First-class daughter

Chapter 1698 Opportunity

Chapter 1698 Opportunity
Chapter 1698 Opportunity
In the imperial study room, the emperor sat on a chair and sighed, "Gao Jing."

"The servant is here." The eunuch Gao Jing stepped forward.

"Continue to order people to keep an eye on the prince to see if he really has the heart of repentance." The emperor said.

Gao Jing nodded.

In the imperial study room, the emperor's brows were tightly furrowed.

Recently, he often feels powerless, and often has the idea of ​​abdicating.

But now, the crown prince has let him down, and the other princes are still unstable, how can he let go of Li Chaojiangshan.



Early the next morning, Yaotong continued to practice horsemanship with General Wei at the racecourse.

After the two rode all the way to a deep forest, they rested. General Wei looked at Yaotong and said, "The third highness is very talented. In just a dozen days, his equestrian skills are so superb, not inferior to any other horseman." Prince."

"Really?" Yaotong lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, not having much confidence in herself.

"Naturally, in half a month, there will be a hunting meeting held every two years, and His Highness the Third Highness will be able to show off his charm at that time." Speaking of this, General Wei has great confidence in Yao Tong.

Yao Tong heard the words, his pupils shrank, and a slight luster flashed in his eyes, "Hunting meeting?"

"Yes, it is held every two years. It is the most solemn event in the Li Dynasty. Even the emperor will participate in it in person." General Wei said.

"Where is the location?" Yao Tong asked.

General Wei pointed to a direction to the west, "It's the Xishanwei Hunting Ground twenty miles outside the palace."

Outside the palace...

Hearing these two words, Yaotong clenched her fists unconsciously, feeling deeply in her heart that this was an excellent opportunity.

He must hold on to it firmly.


Yongchun Palace.

"Really? Did the emperor really say that the prince's confinement will be lifted tomorrow?" After hearing the news reported by Yurong, the queen's mood, which had been gloomy for several days, finally cleared up somewhat.

Yurong nodded, "Yes, Xiao Shengzi said just now that he saw Eunuch Gao go to the East Palace to deliver the decree."

"That's good." After confirming the news, the queen's expression of joy faded away.

"Empress, is there anything else you're not happy about?" Yu Rong was a little frightened when she saw the empress's face darkened.

The queen's eyes were cold and cold, "Now the outside world is spreading rumors that it was Li Yantong who magnanimously begged the emperor for mercy. Concubine Liu Gui is really good at scheming, and she actually plotted against me and the crown prince!"

Hearing this, Yu Rong didn't know what to say, after thinking about it, she said, "Perhaps, Concubine Liu Gui was afraid of offending the empress, so she asked the third prince to intercede?"

"Do you think she would be so kind?" The queen raised her eyebrows, "A woman who has been ill for more than ten years can still maintain her honor and favor. Her scheming must be deeper than the sea. Now, she is afraid that it is for her Son, we are going to declare war with this palace."

Yu Rong was terrified when she heard this, "Empress, then we must let Wang Ping do it as soon as possible. This third prince will definitely be the biggest obstacle for His Royal Highness."

"Originally, we could do it in a few days, but the crown prince did it rashly, and this palace has to postpone the plan again." The Queen's tone was full of displeasure.

"Empress, in half a month, it will be the hunting meeting." Yu Rong counted the days and reminded.

Hunting convention?

The queen raised her brows slightly, "Yes, why did I forget this matter?"

After a pause, he said, "Perhaps, this is an excellent opportunity."

After the prince was lifted from the foot restraint, he went to the emperor immediately.

At this time, the prince knelt in the imperial study room, and sincerely assured the emperor, "Father, everything this time is the fault of my son. When my son was grounded these few days, I thought about it a lot. As a prince, The servants are the future hope of the Li Dynasty, so we must strictly abide by our duties and keep ourselves safe."

"This is the law of the Li Dynasty copied by my ministers in the past few days, please have a look at it." The prince said, and handed over the law of the Li Dynasty that had been copied in a thick volume.

Seeing this, Gao Jing stepped forward to take the law from the prince and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor looked at the neatly written, stroke-by-stroke laws of the Li Dynasty, and knew that the prince had copied them with all his heart. Besides, the prince's words were sincere at the moment, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

"Knowing your mistakes can make you better, Changfeng, get up." The emperor said.

Seeing that the emperor had forgiven him, a flash of success flashed across the prince's eyes, then he stood up and looked at the emperor respectfully, "Thank you, father."

"Do you know that it's your third younger brother who begged for you this time?" The emperor raised his eyes, staring at the prince with burning eyes.

The prince paused for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "Father, I have already heard about this matter when I was in the East Palace. I am deeply ashamed of this, and I will go to Linhua Palace in a while to personally apologize to my third brother .”

"That's not necessary, it's enough if you have the heart." The emperor said.

No matter how bad Changfeng is, he is still Li Chao's prince after all. This matter has been punished and troubled, and that's all.

If the prince is asked to apologize to Yan Tong in person, it will only damage the prestige of the prince and cause uneasiness and turmoil among the courtiers.

"Yes, father." The prince nodded.

"Okay, you go back." The emperor glanced at the prince.

After hearing this, the prince bowed slightly, "The minister there will take his leave first."

When the crown prince had just left the imperial study, he heard the emperor's voice from inside the imperial study, "Gao Jing, pass down the order, this matter will not be mentioned again in the palace."

"The slave obeys the order."

Hearing this, a sinister smile appeared on the prince's face.

After leaving the imperial study, the prince said as he walked, "Thanks to the mother, I ordered someone to prepare this speech in advance, and the father is really very useful."

"That's right, after all, the empress has been with the emperor for the longest time, and she knows him best." Situ, the prince's personal bodyguard, said.

Hearing this, the crown prince's eyebrows darkened slightly, and he turned to walk in the direction of Yongchun Palace, "The crown prince thought that the queen's advice to the prince was very noisy, but after learning this lesson, I found that what the queen said was the truth .”

"The Empress is your mother, and she will always consider His Highness. Your Highness should listen to the Queen's words more in the future." Situ said boldly.

The crown prince nodded, and a deep and cold voice sounded, "This time, the crown prince will work with the queen mother to get rid of that bastard Li Yantong!"

After a while, Yongchun Palace.

"It's the best thing for the emperor to think so, and the queen mother is also very pleased." The queen sat on the main seat, and she was deeply relieved when she heard the prince listened to her advice.

This time, it was a blessing in disguise.

As long as the prince can trust her more as the queen mother, it will be a good thing.

"Mother, Ke'erchen can't swallow the fuss this time, Li Yantong, that bastard, must be eliminated!" The prince said, a look of cruelty appeared on his handsome and extraordinary face, and he put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table, There was a noise.

(End of this chapter)

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