First-class daughter

Chapter 1723 Rules

Chapter 1723 Rules
Chapter 1723 Rules
"As you said, my main purpose is to frame Concubine An." Le Yan said with a faint smile.

Afterwards, Le Yan suddenly changed the subject, and a pair of smiling eyes were covered with a layer of coolness, "If I, Feng Leyan, really want to frame An Ruo, I have a hundred thousand ways, and I can even make her die unknowingly." Before you know it, tell me, why am I making such a big circle of trouble?"

"I've only been here in Prince Rui's Mansion not long ago, and these two cooks are old people in Prince Rui's Mansion again, would I be stupid enough to buy two of these people?"

Li Yantong stared coldly at the woman in front of him, "Feng Leyan, you are very presumptuous."

"Really? But I think I've settled down. If not, I wouldn't be bullied like this." Le Yan chuckled, picked up the teacup in hand, and took a sip of tea.

"My concubine went too far. Not only did she have no intention of repentance, but she even threatened our side concubine. Could it be that a princess from the Great Zhou Dynasty can be so unscrupulous?" Huanlian once again stood up and complained for An Ruo.

As soon as the words were finished, a palm wind hit, Huanlian only felt the burning pain on both cheeks.

"You little servant girl, you have uttered wild words here several times, and Li Chaoyou has clearly ordered, can a servant girl run afoul of your master?" Nanny Ling glared at Huanlian.

Huanlian was so beaten that her eyes were staring, her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't even open her mouth.

An Ruo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly burst into tears when she saw this scene, and knelt down, "Your Highness, today's matter is probably all a misunderstanding, so let's stop here."

"Concubine An was wronged, isn't she wronged? Don't you want the truth?" Le Yan looked at An Ruo playfully.

This Concubine An is really pitiful to me.

No wonder, my little brother is so obsessed with her. If she were a man, she might also fall into An Ruo's gentle place.

An Ruo sniffed, tears filled her eyes, "Princess, An Ruo knows that you can't bear my existence, but the prince and I are already in love with each other, and I can also respect the princess, serve the princess, and ask the princess to help An Ruo. "



really interesting.

"Since ancient times, it has been normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, how can he say that?" Le Yan said, and glanced at Li Yantong beside him.

A farce, no results.

Li Yantong was sandwiched between the two women, but at this moment, he was in a dilemma.

"Mo Li." Li Yantong shouted.

"I'm humble."

Li Yantong's tone was cold, "Kill the two cooks who caused trouble, and today's matter ends here, and no one is allowed to mention it again in the future."

After speaking, Li Yantong got up and left Chaoyan Pavilion quickly.

After Li Yantong left, An Ruo was also helped up by the maid. Although there were still tears in her eyes, she lacked the tenderness just now.

Le Yan glanced at An Ruo, then suddenly picked up the tea cup at hand, and threw it at An Ruo viciously.



"Princess, what are you doing!" Huanlian, who had just been beaten, looked at Leyan angrily.

Le Yan pursed her lips and sneered, "You know it in your heart."

"Nurse Ling, see off the guests!"


Once a farce broke out, it was resolved quietly.

Although Li Yantong gave an order not to be mentioned by anyone, Prince Rui's residence spread the word in private, and most people expressed sympathy for An Ruo.

In the morning, just after Le Yan got up, Nanny Ling sent a message.

"Princess, there are some clues about what you asked this servant to investigate." Nanny Ling lowered her voice and said after making sure that there was no one around to listen.

After hearing this, Le Yan looked at Yan Zhuxian.

Zhuxian nodded, walked out, and guarded the door.

"My servant found out that when His Highness Prince Rui first arrived in Li Dynasty three years ago, he had assassinated the crown prince during a hunting trip. Later, it was said that he was also seriously injured and recuperated for more than half a year." Mother Ling revealed the news of the investigation.

Le Yan paused her fingers slightly, a little startled, "Assassinate the prince?"

"Yes, but for some reason, Emperor Li Chao didn't pursue this matter, but ignored His Royal Highness Prince Rui for a while. Later, it was related to Concubine An's acquaintance with His Highness Prince Rui..." Ling Nam Mammy paused, not knowing whether to continue.

Le Yan lowered her eyes, "Go on."

"Concubine An and His Royal Highness Prince Rui met on the Xianle Lake in the suburbs. At that time, His Highness Prince Rui was not being reused, and it was said that he was not in good health. He was assassinated by a mysterious person by the lake. It was Concubine An's life. It was rescued by others, after that His Highness Prince Rui entered and exited with Concubine An," said Nanny Ling.

Hearing this, Le Yan felt bitterness in her eyes.

No wonder, he fell in love with An Ruo so much.

When he was most helpless, the person who was by his side was always An Ruo.

"Princess..." Ling Momo was a little worried when she saw that her expression was wrong.

"It's okay, the weather is fine today, let's go to Xianle Lake." Le Yan stood up and walked outside.

Nanny Ling knew she was in a bad mood, so she didn't stop her, followed Le Yan and walked out together.

As soon as she went out, the servant girl Xiaobing hurried over, "Princess, it's not good."

"What's the matter?" Le Yan asked.

"Madam Zhen Guohou is here." Xiao Bing said nervously.

Le Yan looked sideways slightly, "An Ruo's mother?"

"That's right, this Madame Zhen Guohou is a first-rank madam personally appointed by the emperor, and also the mother-in-law of the crown prince and His Royal Highness Prince Rui. She has a noble status and is not easy to mess with." Xiao Bing lowered her voice as she spoke, reminding Le Yan.

Le Yan was a little annoyed. After hearing this, she turned around and said, "Go out through the back door."

Just two steps away, a female voice came from behind, "Where is the princess going?"

Hearing this, Le Yan turned around, and saw a well-maintained middle-aged woman walking slowly towards here behind her. The woman was wearing a maroon gown, covered with gold and silver all over her body, very imposing.

Le Yan looked at her until the middle-aged woman approached.

"Who is this?" Le Yan deliberately pretended not to know.

When An Lu heard this, she nodded slightly towards Leyan, "The wife of the minister's wife, Anyuan, the Marquis of the State, has seen Princess Rui."

"So it's Mrs. Zhen Guohou, are you here to find An Ruo?" Le Yan asked.

"No, the minister's wife came here specially to find Princess Rui." Mrs. Zhen Guohou narrowed her eyes with displeasure on her face.

Le Yan smiled slightly, but she didn't shirk it.

Since this trouble has been caused, it will continue to appear. Today is Mrs. Zhen Guohou, and tomorrow it may be Zhen Guohou.


After a while, Piandian.

After entering the side hall, Mrs. Zhen Guohou's face was slightly restrained, and there was a bit of contempt in her eyes looking at Le Yan.

"Princess Rui first came to Li Dynasty, I wonder if she has learned some of our Li Dynasty's rules?" Mrs. Zhen Guohou asked in a low voice, sipping her tea.

(End of this chapter)

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