1699 Threat
1699 Threat
"The queen mother knows that you have been wronged, but now your father is watching closely. For the next period of time, you will stay in the East Palace and study hard, and leave the rest to the queen mother." The queen looked at the prince.

The prince is her only hope, and she cannot let the prince continue to take risks.

She will definitely let the prince inherit the power of the Li Dynasty in a glorious manner!

Hearing what the queen said, the prince raised his eyebrows immediately, "Listen to what the queen mother said, does the queen mother have an idea?"

"Don't ask too much, you just need to know that everything the queen mother does is for your own good." The queen looked at the prince and said meaningfully.

The prince nodded.

Before leaving, the queen thought of something and said, "You and An Rong have been married for so long, it's time to seize the time and continue to have an heir for the royal family."

Speaking of this, the crown prince showed a trace of disgust, "This woman has been ill for three days, and I haven't been in her room for a long time."

Hearing this, the queen's complexion also collapsed.

Then he said calmly, "After all, An Rong's father is the Marquis of Dingguo, and his status should not be underestimated. I am afraid that your father-in-law will have some complaints about what happened to you this time. You should find a time to pay a visit to your father-in-law."

"Yes, queen mother." The prince believed the queen very much now, so he complied with the queen's words.

After the prince left, the queen rubbed her head with some headaches, "If An Rong gave birth to a son, it would be the emperor's first grandson. The emperor must be very happy."

"Empress, don't be angry, this kind of thing can't be rushed." Yurong stepped forward to comfort her.

"Why can't you be in a hurry? An Rong's father is the first-class Marquis of Dingguo in the court. Married into the door." The queen thought about it, and felt more and more angry.

Yu Rong pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

After a while, the queen's headache became more severe, and she glanced at Yurong impatiently, "Let Wang Ping keep an eye on Li Yantong these few days."

"Yes, slaves obey."


After learning that the hunting conference was about to take place, Yaotong stayed in the shooting range or the horse farm every day, practicing hard.

In just a few days, his skills became more and more refined.

Every day, after practice, Yaotong returned to Linhua Palace. After bathing, he would stay alone in the room, study the topographic map of the Xishan hunting ground, and formulate a secret plan that belonged only to him.

"Le Yan..." Yao Tong once again looked down at the red rope in her hand, falling into deep thoughts.

I don't know Le Yan, what are you doing now?
"Your Highness." When it was quiet, there was a light knock on the door, and Yi Rui's voice came.

"Is something wrong?" Yao Tong asked lightly.

Yi Rui said outside the door, "The imperial concubine has boiled a bowl of ginseng chicken soup for Your Highness, please Your Highness to enjoy."

"Come in." Yaotong said.

After saying that, Yi Rui pushed open the door, holding a tray in her hand, and inside a casserole, there was a pot of steaming chicken soup.

After Yirui put down the chicken soup, she filled a bowl for Yaotong and handed it in front of Yaotong, "Your Highness, I heard from Sister Hongtang that this was cooked by the imperial concubine herself. The imperial concubine saw that your highness has been practicing hard these days. , I feel distressed, so I made chicken soup specially."

Hearing this, Yaotong felt an invisible pressure in his heart.

Looking at the bowl of chicken soup in front of him, Yaotong clenched his fists slightly, and his originally unwavering heart was shaken a bit.

But soon, Yaotong regained his senses.

He deeply understands in his heart that he does not belong to Li Chao, he is going to find Le Yan, and he is going to live an ordinary life.

"Go down." Yaotong said lightly.

Yi Rui paused and nodded.

After Yirui left, Yaotong picked up the spoon, took a sip of the chicken soup, and then put down the spoon again.

Until the bowl of chicken soup was completely cooled, he never picked up the spoon again.

On the seventh day of the first month, the biennial Royal Hunting Conference officially arrived.

The night before, Emperor Li Chao had led the crowd to the meeting place, and after allocating tents, a bonfire meeting was held.

As the music sounded in the venue, the bonfire banquet was full of laughter and laughter. Everyone toasted and chatted with each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Yaotong sat on her seat, looking at the excited people around her with a calm expression, only thinking about the plan she had planned for a long time.

The closer it got, the more uneasy and nervous he felt.

Thinking about it, Yao Tong subconsciously glanced at Concubine Liu Gui who was sitting next to the emperor at the moment. Concubine Liu Gui was a little pale and energetic, obviously she was not feeling well.

He knew that Concubine Liu Gui had never participated in hunting conferences in previous years, because the bumpy journey would aggravate her physical discomfort, but this year she made an exception to participate because of herself.

Just as she was thinking, Concubine Liu Gui noticed Yaotong's place. After the mother and son looked at each other, Concubine Liu Gui smiled and nodded towards Yaotong.

Yaotong was startled slightly, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of Yaotong.

Yaotong raised his eyes, and saw that the prince appeared at some time, holding a wine glass in his hand, and the expression on his face was somewhat playful.

"Meet the prince." Yaotong stood up and saluted the prince.

Not far away, the fifth princess, Li Junqi, saw the prince approaching Yaotong, she clenched her sleeves nervously, and her gaze fell here.

Here, the crown prince looked at Yao Tong, but chuckled lightly, and said, "Come on, third brother, the moon is full tonight, and my brother toasts you."

Seeing this, Yaotong couldn't shirk it, picked up the wine glass on his table, and clinked glasses with the prince lightly.

After the two had a glass of wine each, the prince's lips curled up slightly, and he stepped forward suddenly, reaching out and pressing Yao Tong's shoulder.

Yaotong clenched his fist suddenly, and the whole person was on guard.

The prince patted Yaotong's shoulder lightly, stared at Yaotong, his eyes were dark, and he smiled coldly, "Look at you, sitting here alone, looking out of place, I don't know, I thought We're all pushing you out!"

"That's right, you're a boy from the countryside, where ever you participated in such an occasion, I don't blame you, and I don't blame you, hahaha." The prince said, feeling a little drunk, and couldn't help laughing.

Yaotong looked at the prince who was a little drunk, and reminded, "His Royal Highness is drinking too much."

"No, the prince didn't drink too much!" The prince grabbed the hand on Yaotong's shoulder and exerted a little force, "Li Yantong, this prince will let you know that you are an incompetent bastard, and you are not worthy of being Li Chao The Third Prince!"

After finishing speaking, the prince snorted coldly, let go of Yao Tong, and walked to his seat.

Yao Tong still stood where she was, and didn't pay any attention to what the prince said just now, but found it very ridiculous.

Was the dignified prince of the Li Dynasty actually threatened by his little drug boy?

(End of this chapter)

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