First-class daughter

Chapter 1712 Catch the Snake

Chapter 1712 Catch the Snake
Chapter 1712. Catching Snakes
After a while, the housekeeper led someone to bring the meals over, and Nanny Ling took out the silver needles and inspected every food before letting Zhu Xian bring it to Le Yan.

As soon as Le Yan took a bite, she frowned and put down her chopsticks, "It's too salty! Why is Li Chao's food so salty?"

Zhu Xian hurriedly brought over water and said, "Princess, drink more water."

"Try it, is this dish too salty?" Le Yan stuck out her tongue after drinking a glass of water.

Zhuxian obeyed the order and took a sip, then immediately put down her chopsticks, picked up the water and drank it vigorously, "It's so salty! How can it be so salty? I have to make my own food for the future!"

Nanny Ling took a look at Le Yan and said, "Princess, drink some water first, and I will go to the kitchen to cook two of your favorite dishes."

"Nurse, I'll help you." Zhuxian said hastily.

"No, you take care of the princess, and you are not allowed to leave even one step." Nanny Ling said, picked up two plates of food, and left the courtyard.

"Princess, drink some more water." Zhu Xian poured water for Le Yan again, and took out a piece of plum paste, put it into Le Yan's mouth, "Go and get rid of the salty taste."

In other words, after Nanny Ling walked out of the yard, she heard a chuckle not far away, her face darkened, her steps were light, but she walked quickly, and she arrived under the big tree in a blink of an eye.

There were two maidservants laughing there. When the two of them saw Nanny Ling suddenly appearing in front of them, they were both startled and took two steps back.

"Mommy, mammy..."

Nanny Ling's sharp and deep eyes slowly flicked across the faces of the two people, and the two people only felt a gust of cold wind blowing.

"Where is the kitchen, lead the way!" Ling Momo didn't say much, but ordered concisely.

"The kitchen? The princess is not used to Li Chao's taste?" one of the maids asked.

"Yes." Nanny Ling said.

"Well, what should we do, Li Chao's taste has always been like this." Another said.

"Really?" Ling Momo's sharp eyes swept over the two of them again, then looked down at the two dishes in her hands, and pushed them into the warm arms of the two, "Princess rewards you, one for each ,ate!"

"This..." The two maidservants obviously did not expect that Nanny Ling would reward them with vegetables.

"Take me to the dining room when you're done eating, and I'll make it for the princess again," said Nanny Ling.

"But, we are now... ah..." The maid who wanted to refuse suddenly felt a pain in her wrist, as if the bones in her hand were about to break.

"Princess's reward, do you not like it, or what?" Nanny Ling's voice was like an iceberg.

"Mommy calm down, nanny calm down, the slaves don't mean that." The two maids said hastily.

"Then eat it soon!" Ling Momo pushed the food in front of the two of them again.

"Yes." The two maidservants glanced at each other and began to eat.

"Cough cough cough..." However, he frowned and coughed as soon as he ate the dish.

"What's the matter? Could it be that Li Chao's taste doesn't suit the tastes of you two Li Chaoren?" Nanny Ling said lightly.

"No,'s because they ate too fast." One of the maidservants said quickly, and stuffed another big mouthful into her mouth, but tears welled up in her eyes.

After the two desperately stuffed a bowl of vegetables into their mouths, their faces showed suppressed and painful expressions.

Presuming she didn't see it, Ling Momo turned around and ordered, "Take me to the dining room!"

"Yes, yes." The two of them didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and hurriedly led Nanny Ling towards the dining room.

"Delicious! Nanny Ling, you know how to cook." Le Yan said while eating the food that Nanny Ling had re-made with satisfaction.

"Before leaving Da Zhou, the concubine told the servant about the princess's preferences, and the servant remembered some of it. The princess hasn't eaten well these days, so eat more." Nanny Ling scooped up a bowl of soup for Le Yan and said.

Hearing the word wangfei, Le Yan felt a little sad.

"I haven't seen the princess for almost three months..."

"Is the princess homesick?" Zhuxian asked softly.

Le Yan didn't speak, and after a pause, she continued to eat with her head down.

After eating, she washed up, and Le Yan walked around the yard twice. She really wanted to go out for a walk, but because it was just before getting married, her appearance was not allowed to be seen by outsiders, so she had to go to bed early.

Zhuxian put her favorite sachet under the pillow.

"Zhu Xian, tell me, will he come to me secretly after seeing my malt candy?" Le Yan hugged the quilt, and the corner of her lips couldn't help but smile.

"Princess, go to sleep, if you think about it, you won't be able to sleep again." Zhu Xian said helplessly.

"You said, will he eat all the maltose?" Le Yan continued to ask.

"Yes, yes, it was given by the princess, and I must eat it all sweetly."

"Tell me, what does he look like now? I haven't seen him in four or five years. He must have grown a lot taller."

"Yes, yes, she must be tall and handsome, so she is worthy of our princess, our princess is so beautiful..."


Le Yan pulled Zhu Xian, and after talking a lot, she gradually fell asleep.

Zhuxian left the room, and when she went outside, she saw Ling Nanny's serious face.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Zhuxian walked over and asked respectfully.

"It's not quite right, the princess is so happy, it's understandable if she doesn't feel it." Nanny Ling said.

Zhuxian suddenly became nervous, and asked in a low voice, "Madam, have you noticed something? The princess is now full of His Highness the Third Highness, and has no time to care about others."

Nanny Ling glanced out the window, there was no moonlight outside, it was pitch black.

"I don't know either, but it's always right to wake up a little bit."

"However, the Third Highness and the princess have had a deep relationship since childhood, so what's the problem?" Zhuxian asked puzzled.

"Perhaps he has no problems, but who can guarantee that the people around him, or his enemies, are all right? He has just been crowned king and married immediately. There may be too many people with problems. In any case, be careful."

"Yes, Mammy is right."

The night was getting darker.

This is the first night in a foreign land.

Le Yan slept soundly.

However, in the middle of the night...

"Ah!" There was a sudden scream in Le Yan's room.

"What's wrong?" In the darkness, a figure flew in quickly and agilely.

"There's a snake!" Zhuxian shouted in horror, covering Le Yan's body.

Nanny Ling looked down, only to find that there were five or six snakes in the room wriggling towards the bed, spitting out blood-red cores, which was very terrifying.

"Don't panic!" Ling Momo immediately took out a pack of medicine powder from her bosom, jumped over the snakes, stood in front of the bed, blocked Le Yan and Zhuxian, and sprinkled the medicine powder on the ground.

After a while, those snakes crawled out slowly one by one, until there was not even one left.

(End of this chapter)

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