1703 - Quick

1703 - Quick

Now he could faintly feel some pain in his abdomen.

"It depends on your performance." Yaotong glanced at the prince.

The prince didn't dare to say anything more at the moment, he stood up with his strength, and walked towards the exit with Yaotong.

And everything he had carefully arranged in this deep forest can only be done here!

The more he thought about it, the more ruthless the prince's eyes became.

After about a stick of incense, the prince brought Yaotong to the end of the hunting ground.

At the end of the hunting ground, there are large stretches of high walls.

And beyond this high wall is freedom.

Yaotong looked at the high wall, and then at the sky outside the high wall, his whole body was inexplicably agitated, and without saying a word, he turned over and flew up the high wall.

"Wait, where's my antidote!" the prince said anxiously.

Yaotong ignored the prince, and his eyes fell on the vast world outside the high wall.

Outside the high wall, looking around, rice fields, small roads, and the breeze in the suburbs, these were the things he was most familiar with, but he never thought that one day, he would have to put in all his effort to take a look at them.

The corners of Yao Tong's lips gradually evoked a pleasant and comfortable smile.

Leyan, here I come!

Just as he was about to jump off the high wall, the prince slapped the wall excitedly, and said in disregard of his image, "An antidote! An antidote! Li Yantong, poisoning the prince is a capital crime. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, you will be arrested." return!"

Yaotong lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, "After two hours, the medicinal properties will be automatically removed."

"Damn it, you!" The prince gritted his teeth angrily when he found out that he was being tricked, and wanted to pounce on Yaotong to kill him, but now he couldn't exert any strength.

Yaotong didn't want to stay for too long, so he jumped towards the high wall.

"call out……"

At this moment, with the sound of a horse's hoof, a feathered arrow quickly left the string and shot steadily towards Yaotong's back.

The fourth prince Li Wenxian, who had been observing everything in the dark since he entered the hunting ground, finally made his move after finding the right moment.

In front of him, there was the sound of blood splattering, and a sharp arrow pierced Yaotong's shoulder fiercely.

Yaotong snorted, and felt a heart-piercing pain from his shoulder, the pain made him turn pale in an instant, and almost passed out.


Yaotong fell off the high wall.

Outside the high wall, the fifth princess Li Junqi has been meeting Yao Tong under the high wall as agreed.

When she saw Yaotong who fell down the high wall and was covered in blood, her face turned pale with fright, she almost screamed, and quickly ran over, "Third brother, third brother!"

Li Junqi panicked all of a sudden.

How is this going?

What happened?
"Quick, let me go, let me go..." Yaotong maintained the last sliver of reason, and tightly grasped Li Junqi's wrist.

Li Junqi hurriedly ordered the maid to come forward to help, the two gritted their teeth and helped Yaotong get into the carriage.

The carriage quickly ran to the south.

"Third brother, you can't sleep, you have to hold on, you must hold on!" Inside the carriage, Li Junqi supported Yaotong's face with a worried expression, and kept talking to Yaotong, keeping Yaotong in check. sanity.

Yaotong narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes had gradually become blurred, in the haze, he seemed to see a familiar little face, frowning tightly, looking at him worriedly.

"Le Yan, is that you? Le Yan..." Yao Tong gently reached out and touched her.

Li Junqi was taken aback for a moment, the touch on her face and Yaotong's gentle eyes made her fall into a kind of astonishment.

"Leyan..." Yaotong called out again.

"Yes, I'm Le Yan, so you have to hold on, you know?" Li Junqi held Yaotong's hand instead, trembling nervously.

At this moment, the groom's scream came from outside, "It's not good! Princess! They're chasing you!"

As soon as the words were finished, Li Junqi only heard the sound of horseshoes coming from all directions, and at this moment, the carriage made a loud noise, and then stopped.

Li Junqi showed panic, and lifted the curtain of the carriage. When she saw the people standing outside the carriage, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Mother, queen mother..."

The queen was helped out of the carriage, walked quickly in front of Li Junqi, raised her hand and slapped Li Junqi fiercely, and cursed angrily, "You are so audacious!"


"Come here! Take back the man who assassinated the prince, and ask the emperor to make a decision!" The queen sternly said.

Li Junqi bit her lower lip, she never thought that the queen would appear in person to arrest people, but how could the queen mother know this...

Li Junqi subconsciously looked at her maid.

The maid Fang Fei was frightened and knelt on the ground when Li Junqi saw this, and cried, "Princess, this servant is also doing it for your own good, the third prince is just using you on purpose, you can't be deceived by him!"

Li Junqi looked depressed, she never thought that she would be betrayed by her maid after reaching this stage.


Three brothers...

Li Junqi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At this moment, Concubine Liu Gui's carriage also drove over, with General Wei following beside her.

Concubine Liu Gui stumbled out of the carriage and ran towards this direction.

Just now, when they were all on the high platform, someone suddenly came to report that Yan Tong had assassinated the prince in the hunting ground, and now he escaped from the hunting ground and was about to leave.

The queen immediately ordered someone to follow Yaotong.

She took a step slowly and arrived only now.

When Concubine Liu Guifei saw Yao Tong who was covered in blood and was unconscious, she staggered and nearly fell to the ground, "Yantong, Yantong!"

The queen snorted coldly, and looked at Concubine Liu Gui, "Concubine Liu Gui, this is the good son you taught. Not only did he assassinate the prince, but he also forcibly kidnapped the fifth princess. I will settle this account with you this time." !"

"No, queen mother, it's me..." Li Junqi couldn't help saying when she saw that the queen had also charged Yaotong with this crime.

"Shut up! You don't have a place to speak here!" The queen glared at Li Junqi.

Li Junqi wanted to say something, but she was dragged aside by Nanny Fu and Yu Rong who were beside the queen.

"Take it away!" The queen glanced at Yantong and shouted.

Concubine Liu Gui could only watch Yaotong being taken away by the queen's men, tears streaming down her eyes.

Wei Shijie stood aside, and lightly patted Concubine Liu Gui on the shoulder, "The third prince wants to be free, maybe after this time, he will stop thinking about it."

Concubine Liu Gui looked at Wei Shijie with tearful eyes, and there was a burst of colic in her heart, "Our mother and son finally got together, why, why..."

Wei Shijie sighed.

Not far away, Concubine Shu who came to watch the fun was sitting on the carriage, taking in all the messy situation just now.

The old woman next to her said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is still smart, this trick of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind is really ingenious."

When Concubine Shu heard this, she chuckled, "The prince is threatened by a prince from the people, it can only show that he is useless! Li Yantong dared to run away privately, and he didn't take the emperor seriously. Today, Wen Xian not only saved the prince , and prevented Li Yantong from leaving, this credit is really not small."

(End of this chapter)

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