First-class daughter

Chapter 1724 Addicted

Chapter 1724 Addicted
Chapter 1724 Addicted
Le Yan smiled slightly, and raised her brows when she heard this, "Then please tell me, Madam, what are the rules of Li Chao? Or, Madam is here today to teach Ben Wangfei how to behave?"

"Heh." Mrs. An Lu sneered, "First of all, in Li Dynasty, Yipin Gaoming's wife and princess are at the same level, and Li Chao always pays attention to respecting elders, so Princess Rui should greet me."

"Presumptuous, although our concubine is Princess Rui, she is still the Princess Huainan of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Do you dare to ask the princess to greet you, are you tired of work?" Nanny Ling took a step forward and glared at the Madam Zhen Guohou.

This one or two is simply a joke!

Mrs. Zhen Guohou was not afraid after hearing this, "The princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty is worthless in our Li Dynasty. What's more, since the married daughter and the splashed water are all married into the Li Dynasty, You are no longer from Dazhou, why did the princess say that?"

"You, presumptuous!" Ling Momo just wanted to teach Madam Zhen Guohou a lesson, but Le Yan stretched out her hand to stop her.

Le Yan signaled to continue listening.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhen Guohou thought that Le Yan was scared, and the smile on her brows was even more tinged with disdain, "I have always heard that people in the Zhou Dynasty were rude and rude. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't believe it until I heard about this. What happened in the past two days made me realize that the rumors are not false at all."

"As for this child, An Ruo, she has been soft-tempered since she was a child. Originally, as the second daughter of the Zhen Guohou's mansion, she never had to marry into Prince Rui's mansion as a side concubine, but that child fell in love with Prince Rui. Prince Rui also promised us that he would treat An Ruo kindly with all his heart, but he never expected..."

Mrs. Zhen Guohou paused, and looked at Le Yan with a bit of coldness in her eyes, "Feng Leyan, I am here today to stand out for Ruoer. She wants to be friendly with you, But I, as a mother, can't see her being wronged. In the future, if you dare to bully An Ruo again, first ask the Marquis of Zhen Guo if you agree!"

"Kang Dang..." The closed door was pushed open.

A luxurious figure stepped out slowly——

"Madam Zhen Guohou, you speak so boldly, are you threatening my daughter-in-law?" Concubine Liu Gui's faint voice came in.

Hearing this voice, Madam Zhen Guohou turned pale in an instant.

Le Yan stood up, leaned slightly towards the visitor, "I have seen the concubine mother."

Concubine Liu Gui gently nodded towards Le Yan, with a slight smile on her face.

After sitting down, Concubine Liu Gui leaned back on the chair, looked at Mrs. Zhen Guohou who was still standing beside the chair, and sneered.

"Early this morning, I heard people say that the Madam Zhen Guohou came to Prince Rui's mansion aggressively, so I came here specially to join in the fun. Unexpectedly, Madam Zhen Guohou is indeed the emperor's appointed wife, Zhen Guohou It is indeed a first-class achievement in the court, and even the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty is ignored. Looking back, I will definitely talk to the emperor about the heroism of Madam Zhen Guohou." Concubine Liu Gui drank Drinking tea, said in a leisurely manner.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhen Guohou's legs suddenly felt weak, and she knelt down on the ground with a smile on her face, "Oh, ma'am, misunderstanding, all of this is a misunderstanding."

"Oh? Misunderstood? Is this Gong's hearing wrong? Nanny Ying, what about you, what did you hear just now?" Concubine Liu Gui turned her gaze to Nanny Ying who was standing beside her.

Nanny Ying straightened her back and repeated what Mrs. Zhen Guohou said just now, "The princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty is worthless in our Li Dynasty. What's more, the water poured out of a married daughter, since If you are married to Li Chaolai, you are no longer from Da Zhou, so why did Princess say that?"

Seeing that Nanny Ying repeated her words accurately once, Madam Zhen Guohou felt that a catastrophe was imminent, and hurriedly kowtowed, "It's the minister's wife who talked cheaply for a while, and I ask the imperial concubine to forgive me."

"Since you know that you are mean, you should make amends to Princess Rui, what do you think?" Concubine Liu Gui spoke softly, but it was full of pressure.

Although Madam Zhen Guohou was not reconciled, she did not dare to make a mistake in front of Concubine Liu Gui.

Right now, I only hate myself, but it was so unfortunate that I ran into Concubine Liu Gui.

Rao is that the queen is always polite to her every time she sees her, this concubine Liu Gui is really favored by herself, even she is ignored.


Forget it, after a few years, when An Rong becomes the empress, she won't have to look at Concubine Liu Gui's face.

"Prince Rui, it's my wife who is old and her mind is not clear. Don't take what you said just now." Madam Zhen Guohou apologized to Le Yan.

Le Yan tilted her head and smiled, "But I've already taken it to heart, what should I do? I'm new here and don't understand Li Chao's rules. The face of a minister's wife."

"Mother Concubine, is that so?" Le Yan winked at Concubine Liu Gui.

After Liu Guifei heard this, her eyes fell on Madam Zhen Guohou, "Madam Zhen Guohou, what do you think?"

"No, no, naturally, Princess Rui's status is honorable. Just now, the minister's wife has become better. The minister's wife really deserves to die. The minister, the minister's wife slaps her own mouth!" After Madam Zhen Guohou finished speaking, she began to slap her own mouth.

She was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid that Concubine Liu Gui would go and talk nonsense with the royal family.

At that time, it will really cause big trouble.

Damn it, today she clearly wanted to give Feng Leyan a bad rap, but she didn't want to embarrass herself like this.

After more than a dozen slaps in a row, Madam Zhen Guohou heard Concubine Liu Gui stop, "Le Yan is my daughter-in-law, as long as I am here, I will not allow anyone to bully her. In addition, this Palace of Prince Rui In the future, Mrs. Zhen Guohou will come and walk around less often."

"Yes, yes, my wife is leaving now, leaving now!" After Madam Zhen Guohou finished speaking, she stood up and ran out in a hurry.

The side hall returned to silence.

After Mrs. Zhen Guohou left, Le Yan stood up and bowed to Concubine Liu Gui, "Thank you, Concubine, for your rescue."

"Stupid child, how could she be bullied for nothing." Concubine Liu Gui looked at Le Yan with such a cute and peaceful look, and there was a bit of affection in her heart.

She heard that when the envoys went to Dazhou to ask for marriage, few princesses were willing to marry Yantong.

Only this princess offered to marry her.

"Let's go to eat." Liu Guifei took Le Yan's hand and walked out of the side hall.

After leaving the side hall, there were many discussions outside.

Not far away, Li Yantong, who had just returned from court, was walking towards the back garden.

"Yantong." Concubine Liu Gui called out.

Li Yantong was not surprised when he saw Concubine Liu Gui, and walked towards him, "I have seen Concubine Mother."

Concubine Liu Gui nodded with a smile, "You're tired from going to court, let's have lunch with Concubine Mu and Le Yan'er."

Hearing the word Le Yan'er, Li Yantong's pupils shrank slightly, and there seemed to be a series of distant lingering sounds in his ears, Le Yan'er, Le Yan'er.

"Yes, concubine mother." Li Yantong echoed Liu Guifei's words.

At lunch, the atmosphere was a little intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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