shijie fought on the battlefield in the early years, so most of the riding and shooting skills of the princes in the palace were taught by Lin Guangzhao, the deputy general of the court.

Unexpectedly, this brat Li Yantong was so lucky that Wei Shijie could teach him how to ride and shoot.

In the queen's heart, there was a strong sense of crisis.

"That's right, it was Wang Ping, the guard at the shooting range, who told the servant that he saw General Wei teaching the third prince how to practice archery when he passed by the shooting range, but at that time General Wei ordered someone to block the shooting range, so Wang Ping didn't I stayed there for too long. Later, Wang Ping inquired again, and heard that General Wei would teach the third prince how to ride a horse tomorrow." Yurong said.

The queen pursed her lips tightly, and held the armrest of the chair tightly with her fingers, "Yurong, you can go and investigate in a while, Li Yan and that country boy, how is the result of practicing arrows today? In addition..."

The queen frowned, and suddenly lowered her voice.

Seeing this, Yurong took a step forward and approached the queen, "The empress..."

"Originally, I wanted to let Li Yantong go for a few days, but I was really panicked. I still decided that for the sake of the crown prince, I must get rid of Li Yantong first." The queen said with gloomy eyes.

"Empress Empress, what should we do?" Yurong was inexplicably panicked, and she had seen the tricks of the third prince yesterday, and it seemed that she was not as easy to fool as she appeared on the surface.

The queen glanced at Yurong, and sneered, "There are always some wild and unruly horses in this racecourse, so..."

"Yes, I understand." Yurong immediately understood what the queen meant, and nodded in response to the queen's words.

The queen raised the corners of her lips and took a sip of the tea in hand.

But at this time, outside the main hall, Li Junqi was covering her mouth with her hand with her pale face, for fear of making a sound.

How could this be?
It's really scary that the queen mother is planning to deal with the third brother again.

Li Junqi was a little scared, after thinking about it, she hastily left outside Yongchun Palace.

After returning to her bedroom, Li Junqi was still a little restless, she really wanted to rush to Linhua Palace to tell her third elder brother immediately, but there are many eyes and ears in this palace, if she goes rashly, her mother's people will definitely know .

How can this be good?

Li Junqi hurriedly paced back and forth.

After dark, Li Junqi finally found an opportunity.

She pretended to go to bed, and after the maid of honor left her bedroom, she hurriedly changed a piece of clothes, wrapped a cloak, and opened the back window of the room. Seeing that there were no patrolling guards outside, she opened the back window and hurried to Lin Hua Gong went.

"Who?" On the way, Li Junqi met a patrolling guard.

"I am Yuzhu next to the fifth princess. I am ordered by the fifth princess to deliver something to the empress." After finishing speaking, Li Junqi showed her waist badge.

After seeing the badge, the leading guard bent over to Li Junqi, "So it's Miss Yuzhu, please."

"Thank you."

After avoiding the patrolling guards, Li Junqi hurried to Linhua Palace, and arrived in front of Linhua Palace in a short while.

After a while, Li Junqi finally saw Yaotong.

Yaotong was sitting in the small courtyard of Linhua Palace at this time. After seeing Li Junqi, she was a bit surprised, but soon her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said displeasedly, "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

"Third brother, I have something important to tell you!" Li Junqi came all the way, sweating from running, and regardless of Yaotong's attitude towards her, she spoke anxiously to Yaotong.

Yaotong looked at her, "Speak, and leave quickly."

For Yaotong's indifferent attitude, Li Junqi felt a little hurt, but she still said, "Tomorrow, can you stop practicing equestrianism?"

"Why?" Yao Tong asked.

But at the same time as he asked, he had already vaguely guessed something in his heart.

"There's no reason, it's just for your safety, third brother. You'd better be careful, otherwise your life will be in danger." As the queen's daughter, Li Junqi was dissatisfied with what the queen did, but it was her mother's queen after all. .

After hearing this, Yaotong smiled disdainfully, "Why should I believe you?"

Li Junqi was startled, seeing that Yaotong didn't believe her, she lowered her eyes and bit her lips, "Third brother, please trust me, I won't harm you."

"Have you finished?" Yaotong said coldly, and glanced at Li Junqi standing in front of her.

"I..." Li Junqi opened her mouth, a nameless anger gradually rose, and soon her face flushed with anger, "Third brother, why can't you trust me?"

Yaotong stood up, looked down at Li Junqi, pursed her thin lips into a straight line, and said calmly, "Go, don't appear in front of me in the future, I don't want to see you."

Li Junqi came to remind Yaotong out of good intentions, but she didn't expect such a cold and alienated attitude in return. After looking at Yaotong at last, Li Junqi left in a hurry.

After Li Junqi left, Yaotong stood alone in the yard, looked up at the bright moonlight, and gradually had an idea in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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