First-class daughter

Chapter 1720 Confrontation

Chapter 1720 Confrontation
Chapter 1720 Confrontation
At this moment, not far away, someone was looking at Le Yan and Qi Yan, and that tall black figure showed a bit of extraordinary sternness in the shadow.You can have a panoramic view of the scene of Le Yan and Qi Yan sitting side by side and eating together not far away.

"Your Highness, Concubine An, isn't that the princess?"

"Princess Rui, why is she so close with a young man here." A female voice whispered. .

"Shut up, dare to talk about the princess, and don't clap your hands!" An Ruo said after hearing Li Yantong's busy glance.

"Yes, Huanlian knows her mistake." The maid Huanlian hurriedly admitted her mistake.

"Your Highness, since the concubine is here, Ah Ruo should go and pay her a visit." An Ruo said softly.two people

Li Yantong's eyes were dark, making it difficult to fathom his emotions at the moment, but the coldness emanating from his body made people shudder.

"No need." He said lightly.

An Ruo pursed her pink lips, and nodded obediently, "It's okay, Wang Hao seems to have met an old friend, and they are chatting speculatively, then Ah Ruo will not bother Wang Hao."

"Let's go, the abbot is still waiting for us." Li Yantong said, and walked back.

An Ruo nodded, and before leaving, she took another look at Le Yan.

"Is there any more?" Le Yan's voice came again,
It's just that she didn't realize that her words and deeds had fallen into the eyes of some people.


"Yes, yes, I knew you had a big appetite, and you couldn't fill your stomach with one, so I bought more." Qi Yan took out another paper bag, and Le Yan snatched it, held it in her hand, and ate again. up.

Qi Yan watched from the side, satisfied, "I always feel that everything is delicious when I see you eating."

"Do you want some?" Le Yan asked as she broke off a piece.

"Yes!" Qi Yan took it, and ate with her, and as they ate, they laughed together again.

After eating, Le Yan pulled Qi Yan and walked away from the temple. Song Qian, who was following behind the two, paused in his footsteps, keenly feeling that someone was watching from the dark.

He twisted his gaze, then inadvertently locked on to the target, and was taken aback for a moment:
It's from Prince Rui's residence.


After the two finished shopping, they separated.

Looking at Le Yan's back, Qi Yan smiled, "She probably figured it out, don't worry so much."

"Young master, what are you talking about? What did the princess figure out?"

Qi Yan tapped Xiaoyuan's head, "Busy, let's go!"

Qi Yan turned and left, Xiao Yuan hurriedly followed, and Song Qian couldn't help but look at Le Yan more.

Who is the person following the princess in Prince Rui's mansion?

As soon as Le Yan got into the carriage, she subconsciously froze when she saw the two large boxes in the carriage.

"Qi Yan, this guy, actually gave me something again, and every time he returned a box after a box, I really can't do anything with him..."

"Princess, Mr. Qi's whole heart is probably not just to make the princess happy." Ling Momo said.

"Of course I know that those who need to be taken care of in Prince Rui's Mansion are hiding." Le Yan looked at the gold and silver jewelry in the box and said.

"Young Master Qi really thinks about the princess everywhere." Zhuxian is no stranger to this scene, it has happened countless times before.

Whenever Mr. Qi has a good product, the first thing that comes to mind is the princess.

"Qi Yan first came to the Li Dynasty, and his foundation is not stable. It is inevitable that he will encounter some good people. Here, we are the ones who have the same heart. You should pay more attention."

"Yes, princess." Nanny Ling nodded.

"Let's go!" Le Yan ordered, and the carriage left the temple.

The mood when I came and when I came back was completely different.

It was nearly dusk when we returned to the palace.

After returning to Chaoyan Pavilion, Xiao Bing, the maidservant of Sansao, bent over towards Le Yan, "I have seen the princess, and the people in the kitchen have already delivered the dinner."

"Okay, you can go and rest for a while too." Le Yan smiled and glanced at Xiaobing, then walked into the house.

Xiaobing was stunned for a moment, feeling like Le Yan had suddenly changed. Although the princess treats her well on weekdays, there is always a sense of alienation. Now the princess seems to be able to make people get closer .

After entering the room, Le Yan took a short meal after looking at the only pile of vegetables and a bowl of rice on the table.

"What's the matter, didn't you say that the dishes were halved before, why is there only a pile of green vegetables left now, no one in the house eats so badly." Zhuxian opened her mouth angrily.

Nanny Ling glanced at Le Yan, saw Le Yan nodded slightly, and walked out without saying a word.

After a while, Nanny Ling carried a cook in one hand and threw it into the courtyard of Chaoyan Pavilion.

"Tell me, what does the concubine's dinner mean?" Nanny Ling placed the stack of vegetables and rice in front of the two cooks.

The two cooks looked at each other, and one of them pursed his lips and said, "We are following the orders of the prince."

"Really? Li Yantong asked you to make me a bunch of green vegetables?" Le Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes fell on the talking cook, and she called Li Yantong by his name.

The cook's eyes flickered, and she glanced at the cook beside her.

Another cook said, "Yes, we are all following the orders of the prince."

"In that case, let's go." Le Yan said, stood up, and walked out.

Nanny Ling grabbed them and was about to go outside.

"This is, this is..." A cook said in a daze.

"Didn't you say that Li Yantong ordered you, so how about going to confront them?" Le Yan turned around and looked at the two cooks with a smile.

When they heard that they were going to confront each other, the two cooks suddenly felt their legs go limp, and they said quickly, "No, princess, we know we're wrong."

But Le Yan ignored it, left Chaoyan Pavilion and walked all the way to Hongyun Pavilion.

She wanted to ask, what kind of outrageous thing did she do to make His Royal Highness Prince Rui treat her like this.

All the way to Hongyun Pavilion, Mo Li, the guard, saw Le Yan who came suddenly, and then saw the two cooks in Madam Ling's hands, and said in surprise, "I've seen the princess, this is the princess?"

"Where is your prince, I want to see him." Le Yan looked at Mo Li.

Mo Li paused for a while, seeing Le Yan's big battle, he said, "Princess, wait a moment, my subordinates will report."

In the Hongyun Pavilion, Li Yantong and An Ruo were eating together.

"Your Highness, the princess is seeking an audience outside." Mo Li reported.

"What is she here for?" Li Yantong put down the chopsticks in his hand, with a displeased expression.

Mo Li shook his head, "The subordinates don't know either, but the maid next to the concubine also arrested two cooks, so something must have happened."

Hearing the word cook, An Ruo's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile, "But His Highness is still eating at the moment, why don't you let the princess go back first, and talk about it later?"

"This..." Mo Li hesitated and looked at Li Yantong.

"Let her in." Li Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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