First-class daughter

Chapter 1710 Farewell

Chapter 1710 Farewell
Chapter 1710 Farewell

At this time, Ling Ling, who was sent by Lian Siyue to take care of Le Yan, came over and said:

"Princess, it's getting late, let's continue on our way, it's best to enter the imperial city before dark."

"Well, let's hurry up, it's best to enter the city before dark."

Le Yan nodded and sat back in the carriage.

Zhu Xian happily followed up to serve.

"Hey, wait!" Nanny Ling waved her hand suddenly, signaling the carriage not to leave, her eyes fell on a direction not far behind her.

Although Nanny Ling has already reached the nanny generation, she is only just over forty years old, especially since she has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and her skill is also one of the best in a thousand, and even the slightest disturbance within a few miles can't be hidden from her.

This is also one of the reasons why Lian Siyue sent her by Le Yan's side.

"Mommy, what's the matter?" Zhuxian turned around and asked in puzzlement.

A flash of sternness flashed in Ling Momo's eyes, and she said, "Zhu Xian, you accompany the princess, wait here for a while, and the old man goes to the front to have a look." After Ling Momo said, she walked quickly towards the back of the convoy. Wearing the clothes of the nanny, but the situation is very clear under the feet, and the toes don't even touch the ground.

At this moment, the person who was hiding behind the big tree moved a little.

"Oh no, my lord, my lord, we seem to have been discovered, what should we do?" Xiaoyuan looked at Nanny Ling who was getting closer and closer, grabbed Qi Yan's arm with some fear, and asked nervously.

"Don't make noise! ​​Maybe it's just a bluff, you didn't notice us, if you make a fuss and get discovered, see if I don't beat you to death!" Qi Yan pressed Xiaoyuan's head and stretched it into the ground, Xiaoyuan didn't move at all. Dare to move.

In other words, this Qi Yan followed Le Yan's convoy all the way from the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he was very cautious along the way, hiding in hiding, deeply afraid of being discovered by Le Yan, and once he found out, he was not allowed to follow.

Because of hiding here and hiding there, I have suffered a lot along the way.

This Qi Yan was a spoiled young man who usually only relied on his head for food, and didn't work hard all over the body. He lost a lot of weight along the way.

But fortunately, he hid well and was never discovered.

Could it be that now that it's Li Chao, he was discovered instead?
"Oops, lord, here we come, we are really going to be discovered." Xiaoyuan trembled in fright. He had seen the power of this Lingmao along the way. Anyway, it was the Prince Heng who brought him out. people.

"What are you afraid of? We got the consent of the princess." Qi Yan glared at Xiaoyuan, straightened his waist, and waited for the approaching Nanny Ling to head, "If she comes, I will ask her to spare a seat." Give me the carriage, anyway, I have walked all the way on my knees today, and I am exhausted."

"But the young master didn't notice that Nanny Ling was murderous all the way, I'm afraid, my neck was broken by her, but there is no caring person to take care of the young master..." Xiaoyuan shrank her neck and simply He hid behind Qi Yan.

On the side, Song Qian, the guard of the two along the way, was speechless.

It's okay for Xiaoyuan to be afraid, but is it just a show for the young master to regard him as an expert?

At the end of the sentence, Ling Momo had already walked in front of her, looked at the big tree in front of her, and shouted, "Who is hiding here? Come out quickly! Otherwise, I will be rude."

After speaking, there was no movement.

Ling Momo narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "Since I dare to stand here, I am sure to subdue you. If you don't want to suffer casualties, then come out."

"Cough..." At this time, there was a coughing sound from the woods. Listen carefully, there was a slight embarrassment in the steady coughing.

After a while, Qi Yan came out with a graceful posture.

"Master Qi?" Nanny Ling naturally recognized Qi Yan, and when she saw Qi Yan, she couldn't help but think of what Lian Siyue had warned her before.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Song Qian who was standing beside Qi Yan, and he understood clearly.

It's no wonder that after traveling for so long, she didn't realize that Qi Yan was following behind the convoy. It turned out that he was escorted by a master.

So he quietly put away the hidden weapon hidden between his fingers, and smiled, "Master Qi must be tired after following all this way..."

Qi Yan frowned, and said, "Nurse Ling, you know it's me and still treat me like this, you really have no conscience."

Nanny Ling nodded and smiled, and said softly, "The concubine has already taken care of everything when she came here. Since Mr. Qi has also come to Li Chao, let's go say hello to the princess."

"No hurry, let's talk about it after entering the city, I'm afraid...she will drive me away." Qi Yan lowered his voice for a while, still not knowing how to face Le Yan.

"Then Mr. Qi, please do what you want, I won't accompany you anymore." Hearing this, Nanny Ling didn't say much, she nodded and walked back.

She also knows a little about Mr. Qi's thoughts on the princess.

It's just that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, and emotional matters cannot be forced.

Seeing Nanny Ling walking away, Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and tremblingly crawled out from behind.

"My lord, this Nanny Ling didn't hit anyone."

Qi Yan stretched out his hand and knocked him on the head, "It's also hitting you, can't you hit me?"

"My lord, please pay attention, this subordinate is here." Song Qian finally couldn't help but said.

"That's right, young master, Big Brother Song is here, we don't have to be afraid, Big Brother Song can beat Nanny Ling." Xiaoyuan said.

Song Qian frowned even tighter.

What the hell?

Ling Momo returned to the convoy, Zhuxian looked at Ling Momo curiously, and asked, "Ling Momo, is someone following us?"

"No, it's because I'm dazzled, there's no one around, let's continue on our way," Nanny Ling said.

Zhu Xian was slightly taken aback, thinking, Mother Ling has always had good eyesight, how could she be wrong?
She refused to say, did someone really follow?
"Let's go!" Nanny Ling yelled, and the team continued to move forward.

"My lord, let's go, they're leaving." Xiaoyuan shouted hastily.

"I saw it! Are you yelling so loudly that Le Yan'er won't be able to hear you?" Qi Yan tapped Xiaoyuan again with the fan in his hand.

"My lord, Miss has gone far away, are you still following me?" Song Qian asked calmly from the side.

"Follow! Of course! Hurry up!" Qi Yan hurriedly followed up again

Le Yan was sitting in the carriage, fingering the red string with a smile on her face.

The convoy continued to move forward, and after three hours, it finally arrived at Li Chao's imperial city before dark.

At the gate of the city, envoys from Li Chao had already been waiting there.

After seeing the convoy, Li Chao's envoy stepped forward respectfully, and bowed to Le Yan in the carriage, "Pei Hao, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, greets Princess Huainan."

"Excuse me." Le Yan's voice came from the carriage, the voice swept away the decadence just now, it was clear and powerful.

Qi Yan, who was standing at the back, saw this situation and knew that once Le Yan stepped through this door, then she would be someone else's wife. Afterwards, she would have to avoid suspicion everywhere.

A look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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