Chapter 1713
Chapter 1713 Accidents

Le Yan and Zhuxian heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mummy is lucky that you came in time, what are you?" Zhu Xian asked.

"Realgar powder, when you go out, you often meet snakes and insects, so you bring it with you," said Nanny Ling.

"Strange, how come there are so many snakes suddenly?" Zhuxian asked in puzzlement.

"And these are all poisonous snakes, if bitten, there is a fatal danger." Nanny Ling said.

"What..." Zhu Xian's heart trembled, "Then this is not an accident, but... but someone did it on purpose? Who is it that wants to get rid of the princess?"

Nanny Ling and Zhu Xian looked at Le Yan together.

And the expression on Le Yan's face was no longer full of the innocence of a little girl, but gradually became dignified, and the hand holding the quilt was tightened tightly.

She suddenly realized that this Li Chao was not as friendly as she imagined.

"Princess, it's all right. Nanny Ling is here." Zhu Xian thought she was frightened.

Le Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "The first night I came here, I wanted to put me to death. It seems that I was careless."

"Princess..." Zhu Xian called out.

The expression on Le Yan's face turned slightly cold, and she said, "Nurse Ling, what else can you find?"

Seeing that Le Yan had calmed down, Nanny Ling showed a relieved expression, and said, "The Li Chao's dishes are not so salty, the old slave took out the salty dishes and let two Li Chao's maids eat them. A maid can't eat salty at all."

"That is to embarrass the princess on purpose? This is Guangyang Palace, who is so brave to embarrass the princess? The princess is their future princess." Zhuxian said.

"In other words, who has the ability to bribe someone from Guangyang Mansion to target the princess?" Nanny Ling said.

"On the first night, he couldn't wait to kill me. Who is this person? Why did he target me?" There was a bit of coolness in Le Yan's voice.

"That's unreasonable! The princess came from afar, and someone wants to murder her. Please tell the third highness, let him check it out." Zhuxian said angrily.

Le Yan calmed down, a thought flashed in her eyes.

"No, if you tell him, I'm afraid it will scare the snake. Let's keep quiet and wait and see. But from now on, we have to be extra careful." Le Yan said.

"Yes, if the princess can pay attention, the old slave will feel relieved." Ling Nanny said.

After being disturbed by the snake, Zhu Xian checked around the yard again and sprinkled realgar powder on some places.

And Le Yan was lying on the bed, unable to sleep peacefully.

She stroked the dropped red rope in her hand and fell into deep thought.

For the next two days, Nanny Ling and Zhuxian were extra careful. Every meal was cooked by Nanny Ling herself. After three days, nothing happened.

The murderer, like a fox, bared his tail and slipped away again.

three days later.

At night, the palace of Prince Rui was decorated with lanterns and festoons, full of joy.

Le Yan was wearing a fiery red wedding dress, sitting in a soft sedan chair, the outside was bustling with people, and her heart was so nervous that it was about to jump out of her throat from early to now.

Today, we are finally officially getting married.

In the past three days, Brother Yaotong did not show up. She heard people say that Li Chao believes that it is an ominous custom not to meet before marriage.

Thinking of this, Le Yan's face under the hijab showed a smile, and the bright red wedding dress, taking advantage of her face, was delicate and beautiful, and her eyes were so beautiful that it was too beautiful.

After trekking through mountains and rivers, we are finally going to see each other

"Get off the sedan chair." I don't know how long it took, there was a shout from outside, and then the bride's sedan chair stopped, waiting for the groom to come to kick the sedan chair door and carry the bride to get off the sedan chair.

Le Yan couldn't help clutching the front of her wedding dress.

"Princess, the groom is coming soon." Zhu Xian whispered through the sedan chair curtain.

When Le Yan heard this, her heart beat even faster.

"Let's let one let, let one let!"

At this time, there was another beating sound from the guard of honor, accompanied by a rather arrogant voice from behind.

"What's going on?" Zhuxian's surprised voice came from outside.

"What's wrong?" Le Yan asked, her heart couldn't help jumping suddenly, an ominous premonition hit her heart, the hijab on her head almost fell off, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold it down.

Zhu Xian stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief at another welcoming team that arrived behind.

"My lord, princess, besides you and Prince Rui, is there anyone else who wants to get married in Prince Rui's mansion today?"

"What do you mean?" When Le Yan heard this, she was about to reach out to lift the sedan chair, but Zhu Xian hurriedly pressed her hand.

"The princess can't lift the sedan chair first, it's unlucky."

Le Yan withdrew her hand abruptly, but she felt displeased in her heart. She and her little brother are the protagonists of today's big wedding, and they came to get married again. Could it be that they deliberately made things difficult for Brother Yaotong? After all, she once knew that he was in Li Chao Being excluded, life was not smooth.

But when everyone was confused, they saw a tall and tall figure walking out of the palace. He was wearing a fiery red wedding dress. Against the backdrop of the bright red color, his handsome face was still stern, as if his facial features had been carefully polished, widowed. It was faint, as if it was about to melt into the cold.

Such a handsome man is enough to make the world pale in an instant.

The moment he appeared, the scene was suddenly silent, and the air seemed to freeze half.

"Prince Rui is here!" At this moment, someone shouted.

When Le Yan heard this cry, she felt as if her acupuncture point had been poked into her body, and she couldn't move, but the magma in her heart seemed to melt, and it was so hot that it was about to burn her.

he came!
He is finally here!
Outside the sedan chair, Li Yantong's eyes, as deep as an abyss, slowly passed over Le Yan's sedan chair. His gaze, like a weapon of a god, was enough to make the people around him lose their voices. No one dared to make a mistake. Even breathing was afraid of disturbing him.

Step by step, he walked over slowly, like a god coming down, making everyone in the world pale.

"Princess, Prince Rui is here." Zhuxian reminded in a low voice, and then glanced at Nanny Ling, who had already prepared the tools to lift the sedan chair.

Nanny Ling nodded to Zhuxian, signaling her not to be nervous.

Li Yantong walked over and stopped in front of Le Yan's sedan chair.

Ling Momo stepped forward, bowed her head respectfully, put her hands together, and said, "Prince Rui, please..."

However, before Nanny Ling finished speaking, this cold and arrogant man suddenly turned around, walked towards the sedan chair that had just landed behind him, and hung Nanny Ling's hand in the air, Leng, turn around.

It could be seen that Prince Rui had already walked in front of the sedan chair, and stretched out his hand to push the sedan chair away.

Inside, a pair of white and smooth hands stretched out. Li Yantong clenched his fist slightly, and the woman put her hand on his arm and walked out.

This woman was also wearing a wedding dress, with a hijab covering her head.

And Prince Rui, from the beginning to the end, did not take a look at Le Yan's soft sedan.

"My lord, princess..." Zhuxian felt her whole body go numb from panic.

Le Yan's heart beat faster, "What's wrong?"

"His Royal Highness Prince Rui, did you, did you make a mistake, our princess is here! You have led the wrong person." Zhuxian said hastily.

However, Li Yantong didn't react at all, and didn't even look at Zhu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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