Chapter 1721
Chapter 1721
An Ruo pursed her lips, put down the spoon in her hand, picked up the handkerchief, and wiped her mouth lightly.

It was the first time for Le Yan to come to Hongyun Pavilion. As soon as she walked into Hongyun Pavilion, she could smell the aroma of food.

After entering the door, Le Yan directly ignored An Ruo who was sitting on the side, and her eyes fell on Li Yantong, "Your Highness, I encountered some things today, and it is said that His Highness ordered it, so I came here to verify it."

"What's the matter?" Li Yantong glanced at Le Yan, and his eyes fell on Le Yan's displeased little face.

"Although I just came to the Li Dynasty, I don't know some of the systems of the Li Dynasty, but later I learned about it. I heard that the Princess Li Dynasty's meal system is eight dishes, one soup and one dessert. Earlier you ordered me to say If the amount is halved, then there should be four dishes, right?" Le Yan looked at Li Yantong meaninglessly, and suddenly found that once she let go of her heart, she felt much more at ease.

She used to disdain to do this kind of thing, but she couldn't stand some people bullying too much.

Now, she has nothing to endure.

People respect one foot, she respects one foot, if people offend her, they will cut the weeds and root them out.

Li Yantong glanced at it, and said calmly, "So? You think it's too little?"

"Hey, why do I not understand what Your Highness said?" Le Yan was startled and looked at the two cooks.

After a pause, Le Yan said, "After I returned home today, there was a plate of vegetables and rice on my table. The two kitchens said that you ordered it, so I wanted to come and comment, but listen Your Highness, don’t you know about this?”

Li Yantong raised his eyes slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the two cooks, "What's going on?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, we, us..." The two cooks were frightened, and they didn't know what to say.

"Before Your Highness, hurry up and tell the truth!" Zhuifeng stood aside, watching the two cooks who couldn't hold back their words for a long time, and shouted.

The cook glanced at each other, and one of them said with evasive eyes, "Reporting to Your Highness, the servants don't know what's going on. Someone came to deliver a message in the afternoon, saying that the prince ordered that a stack of meals be prepared for the princess today. Vegetables and a bowl of rice are enough, and the servants followed suit."

"Yes, yes, that's true!" Another cook immediately echoed.

Le Yan listened to the ridiculous words, found a vacant seat at the side, sat down, and said in a charming tone, "Who is the person who delivered the message, you must know him, otherwise you would dare to send a message from a cat or a dog." listen?"

This is the second time for Li Yantong to see such a delicate and sweet smile on Le Yan's face today. The first time was the scene of Le Yan sitting and laughing with that man in Yunqing Temple during the day.

Inexplicably, Li Yantong felt a little irritable.

Looking at that smile, I also felt it was particularly dazzling, "Mo Li."

"The subordinate is here." Mo Li stepped forward.

"The king is tired, you take the princess to check people." Li Yantong's tone was light, without a trace of emotion, as if in his eyes, this was such a small matter that he didn't want to do it himself. Come out and call the shots.

An Ruo, who had been silent all this time, heard this, and said in a timely manner, "Your Highness has been running around all day today, you must be tired. A Ruo has already ordered people to prepare hot water for bathing in advance."

"En." Li Yantong glanced at An Ruo, his cold eyes softened a bit.

Then he got up and walked to the back garden with An Ruo, leaving only a table of food that was getting cold.

Le Yan looked at this scene without being moved at all, and looked at Mo Li with a smile, "So, there will be Lao Mo guarding him."

"This is what subordinates should do."


After half an hour.



The screams came from Chaoyan Pavilion one after another.

Mo Li looked at the appalling scene in front of him, and turned his face away with some reluctance.


Perverted ah!
At this time, in the courtyard of Chaoyang Pavilion, two cooks were lying on the bench with their hands and feet tied up, and their bodies were already covered with itching powder by Nanny Ling.

At this moment, the two of them were scratching their hearts and lungs itchingly all over their bodies. They wanted to grab but couldn't. The feeling was that life was worse than death.

Hearing the screams one after another, Zhuxian snorted softly and rolled her eyes, "Are you still going to tell the truth? If you don't tell the truth, we will increase the price."

I heard that the two cooks gritted their teeth tightly and refused to speak.

Seeing this, Ling Momo cursed angrily, "You don't know how to live or die."

Afterwards, Nanny Ling took out a pair of scissors from the side.

"This, this is?" A cook looked at the sharp scissors in Madam Ling's hand in horror.

Zhuxian crossed her arms and went forward to explain, "This is a punishment in our Zhou Dynasty, called Kun punishment, which means very simple, just take this pair of scissors and cut off your hair one by one. , how is it fun?"

"What? This is impossible!" The cook's eyes widened in fright.

This body and skin are inherited from their parents, not to mention that they have never had their hair cut since they were born. Wouldn't it be humiliating to cut their hair off now.

And, and...

If you shave your head, don't you become an old nun?

Seeing that the expressions of the two cooks finally loosened, Le Yan glanced at Nanny Ling.

Nanny Ling understood, pulled out a cook's hairpin, picked up a strand of hair, and "clicked" the scissors down without any hesitation.

Seeing her hair fall to the ground, the cook fainted on the spot.

Another cook watched this scene with her own eyes, and when Nanny Ling walked over, she hurriedly said, "I say, I say!"

"Yes, yes..." The cook finally recruited.

Hearing this, Mo Li frowned slightly, and certain scenes flashed through his mind.

Nanny Ling put away the scissors, looked at Le Yan, and waited for Le Yan's instructions.

Le Yan sat in the yard, watching a fainted cook who was trembling with fright, waved her hand, and ordered someone to come and untie her.

"It's so itchy, it's so itchy." The cook, who was untied, kept scratching her skin, and soon there were bloodstains on her skin.

The cook couldn't bear it any longer, she knelt in front of Le Yan, kowtowed continuously, "I don't dare to do it anymore, I beg the princess to be merciful and give me an antidote, I really can't take it anymore."

Le Yan smiled, and lightly tapped the armrest of the chair with her fingertips, "Now I beg you to be merciful, when you bullied this princess, did anyone take this princess seriously?"

"That's right, all those bastards who step on the low and defeat the high, no matter how bad our princess is, she is still the Princess Huainan of the Zhou Dynasty, and the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is also our princess' uncle. How can you let you young people be presumptuous here!" Zhu Xian She had endured this breath a long time ago, and now the concubine has figured it out, it is the best thing to punish these villains.

After listening to Zhuxian's words, the cook's back burst into cold sweat.

Indeed, this princess cannot be offended.

But, but...

They are also forced by others...


Hongyun Pavilion.

When Mo Li came to return, An Ruo was still making tea for Li Yantong and did not leave.

"How is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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