First-class daughter

Chapter 1722 Irritability

Chapter 1722 Irritability
Chapter 1722 Irritability
Mo Li pursed his lips. After hearing Li Yantong's words, he subconsciously glanced at An Ruo beside Li Yantong.

An Ruo met Mo Li's gaze, but smiled gently, "Is it not convenient for me to listen? If that's the case, Your Highness, then A Ruo will leave first."

After An Ruo finished speaking, he got up and left.

"No need." Li Yantong grabbed An Ruo's wrist, looked at Mo Li again, "tell me."

"The cooks said that it was Huanlian who instructed them." Mo Li truthfully told what the cooks told them.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

An Ruo's face remained unchanged, and she glanced lightly at Huanlian beside her, "Huanlian, what's going on?"

As soon as the words came out, Huanlian immediately exclaimed, and then knelt down in front of Li Yantong and An Ruo, "Report to the lord, to the side concubine, the slaves don't know."

"Guard Mo, are you sure those two cooks are talking about Huanlian?" An Ruo frowned, and her charming eyes were full of doubts.

Mo Li nodded, "Indeed."

"Impossible, the servant has been with the side concubine today and has never left, how could she instruct the cook!" Huanlian still denied it.

An Ruo also immediately said, "For some reason, this matter was suddenly aimed at me, but if I really want to order the cook, why would I send the magic lotus? Didn't I tell everyone clearly, it was me Are you having trouble with the princess?"

Mo Li listened and found that An Ruo's words were not unreasonable.

Li Yantong didn't say much, his thin lips parted slightly, and his low and cold voice sounded, "Mo Li, let the princess come over."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mo Li nodded.

"Wait." Li Yantong stopped Mo Li again, "This king will go over in person."


A moment later, Chaoyan Pavilion.

"Princess, today we punished the cook, just to show those people in the mansion who don't take you seriously, our princess of Da Zhou is not easy to bully!" Zhu Xian was undressing Le Yan's hair. , Thinking of what happened just now, I feel very enjoyable in my heart.

Le Yan was a little tired today, she had already changed into a light shirt at the moment, and went to rest for a while after taking off her bun.

Hearing what Zhu Xian said, Le Yan's eyes showed a firmness, "Before, I really embarrassed my mother, I can't be so cowardly, otherwise my mother and they will worry about me."

"What the princess said is true." Zhu Xian nodded in agreement.

At this time, Ling Momo hurriedly entered the door, "Princess, the prince is here."

Le Yan paused her fingers slightly, looked sideways at Nanny Ling, and said lightly, "Let him wait for me."

"Yes, princess."

In the lobby of Chaoyan Pavilion, Le Yan came late after Li Yan sat with a cup of tea.

Li Yantong was sitting in the front seat. After seeing Le Yan who entered the door, his originally cold eyes flashed a look of surprise that he didn't even notice.

Le Yan is wearing a plain long dress at the moment, with a simple bun. Compared with her dignified and beautiful in the daytime, she is a little more serene and pure at the moment.

"I've seen Your Highness." After standing still, Le Yan saluted Li Yan.


On the side, An Ruo, who followed Li Yan, immediately sat up from the side, bent over Le Yan, "I've seen the princess."

Le Yan glanced at An Ruo who was beside her, but didn't say anything, her gaze fell directly on Li Yantong, "It's so late now, the prince brought his side concubine, is there something important?"

It was An Ruo who answered her, and An Ruo showed a smile on her lips, with a smile on her face, "Princess, An Ruo heard that the two cooks today testified that Huanlian was the person who instructed them. An Ruo felt that there was a misunderstanding, so I came here specially with the prince to explain the matter clearly."

"Oh?" Le Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, and sat down on the empty seat next to Li Yantong, "There is such a thing, what is Concubine An planning to say?"

An Ruo chuckled, "Today, Huanlian is by my side from morning to night, and many people in the house can testify for Huanlian, so it is impossible for Huanlian to go to the kitchen to find those two cooks. As for the truth..."

Saying that, An Ruo looked towards the door.

The two cooks who had just been carried out of Chaoyan Pavilion were pulled back again.

One of them's hair was cut short, and now it only reached the root of the ear.

The other was red and swollen all over and was still scratching his arms non-stop. After seeing Le Yan, the two trembled as if they had seen a ghost.

"Ms. Gu, Mrs. Lin, what happened today? Why did you say that Huanlian instructed you?" An Ruo looked at the two cooks, her tone was still gentle, but there was a little more. displeasure.

"This, this..." The two cooks looked at each other, and finally lowered their heads weakly.

Li Yantong had exhausted his patience. To him, this was a trivial matter, but now that two women in his house were involved, he couldn't just sit idly by.

"If you don't tell the truth again, you will all be killed!" Li Yantong said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing Li Yantong's words, the two cooks screamed, and then Gu Niang, whose hair was cut short, immediately climbed to Le Yan's legs, pleading, "Princess, please save us, we all listened." Your order!"

As soon as Gu Niang finished speaking, Lin Niang immediately stepped forward and covered Gu Niang's mouth, "You can't say it, you can't say it!"

"Oh, my life is about to die, what else can I not say!" Gu Niang pushed Lin Niang away, still looking at Le Yan, "Princess, we have done everything according to your requirements today, but now You can't leave us alone when the Dongchuang incident is revealed."

When Lin Niang heard about it, she decided to go all out, "Yes, Wangfei, we listened to your orders and deliberately staged this play to put the blame on Concubine An. Now you have to help us."

When Le Yan heard the words of the two cooks, she felt dumbfounded.

It's a good combo.

Unexpectedly, now is the focus of the play.

"It turns out that the concubine is playing a show, and the servant thinks, who in this palace has the guts to treat the concubine's meal harshly, so it is to frame our side concubine!" Huanlian stood up and said indignantly.

"Huanlian, shut up!" An Ruo looked back and scolded.

Huan Lian pursed her lips, still a little unwilling, "Side concubine, the princess is too bullying, and the slaves feel sorry for you."

"Is there anything else you want to say?" As soon as Li Yan said that, the atmosphere in the room instantly became depressing.

Le Yan sat on the chair, exuding a brilliance that she didn't even notice. There was no emotion in her almond eyes, "There is nothing to say, just look at it as you like."

For the little brother in her memories, now she can only say that things are right and people are wrong.

"Then you admit it?" Li Yantong looked at her meaningless look, but felt a little irritated in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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