Chapter 1717

Chapter 1717

After An Ruo walked into Chaoyan Pavilion gracefully, she greeted Le Yan respectfully, "An Ruo met my sister."

Le Yan looked at An Ruo quietly, smiling sweetly, beautiful eyes looking forward, these two words seemed to be custom-made for An Ruo, how could a man not love such a bright and soft woman?
But Le Yan still couldn't face An Ruo in a friendly manner.

"You should still call me Wangfei. I don't like sisters and sisters." Le Yan glanced at An Ruo and said bluntly.

An Ruo was startled, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Yes, An Ruo overstepped the rules."

"It's so late, did you come to see me for something?" Le Yan asked.

"The princess came to Li Dynasty for the first time, and An Ruo heard that the princess ate very little this day. She was afraid that the princess might not be used to it, so she specially found a few chefs who could cook Da Zhou dishes, and made some Da Zhou dishes for the princess. Bring the dishes to the princess." An Ruo said, smiled, and ordered Huanlian to wait for a few maidservants to bring the dishes.

Le Yan looked at the few familiar dishes on the tray, and then looked at An Ruo's kind eyes, and felt a little self-blame for a moment. Was she too unfriendly for her attitude towards An Ruo just now?

The woman who can make my little brother fall in love with him must also be a kind woman.

"Thank you." Le Yan looked at An Ruo with a moved face.

An Ruo chuckled and shook her head, "It's fine for the princess to treat An Ruo as her own. Now we are all around His Highness, and there will be a long time to come. We need to support each other."

"..." Hearing this, Le Yan smiled wryly.

"Then An Ruo won't bother the princess for now. After the princess eats, let's rest early." An Ruo stood up and bowed to Le Yan.

Le Yan nodded, "Zhuxian, send Concubine An off."

"Yes, princess."

After An Ruo left, Le Yan glanced at the few dishes on the table, and looked at Nanny Ling.

Nanny Ling understood, took out the silver needle she carried with her, tried the dishes one by one, and finally shook her head.

"Could it be that we are really thinking too much?" Le Yan frowned when she realized what Nanny Ling had said to herself before.

"Princess, you must be on guard against others. What's more, we are newcomers. If we are not careful, we will fall into other people's traps. We must be cautious in everything." Ling Momo has seen many big scenes, and now she has a happy face and a kind heart. It is easy to fall into the trap.

Le Yan pursed her lips and nodded lightly, "Ask someone to remove these."

"Yes, princess."


"Your Highness, we haven't watched the moon together for a long time. As long as Ah Ruo thinks that he can be with His Highness every day in the future, Ah Ruo will be very happy." In the back garden of the palace, An Ruo leaned on Li Yantong's shoulder and looked at the sky. the bright moon.

Sitting beside An Ruo, Li Yantong looked at the bright moonlight, but for some reason, his heart was a little confused.

"If you like, I can accompany you every day." Li Yantong looked at the moonlight and said.

An Ruo raised the corners of her lips, and said contentedly, "Then that's right, Your Highness, don't go back on your word."


At this time, an abrupt voice came from behind, "Hurry up, the swill truck in the kitchen is leaving soon!"

Li Yantong and An Ruo frowned when they heard this, and looked back.

Behind, I saw two guards walking together, one of them was carrying a wooden bucket, and was walking towards the kitchen.

"Who is making noise here, disturbing the prince and Concubine An to watch the moon!" Zhu Feng stepped forward and scolded.

The two guards didn't seem to have expected to meet Li Yantong and An Ruo in the back garden, they both knelt down in panic, "Bye, my lord, my concubine An."

"Your Highness, these two seem to be from the concubine's courtyard." An Ruo glanced at the guard and said.

The two guards had only met An Ruo not long ago, and when they saw An Ruo open their mouths, they immediately said, "Report to the lord, Concubine An, the swill cart in the kitchen is about to leave at Xushi, and the little one is hurrying to put these dishes away." Throwing the slop bucket in the kitchen unexpectedly disturbed the prince and concubine An, and I ask the prince to forgive me."

"What kind of food, it's quite delicious." Zhufeng muttered.

Huanlian stepped forward to take a look, then her face changed, and she glanced at An Ruo strangely.

"What's wrong?" An Ruo blinked in confusion.

"Concubine An, these dishes seem to be the ones you just sent to the princess. The princess doesn't seem to touch a single bite, and the pigeon is still whole." Huanlian said in surprise.

An Ruo paused for a moment, then scolded, "Don't talk nonsense, the princess will not be such a person."

"Concubine An, we only left Chaoyan Pavilion within less than a stick of incense, and the princess ordered people to pour into the kitchen. It was clear that she didn't take Concubine An's wishes into consideration. I have searched all over for famous chefs who know how to cook Zhou Dynasty cuisine!" Huan Lian was a little bit sympathetic to An Ruo.

"Huanlian, shut up! Don't say any more, Wangfei, Wangfei, she..." An Ruo was at a loss for words in a hurry, looking left and right, not knowing what to say.

Li Yantong stood there, and said coldly, "Is it true that your princess didn't eat a bite?"


The guards looked at each other. Facing Li Yantong, they would definitely not dare to lie.

In the end, he just nodded slightly.

"Why, how could it be like this, maybe it's not to the princess' liking, maybe the princess is not acclimated!" An Ruo thought.

"Ah Ruo, you don't have to speak for her anymore." Li Yantong's tone was light, his face was full of displeasure.

An Ruo bit her lip, a trace of grievance flashed across her face.

"Nowadays, the Li Dynasty advocates frugality everywhere. Let me tell you that since the concubine has no appetite recently, from now on, the daily meals will be halved, and the basic necessities of life will be halved." Li Yantong said coldly.

The corner of Zhufeng's mouth twitched, and he wanted to say something, but seeing Li Yantong's complexion was not good, he didn't dare to say it.

This prince is really cruel to the concubine, she is Princess Da Zhou after all, and she will be punished like this on the first day of marriage.

After all, Princess Da Zhou is pampered and pampered, so there will be trouble tomorrow.

On the spot, the corners of An Ruo's lips hooked up without a trace.


Early the next morning.

"What, cut everything in half? Your lord is going too far!" Zhuxian exclaimed after watching the house manager take away the six maids and six guards.

Manager Lin looked at Zhuxian and smiled disdainfully, "Our Li Dynasty advocates frugality. Since the princess is married, we should put away that extravagant style."

After all, Manager Lin walked out with the maids and guards.

Suddenly, the entire Chaoyan Pavilion became empty.

The only maids are Zhu Xian and Nanny Ling, and there is also Xiao Bing, a maid who cleans the yard.

The guards had only two gatekeepers.

"Princess, where are we extravagant, this prince is too much!" Zhuxian was a little suspicious, is this prince really the little brother that Miss misses day and night?

(End of this chapter)

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