Chapter 1708
Chapter 1708
Side hall.

When Lian Siyue entered the door, she saw Qi Yan standing inside. After hearing the voice, Qi Yan turned around and bowed to Lian Siyue to salute, "I have seen Princess Heng."

"Excuse me, sit down." Lian Siyue took the main seat and pointed to the side.

Qi Yan thanked him.

Soon after the maid brought two cups of tea, she backed out again.

"You came to see me today because of Le Yan's business?" Lian Siyue cut to the chase, and his eyes fell on Qi Yan.

It seems that she hasn't seen Qi Yan for more than half a year. She heard that his business in the capital is booming. After seeing him for half a year, the childishness on his face has faded a lot, and he has become more mature and stable than before.

"Yes, I want to invite the princess to prevent Le Yan from going to Li Dynasty." Qi Yan frowned tightly, with a serious expression.

Lian Siyue pursed her lips slightly, with nothing visible on her face, she took a sip of tea lightly, looked at Qi Yan, "Le Yan'er has a deep affection for Li Yantong, I'm afraid even I can't interfere this time."

"But the Li Dynasty is extremely dangerous, and Le Yan has a pure heart, and she is by no means a match for those women in the deep palace. Can the princess have the heart to watch Le Yan step into the dire situation of the Li Dynasty?" Qi Yan said, standing up a little excitedly Get up, clenched your fists.

Seeing that Qi Yan cared so much about Le Yan, Lian Siyue could only sigh fate.

"Le Yan'er is my daughter. I don't want to see her suffer, but I also don't want to see her unhappy. Qi Yan, do you understand my heart as a mother?" He showed a little worry in front of outsiders.

In fact, she already had an answer to this matter in her heart.

It's just that she doesn't want to face it, she doesn't want to let go.

Le Yan is the child she loves the most, and she can't bear to see Le Yan live in regret and pain for the rest of her life.

Perhaps, she should let Le Yan go.

At this moment, Qi Yan felt a stabbing pain in his heart, which made him feel helpless.

Le Yan, Li Chao, Li Yantong...

Qi Yan felt a little difficult to breathe.

Even Siyue looked at Qi Yan's sad look, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

Suddenly, Qi Yan suddenly knelt down in front of Lian Siyue, his eyes said firmly, "Since everything is powerless to change, then please allow the princess to grant Qi Yan's request."

"Tell me." Lian Siyue said.

"Qi Yan is willing to give up everything in the capital, and accompany Le Yan to the Li Dynasty as an elder brother." Qi Yan suppressed the thousands of thoughts in his heart, and opened his mouth calmly and rationally.

Lian Siyue's pupils shrank, she never expected Qi Yan to have such deep affection for Le Yan.

"Qi Yan, why are you bothering?" Lian Siyue, who was once unfeeling and unrequited, didn't know what expression to make when seeing Qi Yan like this.

"Princess, please fulfill me." Qi Yan kowtowed heavily to Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue looked at Qi Yan, her eyes were clouded with mist, "Qi Yan, this princess has no position to interfere in this matter, this is your own path, and you have to choose it yourself!"

"Thank you, Princess, for making it perfect." Qi Yan said.

After a stick of incense, after Qi Yan left the side hall, he stood there in a daze, with a slight smile on his lips, but in his eyes, there was unspeakable distress and despair.

After Qi Yan walked away, Lian Siyue also walked out of the side hall, greeted Lian Siyue with cold brows, and looked at Lian Siyue, "Did the princess agree with Miss Le Yan to go to Li Chao?"

"Yeah, even though I'm reluctant, I still want to let go and make things happen. Leng Mei, let Le Yan come to my room later."

He nodded coldly.


"Mother." When Le Yan came to Lian Siyue's room, Lian Siyue was sorting out some letters.

"Le Yan'er, come and sit down." Lian Siyue beckoned Le Yan to sit down.

After Le Yan sat down, Lian Siyue handed the topmost notebook to Le Yan, and said softly, "This notebook records the whole picture of Li Chao, please take a look first."

Le Yan was taken aback, and after realizing Lian Siyue's words, her eyes turned red suddenly, and her hands couldn't help shaking, "Mother, do you agree with me going to Li Dynasty?"

"In the past, I always felt that you have suffered too much, and I myself have suffered too much, and finally the pain is finally paid off, so I always hope that your life will be safe and smooth, and you will not be contaminated with conflicts. But, you are always me, what I look forward to, It may not be what you want, Le Yan, the golden silk cage you built for me, destroy it today, you can do what you want to your heart's content." Lian Siyue smiled slightly, and patted Le Yan's head.

"Mother!" Le Yan was overjoyed, knelt down and said, "Le Yan, thank you mother for everything."

Le Yan excitedly opened the handbook and read:
Speaking of which, thanks to her previous life, when she was by Feng Qianyue's side, Feng Qianyue wanted to swallow Li Chao's country, so she sent countless spies to Li Chao and collected all of Li Chao's faces.

And as a queen, she also helped Feng Qianyue sort out Li Chao's information for a few days, so that she had a general understanding of Li Chao.

Even the empress of the Li Dynasty, she had met once.

"Mother, do you really agree with me going to the Li Dynasty?" Le Yan felt like she was dreaming.

In the past few days, she even had the idea of ​​sneaking to Li Chao by herself, but she didn't expect her mother to let go at this moment.

"Le Yan'er, although mother doesn't want to let you go, but mother wants you to live happily and freely, so mother is willing to let go and let you find what you want." Lian Siyue choked up a little while speaking. .

"Mother..." Le Yan threw herself into Lian Siyue's arms, already crying so hard.

She was reluctant to part with her mother and everything here, but she also missed her little brother deeply.

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry." Lian Siyue comforted Le Yan, but her own tears lingered in her eyes, "When you arrive in Li Chao, remember to be wise and protect yourself."

Le Yan sniffed, cried and nodded.


The next day, an imperial decree came to Prince Heng's mansion.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered that the daughter of Prince Heng's mansion, Feng Leyan, with orchid quality and heart, and both blessings and wisdom, be specially named Princess Huainan, and choose a date to form a good relationship with Li Yantong, the third prince of the Li Dynasty, to show the friendship between the two countries from generation to generation. , hereby!"

Sijiu stood in front of the gate of Prince Heng's mansion, read the imperial edict, put it away, and handed it to Le Yan.

"Feng Leyan accepts the decree, long live the five emperors." Le Yan stretched out her hand and took the imperial decree.

Holding the heavy imperial decree in her hand, Le Yan only felt that the palm of her hand was very hot, and the hand holding the imperial decree trembled slightly, just like her mood at the moment.

Now everything is a foregone conclusion, but her heart is extremely heavy.

When Le Yan stood up holding the imperial decree, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Qi Yan didn't know how long he stood there, staring at her fixedly, with countless loneliness and loneliness in his eyes.

"My lord, let's go, don't look at it." Xiaoyuan looked at Qi Yan distressedly, now that the imperial decree has been issued, Miss Leyan will belong to Li Chao from now on.

The fate with their son is over.

Xiaoyuan originally thought that Qi Yan would stay for a long time, but she didn't expect Qi Yan to be very decisive this time, and said lightly, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Qi Yan turned and left.

Le Yan looked at Qi Yanyuan's back, lowered her eyes slightly, and walked into the mansion...

At this time, she absolutely never thought that the situation of herself in the near future would be completely changed.

(End of this chapter)

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