First-class daughter

Chapter 1704 Bullying You

Chapter 1704 Bullying You
Chapter 1704 Bullying You
Half an hour later, the hunting ground camp.


The emperor looked at the people who were kneeling all over the room, and Yaotong who was carried on the stretcher and was being bandaged and treated by the imperial doctor. He was so angry that he smashed the teacup at hand and shouted angrily, "Who will tell me, What happened?"

Before he came, he had already heard that it was Yantong who kidnapped the prince in order to escape, and was left behind by Wen Xian.

"Your Majesty, today's incident has never been heard of by my concubines. I have never seen anyone so disregarding the laws of our Li Dynasty! This bold third prince, in order to escape from the hunting ground, often takes advantage of the time when the prince is not seriously injured. , fed poison to the prince, and forced the prince to help him escape, it is really hateful!" The queen spoke first, and appealed to the emperor about Yao Tong's crime.

Concubine Liu Gui quickly argued after hearing this, "No, no, Your Majesty, my concubine believes in Yantong, there must be a misunderstanding in all of this today, but Yantong is injured and comatose now, and he can't tell if he is suffering."

"Is he suffering? Then the prince is not suffering? The prince was accidentally bitten by a civet cat in the hunting ground today, and the third prince took the opportunity to threaten the prince. Isn't the prince wronged?" The prince behind his eyes.

The emperor's eyes also fell on the prince.

The prince was stunned for a moment, and after meeting the queen's gaze, he took a deep breath and lifted the hem of his clothes, revealing a row of bloody teeth marks on his ankles.

"Reporting to my father, when my son was in the deep forest, he was bitten by a civet cat, and later he asked Situ who was accompanying him to find some medicine for him. Unexpectedly, the third brother suddenly rushed out at this time, taking advantage of his injury When it was difficult for him to move, he fed a poison to the son-in-law and forced him to take him away, but the son-in-law refused at first, but later, the third younger brother said, said..." The prince said, with a frightened expression on his face, It seems that he dare not say any more.

"Say it!" the emperor shouted, the veins on his forehead popping out.

The prince quickly fell to the ground and said, "Third brother said, if I don't listen to him, the poison will take effect within half an hour, and I will die of intestinal rot!"

"God, so vicious!" Zhang Jieyu, who was kneeling in the corner, exclaimed.

Concubine Liu Gui couldn't help wiping away her tears when she heard that the queen and the crown prince had pushed all the crimes on Yaotong, "Your Majesty, Yantong is a pure-hearted child, it is impossible for him to do such vicious things, please wait for Yaotong After waking up, let's confront each other again?"

"What is the confrontation? Just now the imperial doctor checked the prince's pulse, and the prince has indeed taken poison in his body. Could it be that the prince himself took the poison?" The queen glanced at Concubine Liu Gui, with a serious expression.

After the words fell, several imperial physicians who accompanied him stepped forward one after another, and the leading imperial physician said, "Report to the emperor, the prince has indeed taken poison in his body, and because the time is short, it can still be diagnosed."

"No, it's impossible!" Concubine Liu Gui fell to the ground, unable to believe it.

Her child is not such a person!

Today, it was obviously her child who was lying there in a coma, life and death unknown, why was it her child's fault for everything?
She is patient everywhere, but some people bully others too much!
"Wen Xian, tell me." The emperor looked sullenly, and looked at the fourth prince who hadn't spoken.

The fourth prince was named, paused, and said, "Father, I have been with my sixth and seventh brothers today, and the prince and brother have been in front of us, but after a while, I found out The prince and brother are gone."

"Thus, I searched for the prince and brother all the way, and later found the prince and third brother in the deep forest to the west. At that time, the prince was lying on the ground, and the third brother was standing in front of the prince. I don't know what to say What, Ke Erchen could see that the prince and emperor brother was clutching his stomach at that time, his face was pale, and Erchen knew that something was wrong, so he followed the two of them all the way for fear of scaring the snake away."

"In the end, when the third brother jumped over the wall and was about to leave, my son had no choice but to shoot an arrow at the third brother, and asked the father to come down!"

After Li Wenxian finished speaking, he kowtowed and begged the emperor to forgive him.

When the queen heard Li Wenxian's remarks, she wished she could go up and tear Li Wenxian's mouth.

These words are all about the prince being useless, being coerced by Li Yantong, damn it, he is worthy of being Concubine Shu's good son!
Fortunately, she had just made preparations.

They found a civet cat and let the civet bite the prince, so that it would appear that the prince was coerced because he was injured, and he looked better.

And the poison was also given to the prince after she took some of it, and then immediately gave it to him.

Today, no matter what, this brat Li Yantong must be eradicated.

The emperor has always had a special appreciation for Yantong, the son who came back from the folk, but after hearing these deeds at this moment, he looked at Yantong with a bit of scrutiny.

It's just that the struggle in the palace can never be commented on only one-sided words.

"Physician Yang, how is the third prince?" the emperor asked about Yantong's injury.

At this moment, he also wanted to hear what Yan Yan said about what happened at that time.

Imperial Physician Yang, who was bandaging Yantong, stepped forward, his face was not very good-looking, "My Majesty, the third prince was injured on his back shoulder, lost a lot of blood, and when he fell off the high wall, he seemed to be on the back of his head. The current situation is very bad." it is good."

"What? Yantong! Yantong!" Concubine Liu Gui almost fainted when she heard this.

Their mother and son finally got together, are they going to face parting again?
No, you can't!
"Physician Yang, you must save the third prince!" the emperor solemnly said.

Physician Yang nodded.

"Your majesty, since the crown prince and the third prince are both injured, why don't we stop here today, how about we wait for the third prince to wake up and then settle today's matter?" Concubine Shu spoke at the right time, holding her sweet voice, looking to the emperor.

The emperor was originally furious, but when he heard Concubine Shu's voice, it seemed like a stream of clear water poured into his heart, and his complexion suddenly became much better.

He couldn't help waving his hands and said, "Let's stop here for today, and we'll make a decision after the students wake up!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Queen and others nodded.

After the emperor left, the queen stood up from the ground, looked at the crowd, and said, "Let's all go away."

The people in the house dispersed one after another.

After everyone left, the queen walked slowly towards Yantong.

"You, what do you want to do?" Concubine Liu Gui immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Yan Tong, preventing the queen from approaching.


The queen raised her hand, slapped Concubine Liu Gui, leaned over and said coldly, "This slap, I gave it on behalf of the crown prince, you son of a bitch, dare to threaten the crown prince, death is not a pity!"

"Empress, don't bully me too much!" Concubine Liu Gui looked at the empress's aloof appearance, and hatred welled up in her moist eyes.

"Hahaha, Concubine Liu Gui, I just want to bully you, so what can you do, what can you do to win me?"

(End of this chapter)

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