First-class daughter

Chapter 1711 Check in

Chapter 1711 Check in
Chapter 1711

So, all the hard work, hiding, chasing from Zhou Dynasty to Li Dynasty, just to see her get married?

Qi Yan, Qi Yan, how can there be someone like you who looks for abuse from thousands of miles away?

Xiaoyuan looked at her young master from the side, sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "Why bother? She stabbed herself with a knife when she knew she would be injured."

But this time, Qi Yan didn't hit Xiaoyuan, and stared at Le Yan's carriage in a daze, while Song Qian gave Xiaoyuan a hard look.

"Young master, do you want to..."

"No need..." Qi Yan interrupted Xiaoyuan's words, "It's delivered, it's time to go."

When we get here, it's... over.

"Young master..." Xiaoyuan felt sorry for her young master.

After all, my son is a son of a famous nobleman, and he is good at doing business to make money. In just three years, he became the richest businessman in the capital of Great Zhou. Even the emperor treated him a little more.

How many young ladies from aristocratic families have secret hearts, and many people have broken through the threshold to propose marriage. The young master doesn't look down on them all, but he is very persistent towards Miss Leyan.

"Let's go." Qi Yan turned around and said.

"My lord, shall we leave now?" Xiaoyuan asked.

"I have to say goodbye after sending you off for thousands of miles, and now is the time to say goodbye." Qi Yan said.

"Then... alright." Xiaoyuan glanced at Song Qian and sighed.

"The lower officials have been waiting here for Princess Huainan for a long time. The princess has traveled a long distance and worked hard." Pei Hao said.

Looking around, the team that came to welcome the bride is quite strange, and the bridegroom was not seen, His Highness the Third Officer, only Pei Hao, who was crowned as the bridegroom.

Nanny Ling frowned, and looked back at the happy face of the sedan chair.

"My lord, our princess did go through many obstacles along the way, and finally arrived. I just don't know why the third prince is not here?" Zhu Xian asked.

Qi Yan, who was about to leave, was taken aback when he heard this from a distance, and immediately turned his head away.

"The man didn't come?" He frowned.

"This princess has traveled thousands of miles to this place, yet the third prince didn't come out to greet her. Is this the custom here?" Xiaoyuan asked curiously.

"Li Chao doesn't have such rules." Song Qian said.

"Then this is..." Xiaoyuan looked at Qi Yan, and Qi Yan's face darkened slightly.

Pei Hao nodded slightly, and said, "Your Majesty is about to report to the princess. There are still three days before the wedding. According to the rules of the Li Dynasty, His Highness and the princess are not allowed to meet each other three days before the wedding. For these three days, the princess is invited to stay first." Guangyang mansion, enter the palace to get married on the day of the big wedding."

"Prince's Mansion?" Inside the sedan chair, Le Yan frowned when she heard this, with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.

How is this going?

Nanny Ling asked as if she knew what was on Le Yan's mind. "Lord Pei, when we came from the Great Zhou Dynasty, we didn't hear about the Third Highness being crowned king."

Pei Hao said with a smile, "Mama doesn't know something. About two months ago, the news of the crowning of the king probably didn't spread so quickly."

"So that's how it is." Nanny Ling nodded, "In this way, my princess can be regarded as a rich husband and wife."

Pei Hao's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued, "Yes, half a month ago, the golden light formation created by His Highness helped General Wei wipe out the Huns on the frontier in one fell swoop. The emperor's Longyan was very happy, and he named the third prince His Highness Prince Rui. Prince Rui's Mansion in the west of the city." Pei Hao said.

When Le Yan heard this, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and there was a look of joy in her eyes.

When I came here, I heard others say that the little brother was in a difficult situation in the Li Dynasty. Now it seems that the clouds have been cleared. Thinking about it, he must have suffered a lot these years

The more she thought about it, the more Le Yan wanted to see her little brother.

Zhu Xian and the others were also happy for Le Yan from the bottom of their hearts.

It was previously said that the third prince was not favored in the Li Dynasty, and the princess would not have a good life when she married. Now that the third prince is crowned king, the princess will follow him, so she will not suffer.

"Princess, let's go to Guangyang Mansion to rest with the official first." Pei Haojian said through the sedan chair curtain.

"Nurse Ling, listen to Master Pei's arrangement." Le Yan ordered without thinking too much.

Three days, three more days.

However, she will not wait obediently, and she believes that he will also come to her secretly.

Thinking of this, Le Yan secretly smiled.

"My lord, shall we still go?" Xiaoyuan asked in a low voice seeing Qi Yan standing there, watching Le Yan's sedan chair go away.

"Song Qian, go find an inn in the city." Qi Yan ordered.

"My lord, you want to live here forever?" Xiaoyuan was startled, but they had to rush back.

"It depends." Seeing the sedan chair go away, Qi Yan felt his heart beating faster for no reason.

After arriving at Guangyang Mansion.

When Le Yan got off the carriage, Nanny Ling had already put a veil on her head, making it difficult for people to see her true appearance.

All the way into Guangyang mansion, all the maids in that mansion looked at Le Yan with curious eyes, wanting to see how beautiful the princess from the Zhou Dynasty is.

But as soon as she received Ling Momo's warning gaze, she hurriedly lowered her head in fright, not daring to look any further.

"For the next three days, please let the princess rest here, and I will take my leave." Pei Hao cupped his hands.

"Lord Pei, wait a minute." Le Yan said.

"What else can the princess order?" Pei Hao turned around and asked.

Le Yan took the package of unfinished maltose from Zhuxian's hand, and said, "This, please bring it to him."

Pei Hao took a look at the small paper bag, with a slight flash of emotion in his eyes, put the paper bag in his hand, and said, "Yes, I will do so."

Pei Hao then turned around and led the team away.

Ling Momo looked at his receding back, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

"Princess, please go this way." At this time, the butler and several servants came over.

"Lead the way." Ling Momo said with a condensed look at the housekeeper.

Zhu Xian stepped forward to support Le Yan's hand, and under the guidance of the housekeeper, she entered a yard.

"Princess, here we are. This is your resting place. The servant will immediately arrange for the servants to prepare meals," said the steward.

"You go." Nanny Ling said.

"Yes." The butler turned and left.

After taking the housekeeper and others away, Le Yan lifted the veil from her face, walked around the yard a few times, and said, "Ah, I'm finally here. This journey really suffocated me to death."

"Princess, look at you, you are going to get married in three days, and you are still so childish." Zhuxian said with a smile.

"Princess, we'd better be careful." Nanny Ling glanced at the yard and said.

"It's better to be careful?" Zhu Xian was slightly taken aback.

"Nurse, don't be too serious. This is Yaotong's territory, so it must be very safe." Le Yan didn't think too much, and happily walked into the house, "I saw several places with good views just now. , because I couldn’t see through the mask.”

"Princess, wait a little longer. After getting married, you want to see what you want to see for as long as you want." Zhuxian hurriedly followed and said.

"That's true." Le Yan thought about it, and became happy again.

But Ling Momo still dutifully inspected every place in the yard.

"As expected of the person sent by the princess, Mother Ling is as meticulous and calm as that cold-browed lord." Zhu Xian sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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