First-class daughter

Chapter 1716 Laughing Butt

Chapter 1716 Laughing Butt
Chapter 1716 Laughing Stock

This morning, the people in the whole city were discussing what happened in Prince Rui's Mansion yesterday, and Le Yan became the laughing stock of the whole city.

But at this moment, it was not Le Yan who got out of Li Yantong's carriage, but his side concubine An Ruo.

Li Yantong, whom Le Yan had been thinking about, treated her like this now.

That is the treasure he holds in his heart.

The imperial palace of Li Dynasty, Zhengyang Hall.

After Le Yan entered the palace, someone was waiting for her and took her to the Zhengyang Palace to meet the Emperor and Empress of the Li Dynasty.

"I pay my respects to my father and mother." After standing still, Li Yantong was the first to bow down to pay his respects.

"My son pays homage to the emperor father, and the empress mother." Le Yan knelt down and saluted the emperor and empress.

An Ruo followed closely and met with the emperor and empress.

The emperor has been in a good mood recently after defeating the Xiongnu because of the formation created by Li Yantong. Now that Yantong is marrying the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is also a beautiful thing.

"Excuse me, let's all get up." The emperor said with a smile.

Several people said their thanks.

When the queen entered the door from Le Yan, she had already taken a closer look at Le Yan, now the corners of her lips curled up, and she said with a smile, "As expected of Princess Da Zhou, she is very good-looking, dignified and elegant, and Yan Tong is a natural match, Perfect match."

On the side, An Ruo's face changed slightly when he heard this, but he kept smiling all the time.

Le Yan lowered her eyes, the queen's words, to her at this moment, are undoubtedly the greatest irony to herself.

From now until now, Li Yantong hasn't even looked at her.

What is going on here?
Even if the little brother doesn't like her anymore, why should he treat her like a stranger.

Could it be that she was blaming her for ruining his marriage with An Ruo?
Le Yan bit her lip, her heart was a little messy.

When her thoughts were a little complicated, Le Yan felt a gaze looking at her, and when she raised her head, she met a pair of gentle and beautiful eyes.

After meeting their gazes, the owner of those eyes nodded and smiled at Le Yan.

Le Yan was stunned for a moment, at this moment someone whispered in her ear, "This is His Royal Highness Prince Rui's concubine, Liu Guifei."

Concubine Liu Gui?
It turned out that she was the little brother's mother.

After paying homage to the emperor and empress, Concubine Liu Gui got up and walked slowly, "Yantong."

"Mother Concubine." Li Yantong nodded slightly to Concubine Liu Gui.

Concubine Liu Gui approached, her eyes fell on Le Yan, and she asked with a smile, "Huainan, what is your boudoir name?"

boudoir name...

Le Yan glanced at Li Yantong subconsciously, but saw that he was also looking at her at this moment.

"Le Yan, my name is Feng Leyan." Le Yan said her name.

"It's such a nice name. From now on, my concubine will call you Le Yan." Concubine Liu Gui looked at the pure and clean Le Yan, and for some reason, she felt inexplicably fond of it.

Le Yan nodded, "Yes, Concubine Mu."

"Mother Concubine, I heard that you have had a severe headache these past few days, so I specially brought you some wild Ganoderma lucidum." An Ruo stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between Concubine Liu Gui and Le Yan at the right time.

The smile on Concubine Liu Gui's face slowly faded, she glanced at An Ruo lightly, "You have a heart."

"Mother and concubine are not feeling well, Ah Ruo has been worried for a few days." Li Yantong said, speaking for An Ruo.

"You don't need to be so troublesome. Concubine Mu's headache is an old problem. It's okay." Concubine Liu Gui glanced at Li Yantong and An Ruo, obviously not in the good mood just now.

After a pause, she looked at Le Yan, "Le Yan, go sit down with Concubine Mother, Concubine Mother will order someone to cook some Li Chao delicacies for you."

"Thank you, Concubine Mu." Le Yan nodded happily.

Unexpectedly, in this Li Dynasty, the first person who made her feel warm was Concubine Liu Gui.

After walking two steps, Concubine Liu Gui glanced back at Li Yantong and An Ruo, "You guys should come together too."

Li Yantong nodded.

After Concubine Liu Gui and Le Yan walked a little farther, An Ruo suppressed the tears in her eyes, couldn't help but sobbed softly, "Your Highness, the mother concubine doesn't seem to like Ah Ruo."

Looking at An Ruo's tearful eyes, Li Yantong inexplicably felt a little confused in his heart, "You think too much, let's go."


When passing through the imperial garden, Li Yantong and An Ruo ran into Prince Li Changfeng and Crown Princess An Rong who were admiring the flowers.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Seeing the crown prince and An Rong, An Ruo showed a happy smile on her face, and said hello.

An Rong looked at his younger sister, showing a bit of affection, and said angrily, "There are no rules, you have to call His Highness the Crown Prince in the palace."

"Yes, His Royal Highness, Crown Princess." An Ruo corrected.

The prince didn't feel much about An Rong's younger sister, but Li Yantong. Every time he saw Li Yantong, the prince could think of the humiliation he suffered in the hunting ground that day.

He originally thought that from now on, Li Yantong would be helpless and become the most unfavored prince in the Li Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, in just three years, Li Yantong walked to a high place step by step.

Now, not only marrying Princess Da Zhou, but also An Ruo, his power has gradually expanded, and has already threatened his position as the crown prince.

"Third brother is so lucky, yesterday he really enjoyed the blessing of being equal to everyone. On the left is the princess of Dazhou, and on the right is the daughter of Zhen Guohou's mansion, which is really enviable." The prince sneered.

"Brother has shown a lot of love with the Crown Princess all these years, and it is enviable that he has not accepted any side concubine." Li Yantong replied.

The prince snorted coldly, glanced at An Rong who was sick beside him, and didn't even get angry.

It's been almost six years since I entered the house, and I can't even give birth to a child. What's the use of asking for it.

If the queen mother hadn't told him to calm down and stabilize the power of the Zhen Guohou's mansion, he wouldn't be facing this woman An Rong all day long, and he would be so unlucky.

"Yes, my sister is so lucky to have His Highness the Crown Prince's wholehearted company." An Ruo whispered while holding An Rong's arm.

"Ah Ruo, don't talk nonsense." An Rong said, but there was a bit of sourness in his tone.

Outsiders thought that the prince treated her sincerely, but only she knew how warm and cold she was.

At this time, not far away.

Le Yan glanced back at the scene in the imperial garden, seeing Li Yantong, the prince and others standing together happily, made her eyes hurt deeply.

"Princess, let's go." Nanny Ling couldn't bear it.

Le Yan nodded.


At night, Chaoyan Pavilion.

"Princess, the servants have already found out." Nanny Ling walked in.

"Speak." Le Yan said.

Nanny Ling nodded, "Three years ago, Concubine An Fang saved His Highness's life, and since then, the two have been in pairs. It is said that the third prince had already asked for an order to marry Concubine An as his concubine, but he didn't want to touch her." When the two countries marry."

"In this way, I am actually the third party." The unbearable depression in Le Yan's heart gradually surged up.

Her three-year expectation was a complete joke.

If it weren't for her, he and An Ruo would have already had lovers and finally got married.

"No, princess, don't think so. When I ordered someone to investigate, I found something strange." Nanny Ling lowered her voice.



At this time, a maid came to report, "Princess, Concubine An side please see me."

"It's so late, what is she doing here?" Le Yan asked.

"Your servant doesn't know either." The maid shook her head.

Le Yan glanced at Nanny Ling, and Nanny Ling nodded slightly to her, "Wangfei, let's take a look at Concubine An, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

"Let her in."

(End of this chapter)

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