First-class daughter

Chapter 179 You Are So Poor

Chapter 179 You Are So Poor
Chapter 179 You Are So Poor

"That's great! Concubine Xie Xuan is thinking of us."

"Then we can show our skills."

Even Princess Eleven became excited, and she proudly said to Lian Siyue, "I'll let you see how good this princess is at riding and shooting, and you'll definitely fall in love with the five bodies I admire."

The noble ladies were also very excited and eager to try. At the same time, they were also deeply aware of the degree to which Concubine Xuan was favored in front of the emperor. With just one word, a hunting ground was arranged overnight for the female relatives to ride and shoot.

Concubine Xuan bowed to the queen and said, "The emperor has prepared a pure Jun sword as a reward for your highnesses, can the concubine ask the empress for something, and then reward the girl who has the most prey, madam, do you think so?" "

"Then, this palace will take this pair of gold-encrusted jadeite and Tianyu jade bracelets as a reward." The Empress said, taking the pair of bracelets from her hands and putting them into the tray in the hand of the maid.

"My concubine, thank you, empress." Concubine Xuan was overjoyed, and said to everyone, "There are horses that have been prepared over there, and the horses are strong and excellent. The groom will distribute the horses to you in order. Today we will also learn from the men. Posture, let’s try it out.”

"it is good!"


A group of people got up, got off the high platform one by one, and ran towards the racecourse excitedly. Sure enough, there were several grooms on the racecourse who were bringing the horses one by one in order and distributed them to everyone.

Soon, almost all the people in the stands ran away.

Only the Empress, Concubine Xu Xian, Princess An Guo, and several other concubines were left, as well as Dudu Liu's granddaughter Liu Yanyu. Even Siyue sat quietly watching from a distance, showing no intention of participating.

After Xiao Rou ran down the stands, seeing that Lian Siyue hadn't followed, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned back, raised her eyebrows, and asked, "Aren't you going?"

"I'm not good at riding and archery. I was scared on horseback yesterday. I won't go down to join in the fun today. You guys can play. I'm here to cheer you on." Lian Siyue refused seamlessly.

Concubine Xuan over there heard Lian Siyue's words, her eyes flickered slightly, she turned her head and exchanged glances with Xiao Rou seemingly inadvertently.

Xiao Rou deliberately said, "Lian Siyue, don't you dare to lose to me?"

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "I knew that my cousin's riding and shooting skills were taught by Xiao Gu's father himself, and they are very powerful. How dare I compete with you."

"..." Xiao Rou saw that Lian Siyue was not willing to give in, she simply walked in front of her, stretched out her hand to grab her arm, the cold eyebrows behind her immediately stepped forward, Xiao Rou felt a burst of evil spirits rushing towards her face, she immediately He was so frightened that he immediately let go of Lian Siyue's hand, his face turned pale.

Seeing this, Lian Siyue seemed to be reluctant, stood up, and said, "Well, since my cousin is so enthusiastic about inviting me, I'll join in the fun, but I don't dare to compete for the reward from the empress."

Seeing that Lian Siyue finally agreed, Xiao Rou was overjoyed and said, "Then let's go."

When Lian Siyue passed by, the others had almost all mounted their horses, carried their bows and arrows, eager to try one by one.

The eleventh princess saw that Lian Siyue was late, so she said, "Lian Siyue, you are so slow, don't hurry up, this princess can't wait."

"I kept the princess waiting for a long time." Lian Siyue bowed slightly.

"Okay, I don't blame you, there are still two horses, you go and choose one." The Eleventh Princess pointed to the two horses waiting for her master, and Xiao Rou had already gone to lead them away. There was only one black horse left, the whole body was black, tall and vigorous.

Lian Siyue walked over and pulled the horse over, got on the horse's back, she tried to shake the whip, and then shook it left and right, saying:

"A fine horse."

"Are you okay? Lian Siyue? Will you fall off your horse?" From a distance, Liu Xiren asked. She was wearing a water-blue riding outfit, and she was a little more heroic than before. Lian Siyue is not so tense anymore.

"Shooting and hunting is not good, riding a horse is always fine, don't worry." Lian Siyue said, the folk customs in Dazhou are relatively loose, and some rich and noble families even invite special personnel to teach their children how to ride horses.

Concubine Xuan shot the first arrow, and the girls raised their whips, and the horses galloped, kicking up thick dust howling all over the sky.



The Eleventh Princess, Feng Lingyue, was like a runaway wild horse. She ran at the front, and her fiery red riding outfit formed a gorgeous arc in the air, warm, unrestrained, and breathtakingly beautiful.

Seeing a frightened hare run away to the depths of the woods, she showed a determined smile on her face, set up a bow and arrow, squinted one eye, and let go of the arrow, only to hear a snap, and the arrow pierced through the woods. The body of the rabbit!
The guard in charge of the hunting ground ran over immediately, picked up the hare shot by Princess Eleven, and shouted loudly:

"Princess Eleven, one hare."

"Wow! The princess was the first to shoot the prey, so amazing!"

There were cheers on the field, and the eyes of all the girls showed envy and admiration.

The eleventh princess raised her chin high, raised her bow and arrow high, her face showed an extremely proud expression, hum, she Feng Lingyue is the hero of the first female middle school in the Great Zhou Dynasty, okay?

Encouraged by the eleventh princess, the rest of the people also started to draw bows and shoot arrows one after another, and some went deep into the woods.

But except for Xiao Rou who shot a pheasant, the others also shot empty arrows again and again. However, they were not discouraged. They were playing anyway, but the more they fought, the more courageous they became. The entire hunting ground was filled with horses and Yingying Yanyan people.

Eleventh Princess shot several more preys in a row, and the atmosphere on the field became more and more heated. Lian Siyue wandered unhurriedly on the edge of the crowd, drew his bow twice, but didn't hit anything. She didn't mind being laughed at by Princess Eleven, so she just smiled lightly.

Concubine Xuan ran around twice and shot a wild civet cat. She had a bright smile on her face, but upon closer inspection, she found that there was always a bit of coldness in those eyes.

Her gaze caused her to look somewhere in the woods, where she arranged a sharp archer, as long as she seized the opportunity, she could shoot an arrow through Lian Siyue's head, killing her on the spot!There are many people in the horse. When she falls off the horse, the scene will be in chaos. If she tries to cover it up, no one will be able to find the archer.

The smile on her face gradually deepened, and when she looked at Lian Siyue again, her expression changed again!

The eleventh princess ran up to Lian Siyue at some point, and walked very close to her, she cursed inwardly: This unlucky girl!

"Lian Siyue, you are really bad at riding and shooting. Aren't you Lian Jue's sister? Why are you so inferior? I can't stand it." Princess Eleven looked at Lian Siyue with disgust and asked.

"I only learned how to ride horses, but never how to shoot and hunt. The princess laughed at me." Lian Siyue looked at a certain place inadvertently, then kicked the horse's belly silently, and walked around to the other side of Princess Eleven inclined side.

(End of this chapter)

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