First-class daughter

Chapter 178 Please enter the urn

Chapter 178 Please enter the urn
Chapter 178 Please enter the urn
Sure enough, the princes are all heroic and brave.

In previous years, among these princes, his son Feng Ming was the most dazzling and central one, because he was the prince of one dynasty and the future emperor.

But now, there is no longer his heroic figure in this hunting ground. At this moment, he is being imprisoned in the East Palace, living a lonely life without knowing when he will be tall.

Thinking of this, sadness came from it, and she couldn't help feeling a little moist in the eye sockets.

"Your Majesty, let's have a sip of tea." Seeing this, the old woman next to her hurriedly handed a cup of tea to her. She was taken aback for a moment before realizing that she had lost her composure, and quickly calmed down by drinking tea with her head down. .

"Who is that young man next to His Highness the Sixth Prince? He is so handsome." At this time, a lady from an unknown family pointed to another young man riding a horse on the field, and asked with a blushing face.

When the other people heard her words, they also looked towards the line of sight she was pointing at. On the white horse, there was a young man in a silver robe. The carvings were meticulously carved by the sky, with sharp edges and corners, especially those eyes, which were full of sunlight, and the occasional brilliance was not to be underestimated, and the charm was not inferior to other princes when they were closed.

The Empress heard everyone's discussion, she looked over again, and saw that the outstanding young man in the eyes of everyone was talking and laughing with the sixth prince beside him, his face was full of sunshine and confidence, and there was a dazzling smile in the corner of his eyes .

She looked at it, couldn't help sighing, and said, "You really are a handsome young man, at the age where you can be carefree..."

A few years ago, her Feng Ming was also like this, carefree, innocent, but, as a prince, he had to grow up quickly.

Under the stage, Emperor Zhou Cheng held up a precious sword, which shone with a clear and deep light in the sun, and he said loudly:

"This pure Jun sword was forged by our ancestors at the request of Ou Zhizi, a native of Yue. It was indestructible and cut iron like mud. It has been passed down to my hands. Today, I will take out this sword as a gift for the winner of today's hunt. For rewards, whoever hunts the most will be the winner this time."

"Long live the father, long live, long live!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The crowd shouted loudly, and before the hunting started, the prey in the paddock were already running around in fright.

"The world of the Great Zhou was fought on horseback. Riding and archery is the foundation of my Great Zhou. Today, regardless of status or status, you can use all your strength. Let me take a good look at your skills! Go! Bar!"

As he spoke, the emperor raised the bow and arrow in his hand high, and shot at the red heart in the distance, right in the heart!

After the emperor shot the first arrow, the warriors in the crowd cheered, raised their whips one after another, tightened their feet on the belly of the horse, and rushed to the hunting ground.

All of a sudden:
The wind is strong and the horn is bowed. The general hunts Weicheng.The grass is withered, the eagle's eyes are dry, and the snow is as light as a horse's hoof.

Suddenly Xinfeng City returned to Xiliuying.Looking back at the place where the eagle is shot, the cloud is flat.

The princes seem to be on the battlefield, all of them are full of energy and agile!
Not to be outdone by even Jue, he rode his horse and galloped, raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and shot sharply, hitting the prey, fast and precise!
There was another round of cheers in the stands, only the Eleventh Princess frowned and said, "Those people just look at my brothers, what are they looking for? Don't let him forget the little deer that he promised me!"

"Whose son is this?" the queen finally asked.

"This is Lianxiang's son, and sitting over there is her elder sister Lian Siyue." When Eleventh Princess heard her mother's question about Lian Jue, she ran over bouncingly, jumped in front of the nanny, and answered road.

The queen nodded, and said, "So it's the young master Lianxiang."

When Lian Siyue heard everyone's discussion about Lian Jue, she unconsciously showed a proud smile on her face. Jue'er had already unknowingly shed her childishness. When she first saw the appearance of a handsome and handsome man, today she was on horseback again. If you show your power, you will be more attractive.

I really hope that Jue'er can get a wife who is skilled and gentle in the future, who treats him sincerely, and the two live a simple life lovingly, without intrigue.

She will work hard to eliminate the unfavorable factors around Jue'er and make him happy!Lian Siyue swore silently in her heart.

"Miss Lian, the empress is here to invite you." When she was in a trance, Xueli, the maid beside the empress, walked up to Lian Siyue and bowed.

Does the empress invite you?Lian Siyue stood up, bowed to Xueli, and said, "Yes, Aunt Xueli, please lead the way."

Lian Siyue was brought in front of the empress, knelt down, bowed, and said, "Siyue pays respects to the empress, please greet her."

She has been a queen and is very familiar with the etiquette in the palace, so her words and deeds reveal the dignified atmosphere of a daughter of the prime minister's family.

Eleventh Princess winked at her, and she said, "Greetings, Princess, you are well."

"Don't be too polite!" Now, Princess Eleven felt that she didn't hate Lian Siyue so much anymore, because she let Lian Jue come to plead guilty to her, and she could still get a deer from Lian Jue.

The queen asked, "Yesterday I heard that you were frightened while riding a horse. How are you doing now?"

"Thank you for your love, my highness. Fortunately, several highnesses rescued me yesterday, and Siyue was unscathed. This incident disturbed the empress and other empresses, and Siyue was terrified."

The queen nodded and said, "It's fine if you have nothing to do, let's have fun with other people today."

"Yes." Lian Siyue bowed again.

Concubine Xu Xian on the side also looked at her and nodded slightly. From the beginning just now, she has been paying attention to Lian Siyue, including her skillful resolution of the tension between Xiao Rou and Liu Xiren. She found that although she She is young, but she is more tolerant than others, more mature and stable, like a quiet and noble lotus flower in a pool, although she does not fight or grab her, but it makes people have to pay attention to her, and now, the queen's message is also Behaving so appropriately.

Concubine Xu Xian couldn't help but nodded secretly. It would be great if Ye'er could really marry her. No matter her status or personal cultivation, she was worthy. She was very satisfied.

"It's no fun to let the girls just watch the men hunt here. They are all young girls. If they talk with us, I'm afraid my heart will fly away. I think it's better for us to play by ourselves, empress, What do you think of the concubine's suggestion?" At this time, Concubine Xuan suddenly stood up, walked in front of the queen, and said.

The queen didn't want to see Concubine Xuan, so she couldn't help but frowned slightly, but she couldn't refute her on the face, especially seeing that these children were really eager to try, she said:
"Go ahead, just be careful."

When the girls heard the Queen's permission, they all cheered happily, especially Xiao Rou, who seemed the happiest. She said excitedly, "The men are hunting competitions, let's compete too, how about it?"

Concubine Xuan smiled, her expression was like spring in March, and she said, "In order to let the girls have their own activities, I have asked the emperor to set aside an area yesterday, and put some things such as hares and bobcats in it, which will hurt you." The emperor is considerate of the small prey that can’t be eaten by humans, and sent someone to arrange it last night. I didn’t expect Xiao Jiaqian to suggest such a thing, so let’s go.”

(End of this chapter)

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