First-class daughter

Chapter 1705 Fall Out of Favor

Chapter 1705 Fall Out of Favor
Chapter 1705 Fall Out of Favor
Concubine Liu Gui looked at the queen with red eyes, all words were blocked in her throat at this moment, and she couldn't utter a single word.

Yes, how can she be a queen?
Seeing that she was silent, the queen withdrew her eyes in satisfaction and walked out.

After everyone left, Concubine Liu Gui still sat on the ground, motionless, but the expression in her downcast eyes gradually changed.

"It's cold on the ground, my lady is thin, get up quickly." General Wei stood on one side, and wanted to reach out to help Concubine Liu to get up, but quietly withdrew his hand.

Concubine Liu Gui sneered, as if mocking herself, "You said, is it wrong for me to be cautious in this harem all these years and to give in everywhere?"

General Wei sighed when he heard this, "The palace is dangerous, sometimes you really can't help yourself."

"Hehe, yes..." Concubine Liu Gui chuckled, thinking of Yan Tong who was in a coma now, her hands in her cuffs gradually clenched tightly.


Because of the unpleasant incident in the hunting competition, the emperor lost his interest and left for the palace ahead of schedule.

After returning to the palace, the Linhua Palace where Yantong lived was guarded by heavy soldiers, and even concubine Liu Gui was refused when she wanted to visit.

In the middle of the night, news came from Linhua Palace.

The third prince is awake!
The news of Tong Yan waking up spread throughout the entire palace. Even the emperor, who had already fallen asleep, immediately changed his clothes and went to Linhua Palace after hearing the news.

In a short time, the big shots gathered in Linhua Palace one after another.

The emperor, empress, concubine Liu Gui, concubine Shu, prince, four princes, etc., there are many of them.

"Yantong, Yantong, are you awake? It's great, Concubine Mother's heart can finally be lifted." Concubine Liu Gui sat beside the bed excitedly, looking at Yantong with a pale face, full of distress .

Looking at the crowd of people standing by the bed, Yantong frowned slightly, his eyes were filled with vigilance and scrutiny.

"Who are you?" Tong Yan asked coldly.

As soon as the words came out, there was a dead silence in the room.

The queen came to her senses first, and hurriedly said, "The third prince thinks he can get away with pretending to have amnesia? You used poison to hold the prince hostage to help you leave the palace. This is something you can't get away with!"

Three princes?

Yantong glanced at the people standing in front of him, combined with what the queen said, closed his eyes, tried hard to recall the past, but found that he couldn't remember anything.

"Prince doctor." The emperor saw something was wrong and ordered the doctor to come forward.

The head of the imperial hospital stepped forward and checked Yantong's pulse and wounds.

Finally, draw a conclusion.

"My Majesty, the back of the third prince's head is a little swollen. According to Weichen's many years of experience, there may be a blood clot on the back of the head, so the third prince can't remember the past." The head of the hospital said.

Hearing this conclusion, the people in the room had different expressions.

Concubine Liu Gui was undoubtedly relieved.

This matter, no matter whether Yantong really wants to leave the palace or is framed, Yantong doesn't care about it now.

Amnesia, amnesia is good.

"Doctor Li, are you sure?" The queen couldn't believe it.

This country boy, Li Yantong, was about to be eliminated, but he lost his memory. What's the difference between this and death?
Li Yuanshou glanced at the queen and nodded slightly.

For a moment, everyone looked at the emperor, waiting for the emperor to make a decision.

Even the queen didn't dare to say anything more at this moment. If she tried her best to speak for the prince, she would seem too impatient.

The emperor was silent for a while, and when his eyes touched Yantong's clean and pure eyes, his heart froze for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "Since that's the case, then Yantong, you should heal your wounds first."

After finishing the words, he looked at the people in the room behind him again, "Everything that happened in the hunting ground should be considered in the long run."

"Your majesty..." The queen couldn't help calling out.

Think long-term, how to think long-term?
Isn't this a disguised form? Let's just let this matter go away?

It's really a pity that she doesn't have any evidence to kill Yantong. Now, the emperor will not believe everything based on their one-sided words.

"Father, son..."

The queen took a deep breath, cast a sidelong glance at the prince, and signaled the prince not to speak further.

The prince was full of unwillingness, but he still swallowed the words.

"It's all gone!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he left first.

After the emperor left, the prince pointed at Yantong on the bed and cursed angrily, "Li Yantong, you are really there, and you actually thought of pretending to have amnesia!"

"Prince!" The queen scolded.

Afterwards, he slowly approached the bed, showing a deep smile, "Third Prince, the future will be long!"

After speaking, he took the prince and left together.

Concubine Shu saw everything in her eyes, before leaving, she exchanged a glance with the fourth prince, the mother and son didn't say much, only said a few words of concern.

Concubine Liu Gui hated Li Wenxian for shooting Yan Tong, so she ignored the hypocritical concubine Shu's mother and son.

Concubine Shu was not annoyed, she left Linhua Palace with a smile.

After everyone left, Concubine Liu Gui sat on the side of the bed excitedly, reaching out to touch Yantong's forehead, but Yantong backed away subconsciously.

Concubine Liu Gui's hand froze in the air, she withdrew it angrily, "Yantong, I am your concubine mother, you don't have to be afraid of me."

Tong Yan was startled slightly, but didn't make a sound.

"In the past, it was the concubine mother who was too cowardly and only wanted to lead you to live a life of grievances in this palace, but recently the concubine mother realized that she was very wrong, because the concubine mother's cowardice not only caused you to be bullied repeatedly, but also caused you to be bullied repeatedly. It caused you to become like this. In the future, Concubine Mother will do her best to protect you." When Concubine Liu Gui said these words, she changed from her usual weakness, and there was a rare sternness in her moist eyes.

Although Yantong couldn't remember Concubine Liu Gui, hearing her say these words, his heart was also touched.

Combined with the situation just now, he has roughly understood his identity.

So, he said lightly, "Concubine Mother should continue to lead me to live with humiliation, only in this way can I get stability."

"What?" Concubine Liu Gui was surprised.


The news of the third prince's amnesia spread throughout the palace overnight.

The next day, everyone was discussing the news that the third prince lost his memory and the emperor pardoned him.

Everyone sighed.

It is said that since then, the emperor has lost interest in this son, and after calling him a few times occasionally, he gradually began to alienate him.

Concubine Liu Gui was in poor health, and the number of invitations from the emperor gradually decreased.

Half a year later, most of the original large number of maids and eunuchs in Linhua Palace have been removed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even the daily meals of the students have been halved one by one.

Every time there is a banquet in the palace, Yantong is arranged in an inconspicuous corner.

One year later, everyone was saying that the prince who was found by the people had completely fallen out of favor.

Three years later……

The Li Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty have had a good relationship for a hundred years. At the birthday banquet of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the envoys of the Li Dynasty went to the Great Zhou Dynasty to propose marriage to show the century-old friendship between the two countries.

(End of this chapter)

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