First-class daughter

Chapter 1709 is here

Chapter 1709 is here
Chapter 1709 is here

Long distance.

From winter to spring, the surrounding scenery gradually changed.

The white snow turned into green willows, the desolation gradually faded away, and the air seemed to become more humid. Finally, Leyan would not wake up coughing because of the dry night, nor would her voice become hoarse because of her sore throat.

The throat moistening tea that Zhuxian had prepared early in the morning was gradually used less and less.

Le Yan's mood gradually resembled the flower buds waiting to bloom by the roadside, with a faint expectation and impulsiveness.

She often stroked the red string on her wrist, and recalled in her mind the time when she was rescued by that simple and innocent young man. He often carried a medicine basket on his body, and when she called him, she turned her head and smiled brightly.

This smile, when Le Yan thinks about it, the corners of her lips will involuntarily show a smile.

"Miss, the third prince is really blessed." When Zhu Xian got into the carriage and handed Le Yan food, she saw Le Yan looking at the red rope in a daze, and said.

This carriage, because of the long journey, it took His Highness the Ninth Prince half a year to build it. After special processing, the appearance of this carriage looks low-key, but the inside has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer, whether sleeping or sitting and doing other things. things, all comfortable.

And Princess Heng stuffed a lot of rare medicinal herbs into the carriage, so that mosquitoes would not be bitten along the way, those faint fragrances also have the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep.

"You're talking nonsense again." Le Yan came back to her senses and put down her sleeves to cover the red string.

"Isn't that right, Miss is the one whom His Royal Highness and the princess hold dearly, but in this heart, she only thinks about that one person. He is not lucky, who is better?" Zhu Xian peeled off the maltose paper Yes, hand it to Le Yan's mouth.

Le Yan smiled, opened her mouth to bite the malt candy, and put it in her mouth.

"He likes to eat maltose the most." She said in a soft voice, as soft and sticky as sugar, "I like to eat it too."

"Miss, remember to rinse your mouth after eating." Zhu Xian handed a glass of warm water to Le Yan.

After Le Yan ate the candy, she took a sip of water and held it in her mouth. The sweet water flowed into her stomach slowly, slowly, bit by bit, warm.

Le Yan closed her eyes, and gradually fell into a dream amidst the bumps of the carriage and horses.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment..." In a daze, she seemed to hear a familiar voice, which seemed to be close at hand and far away in the sky.

who's that?

"Le Yan'er, wait a minute, wait for me..."

"It's him! It's the little brother! It's the little brother Yaotong!" She sat up suddenly, and was about to lift the curtain of the carriage, "He came to find me."

However, when she was about to lift the curtain of the carriage, a pair of powerful hands suddenly grabbed her wrists.

She turned her head, "Why didn't you let me go down, he was calling me."

"You should not meet again." The person who held her wrist tightly said.

"Why? I've been waiting for her for a long time, and he must be waiting for me too. Why shouldn't we meet again?"

"Now that you have come to this point, don't let anyone know who you are and where you come from. These are your secrets, and you must keep them forever."

"However, he is someone I trust, he is very good to me, and he is an important person to me."

"If that's the case, don't let him know, otherwise, letting him carry such a big secret will be a burden to him."

After hearing this, Le Yan's eyes sank slightly, and she slowly let go of the hand holding the curtain of the carriage, a look of sadness flashed across her face.

"Let's go, just pretend that you have never met this person in your life." The man straightened her body and prevented her from looking outside.

"But, I've waited for so long and walked so far, should I just go back like this?"

"Wait a minute!"

His voice was approaching, it seemed to be outside the carriage.

"I'm Yaotong, her...friend, I have something important to give to her!"

Le Yan was just about to speak, but was stopped by someone, she gritted her teeth, with faint tears in her eyes.

"She doesn't want to see anyone, what do you want to pass on?"

Outside the carriage, after a moment of silence, a hand was stretched out. There was a red string hanging on that finger. There was no decoration on the red string. It looked simple, but the red color was shining brightly.

"This is a red rope that I wove by myself. I gave it to her for me. It's a token between me and her. Because, because I'm afraid, I'm afraid that time will change a lot of things, I'm afraid we will get separated, I'm afraid... I'm afraid of her Will never remember me again, she is my only playmate, I hope I can meet again in the future, so... please!"

Le Yan looked at the red rope, tears gradually flowed from her eyes.

"Hiss..." Suddenly, the carriage bumped, and the horse neighed. Before Le Yan could catch the red rope, he shook it, and the red rope fell to the ground.

"Don't..." She said anxiously, and woke up suddenly.

It turned out that it was a dream.

Le Yan breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Looking at the wrist, the red string was really gone. Looking down, it was gradually lying on the ground. It must have been too long. The material of the red string was only ordinary, and the end of the hanging buckle was broken.

She hurriedly bent down and picked up the red rope.

"It's time to ask Zhuxian to bring her needle and thread, and mend it."

"Miss, miss!" At this time, Zhuxian's excited voice came from outside the carriage.

"This Zhuxian is really getting more and more unruly. She yelled like this when she saw something." Le Yan put the red string into the front of her chest, said reprimanding words, but smiled on her face.

"Miss!" Zhuxian ran over in a hurry, opened the curtain of the carriage, and said excitedly, "Miss, we have finally arrived in the territory of Li Chao."

Zhuxian looked at the sign of the stone tablet not far away, and couldn't restrain herself from shouting excitedly.

The convoy has been walking for two full months on this journey, and everyone is already tired, and now they have finally arrived.

When Le Yan heard this, her heart trembled, and she immediately sat up straight, with a flash of joy on her face, and put the red rope into her arms.

finally reached?

Zhuxian happily ran over and opened the curtain of the carriage for Le Yan.

"Miss, look quickly, it's so beautiful." Le Yan hurriedly poked her head out, and immediately pursed her lips slightly: I thought the border of the Li Dynasty would be desolate, but I didn't expect to see a bright and colorful world, with flowers all over the ground in front of my eyes , the mountains in the distance meander and stretch, and the mist is misty, with a hint of ethereal in the hazy, and a hint of illusory in the ethereal.

Le Yan was stunned for a moment, and the people in the sending-off team were also stunned when they saw this scene, and they all made a sound of amazement.

"I heard that Li Chao is a barren land, and it's not worth it for the princess. Now it seems that the water plants are lush and the scenery is pleasant, which is not bad."

There was a smile on Le Yan's face, her heart beat faster, and the time to see Yao Tong was getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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