First-class daughter

Chapter 1706 What a pity

Chapter 1706 What a pity
Chapter 1706 What a pity
Great Zhou Dynasty, Prince Heng's Mansion.

After Feng Yunzheng got off the morning court, he returned to the mansion immediately.

As soon as he entered the back garden, a staggering little figure rushed towards Feng Yunzheng with his arms outstretched, shouting, "Daddy, Daddy..."

"Fan'er." Feng Yunzheng bent down, picked up his two-and-a-half-year-old son, Feng Jinfan, and walked into Lian Siyue's room.

In the room, Lian Siyue was sitting at the table, sewing new shoes for Fan'er. When she saw Feng Yunzheng coming, the corners of her lips curled slightly, "I'm back."

Feng Yunzheng nodded, sat down, put Fan'er on his lap, and said, "In five days, it will be the emperor's birthday, Yue'er has decided what gift to give?"

"It's all ready." Lian Siyue smiled slightly.

"By the way, in the court hall this morning, people from the Ministry of Rites said that during the emperor's birthday banquet, there will be envoys from the Li Dynasty coming to celebrate his birthday." Feng Yunzheng thought of this.

Hearing the word Li Chao, Lian Siyue stopped the movement of his hand, looked at Feng Yunzheng, "Li Chao?"

"That's right. Although Li Chao and the Great Zhou Dynasty have no contacts now, there are admonitions from their predecessors there, so they have always maintained good relations. This time I heard that Li Chao intends to come here to propose marriage for the prince in the court. Zhou Chao is getting closer." Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyue, with a bit of deep meaning in his tone.

Lian Siyue pursed her lips slightly, and after thinking about some things, she asked, "Which prince is it?"

"Emperor Li Dynasty has eight princes under his knees, and now the only ones who have reached the age of marriage are the prince, the third prince and the fourth prince. But the prince married the princess concubine in his early years, and the fourth prince also married the concubine at the beginning of the year. The third prince." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Third prince, but that child Yaotong?" Lian Siyue thought of that handsome child, and heard that life in Li Chao was not good.

Feng Yunzheng nodded and frowned slightly, "It's him."

Lian Siyue's hands tightened slightly, and said calmly, "Don't let Le Yan know about this."



Outside the door, there was a slight sound suddenly.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were taken aback, Feng Yunzheng reacted first, put down Fan'er, and quickly walked outside the door, only to see a little panicked and pale face.

"Le Yan." Feng Yunzheng was also a little surprised, but he didn't notice that Le Yan had been standing outside the door.

Then those words just now...

Just as she was thinking, Le Yan rushed into the room, knelt down at Lian Siyue's feet with a plop, "Mother..."

Lian Siyue's heart suddenly picked up, took a deep breath, and said, "You get up first."

"Mother, since my little brother and I separated, I have been thinking about him and worrying about him every day. Now I am willing to marry Li Chao, and I want to be with my little brother." Le Yan looked at Lian Siyue , expressing the thoughts in the mind.

"Le Yan'er, this matter is of great importance and cannot be willful." Lian Siyue patted Le Yan's shoulder lightly.

It's not that she doesn't want to fulfill Le Yan, it's just that Li Chao's journey is far away, even in the deep palace, there are many things that cannibalize people without spit out bones, so how can she rest assured that Le Yan will marry him?
Lian Siyue closed her eyes, and the pain and pain she had suffered in the deep palace seemed to reappear before her eyes.

She didn't want to let Le Yan walk the road she once walked again.

"Mother." Le Yan begged, with crystal clear tears falling from the sockets of her eyes.

"Leng Mei, send Le Yan out." Lian Siyue turned his eyes and became ruthless.

The next moment, Leng Mei appeared, bent down and supported Le Yan's arm, "Miss Le Yan, the princess is also for your own good."

Le Yan wiped away her tears, looked at Lian Siyue with hazy eyes, and led her out of the yard with her cold eyebrows.


"Miss, why are you still depressed?"

On the outskirts, on the cruise ship, Zhu Xian looked at Le Yan who was sitting motionless by the window, feeling a little worried.

Just now, after the cold-browed guard sent the young lady back, he ordered her to take the young lady to go out to relax, but when they arrived on the cruise ship, the young lady just didn't say a word, and I don't know what happened.

At this time, Le Yan's heart was filled with sourness and bitterness.

After three full years, she finally heard a little news about her little brother.

Ever since she heard about her little brother's situation from Uncle Jiu last time, she has been worrying about his safety all the time, and now she must find a way to fight for her.

"Miss, miss, look quickly, isn't that Mr. Qi?" Zhu Xian suddenly pointed at a cruise ship approaching.

Le Yan was slightly taken aback, and when she looked up, she saw a cruise ship approaching gradually.

The next moment, before she could react, a vigorous figure jumped over from the cruise ship next door and was walking towards her.

"Hey! Hey! My lord, don't leave me behind. The gap is so big and the boat shakes so badly that I can't jump over! Woohoo, lord, help me!" Xiaoyuan stood in the cruise ship, wanting to follow. Qi Yan jumped over together, but found that he was shorter than Qi Yan, and couldn't jump at all.

Qi Yan rolled his eyes at Xiaoyuan impatiently, "Don't follow me."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo young master." Xiaoyuan flattened her mouth aggrieved.

Qi Yan reached out and grabbed Xiaoyuan's arm, pulling him from another cabin.

Seeing Xiaoyuan's embarrassed look, Zhuxian couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Yan approached Le Yan, saw her eyes were red and swollen, and bent down to ask.

When he was on the shore, he saw her sitting in the cabin. He originally wanted to wait for her on the shore, but he saw that she was always in the same posture for a long time, so he couldn't help but come over to find out.

"I'm fine." Le Yan turned her eyes away, looking at the lake outside the window.

"Really?" Qi Yan glanced at her left and right again.

Le Yan pursed her lips and nodded slightly, "Yes."

After a pause, Le Yan asked, "Why are you here?"

"Miss Le Yan, there is a new product in my son's Lanyue Pavilion. I was about to deliver it to you, but I saw you leaving the mansion, so I followed... ouch, it hurts!"

"shut up!"

Before Xiaoyuan finished speaking, Qi Yan slapped her on the head hard.

Qi Yan coughed uncomfortably, and looked at Le Yan, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I just wanted to give it to you on the way, so that I would go to the palace again, as you know, there are many rules in Prince Heng's mansion, we I don’t even bother to go in.”

After finishing speaking, Qi Yan handed a brocade box to Le Yan with an awkward expression on his face.

Le Yan didn't go to pick it up, she lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Qi Yan, didn't you say you wouldn't give me these things again?"

"I want to give it to you again now, can't I?" Qi Yan snorted.

Xiaoyuan watched from the side, and together with Zhuxian, couldn't help laughing.

Seriously, young master, it's been so long, and he's still so childish!

Zhuxian's heart is also very emotional, Mr. Qi is sincere to the young lady, if the young lady marries Mr. Qi, she will be very happy in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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