First-class daughter

Chapter 1694 Conspiracy

Chapter 1694 Conspiracy
Chapter 1694 Conspiracy
For the next few days, Yaotong practiced horsemanship on the hunting ground every day.


Early this morning, on the hunting ground, Yao Tong fell off the horse for the fifth time. After falling off the horse, he glanced decadently at General Wei at the side.

"Get up and continue!" General Wei looked down at Yaotong with a stern expression.

"Stop practicing, my prince hurts all over from the fall, and I don't want to ride a horse anymore!" Yaotong waved his hand, with some irritation in his tone.

General Wei's complexion also darkened, and he said displeasedly, "Third Highness, you are the prince of the Li Dynasty, riding and archery is a compulsory course for you, can you not bear a little setback now?"

"It's useless to say anything else, my prince just won't practice!" Yaotong still refused to practice.

The atmosphere between the two of them was a bit stalemate, and in a corner, a figure hurriedly left the racecourse.

After the figure left, General Wei chuckled and stretched out his hand towards Yaotong.

And Yao Tong, who was originally unhappy, showed a sneering smile on his face, jumped on the horse, and rode towards the depths of the hunting ground skillfully.


Yongchun Palace.

"Empress, the servant has been observing for several days. The third prince really doesn't know how to ride a horse. After falling off the horse just now, he had a big fight with General Wei and said that he doesn't want to practice equestrian anymore." Wang Wang, the guard of the hunting ground Ping, report to the queen about Yaotong's situation in the hunting ground these days.

After the queen heard about it, her heart was tensed for a few days, she relaxed a little, and snorted coldly, "Li Yantong is really ignorant. How many princes in the Li Dynasty wanted Wei Shijie to teach him personally, and Wei Shijie refused them one by one. Now he is doing this. I don't know what's good or bad."

"That's right, when the slave saw that General Wei's face turned black, I'm afraid that the third prince offended General Wei because of this, the empress can send that fierce horse out..." Wang Ping quickly echoed.

He has worked as a guard in the hunting ground for several years. He has never been lucky enough to help the empress do things. This time he must seize this opportunity.

"Right now, you can't act rashly, let alone do it in the palace, so as not to cause trouble to your upper body. This palace needs to think carefully about this matter." With the lessons from last time, the empress is not completely sure this time, and dare not act rashly shot.

Hearing this, Wang Ping nodded lightly, not daring to say anything more.

"Empress, the Crown Prince is here." Yu Rong came in from the outside and reported.

When the prince was mentioned, the queen's face softened instantly, "Let the prince in quickly."

"Yes, the Queen Mother."

"You step back first." The queen glanced at Wang Ping who was still standing aside.

Wang Ping nodded, "The slave will leave."

After a while, Prince Li Changfeng, dressed in a black python robe and with a golden crown on his head, walked in from outside. Li Changfeng was nearly seven feet tall, handsome and feminine, with sharp black eyes, like poisonous snakes, full of danger, and his gestures revealed The royal nobility exuded cannot be ignored.

"My son pays homage to the queen mother." After the prince entered the door, he bowed to the queen to say hello.

"The prince is free." Seeing the prince, the queen showed a gentle smile on her brows and eyes.

The prince thanked him, walked to the side and sat down.

"I heard that you met Li Yantong in your father's royal study this morning, how do you feel?" There was a vague smile in the queen's eyes.

When Li Yantong was mentioned, the prince said disapprovingly, "I see, a brat who is still young is nothing to be afraid of."

"Don't underestimate the enemy. This country boy can get away with drinking, which shows that he is not simple. In this world, this kind of person is the most terrifying. Often when he fights back, he will kill you by surprise." Queen Concentrating on the prince, he said meaningfully.

The prince pursed his lips, and looked at the queen impatiently, "Can't the queen mother say something else every time she finds her ministers? Every time I hear these words, I can hear the calluses in my ears!"

"Emperor!" The queen was also a little annoyed, and patted the armrest of the chair, feeling like she hated iron and iron, "You are the prince of the Li Dynasty, how many people covet your position as the prince, you should be more careful." Diligence, work hard to improve yourself! Otherwise, if something happens in the future, you won’t even have time to regret it!”

"Oh, I'm so annoying!" The crown prince frowned and said, "If the queen mother only said these things to my son every time, then simply don't summon my son any more!"

After all, before the queen could speak, the prince walked out quickly.

After leaving the Yongchun Palace, the soft face turned cold, the corners of the mouth curled up, and said arrogantly, "Since the queen mother is so worried about that brat, then the prince will let her see it first, and the prince will use one finger , you can easily crush that brat Li Yantong to death!"



When Yaotong returned to Linhua Palace, his whole body was already sore.

After taking a bath, he retreated all the servants, stayed alone in the bedroom, found the medicine box, and applied medicine to some wounds on his body.

During the past few days at the hunting ground, the horse fall was fake, but the injuries on his body were all real.

During the day he did not reveal that he was injured, only at night when he was in the bedroom, he would simply apply some medicine to himself.

In the short time since he came to Li Chao, many scars have been added to his body.

After lying down on the bed, the words Li Junqi said to herself appeared in her ears again, Yaotong lowered her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on the red rope on her wrist.

"Le Yan, wait for little brother, he will come to you soon."

Thinking of Le Yan, the corners of Yaotong's lips curled up slightly, she fell asleep unconsciously after a day of exhaustion.

In the dream, I rarely dreamed of Le Yan.

"Little brother, are you okay? Le Yan'er misses you very much." Le Yan smiled sweetly at him, and finally reached out and handed him a piece of malt candy.

"Le Yan..."

When Yaotong was going to pick up the piece of malt candy, Le Yan suddenly disappeared.

Yaotong, who was sleeping, also woke up suddenly.

When he was about to get up to drink some water, he only heard someone open the door of his dormitory, and Yao Tong closed his eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but I lost so much weight." The person who came was Concubine Liu Gui.

These few days Yaotong practiced horsemanship with General Wei, she didn't have time to see Yaotong, she was really worried tonight, so she came in to take a look while Yaotong fell asleep.

Concubine Liu Gui looked at Yaotong on the bed lovingly, sat down beside the bed, stretched out her hand to tuck the quilt for Yaotong, just wanted to reach out to touch Yaotong's face, afraid of waking her up, she took it back .

Seeing Yao Tong who had lost a lot of weight, Concubine Liu Gui couldn't hold back, and began to wipe away tears, "Imperial son, it's all my mother's fault, if it wasn't for my mother's careless loss of you back then, how could you have suffered so much?" Bitter, it's the concubine who is sorry for you."

Concubine Liu Gui's tears kept falling, she was afraid that Yaotong would wake up, she quickly wiped her tears, got up and left the bedroom.

The moment the door was closed, the person on the bed slowly opened his eyes, filled with thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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