Chapter 185
Chapter 185
The wind whistled past the ear, and time seemed to have stopped at a certain moment, and then was torn into pieces.

In the end, Feng Qianyue flashed, and Feng Yunzheng also retracted his hand, but that palm was not sent out in the end.

The two people looked at each other, their eyes sparked a flash of light and flint, and they did not back down from each other!
At this time, the Qilin was slowly walking down the valley, and it was about to fall down the valley. Feng Qianyue took advantage of facing the Qilin, and was the first to discover it!
With a twinkle in his eyes, he stepped forward quickly, flashed by Feng Yunzheng's side like the wind, and grabbed the unicorn by the tail!



"Catch it, catch it, Your Highness the Fourth Highness has caught the unicorn!"

"Your Majesty the Fourth Highness is mighty, you have caught the Qilin!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty! The Fourth Highness captured the unicorn for you."

Unknowingly, the sun had already set in the west, and when Emperor Zhou Cheng was troubled by not being able to find the unicorn, suddenly, a sound of excitement came from a distant valley.

When Emperor Zhou Cheng heard this, his heart tightened and he asked, "Jiang Keji, did I hear correctly, did Qian'er catch the Qilin for me?"

Jiang Keji stepped forward and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, you heard me right, it was His Royal Highness who caught the Qilin!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly stood up from his seat and looked forward, only to see a wooden wheeled cart slowly approaching, with an animal inside it. Looking carefully, it was clearly the one he had seen with his own eyes. Head fetish unicorn!

The fourth prince, Feng Qianyue, stood on top of the steed, with a high-spirited and beaming appearance. Looking closely, there was a wound on the tiger's mouth in his hand, which was still bleeding.

He was overjoyed, looked up to the sky and laughed, and said, "It's a Qilin, it really is a Qilin, hahaha!"

The rest of the people also ran over one after another, crowding around to see the Qilin. When they saw the fetish clearly, they all jumped off their horses and knelt down, shouting——

"The emperor is auspicious! Long live the emperor, long live, long live!" The high-pitched shout shook the sky, startling the birds in the forest.

"Good! Good!" The emperor looked happy, and when the wooden cart finally stopped, he couldn't wait to go forward, looking at the unicorn sitting in the car, his heart was full of joy.

Feng Qianyue jumped off the horse, knelt down in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng on one knee, and said, "Father is wise, there really is a unicorn, and my son lived up to his father's entrustment and captured the unicorn."

"Good! Good! Good!" Emperor Zhou Cheng happily stretched out his hand and patted Feng Qianyue's shoulder, "Qian'er, good job! Father is so happy!"

Feng Yunzheng arrived late, standing on top of a steed, outside the crowd, quietly looking at Feng Qianyue, when the wind blew, his black jade-like long hair blew up, and during this lively 7 minutes, unexpectedly There is a feeling of quiet time.

The horses next to him are Feng Ye and Feng Yu respectively.

"Brother Four Wang actually found it, what reward will Father give?" Feng Yu looked at Feng Qianyue and said calmly.

"It depends on what he wants." Feng Ye said in a icy tone, "The emperor is happy now, except for the crown prince, I'm afraid everyone will agree."

"Good! Very good!" Emperor Zhou Cheng held up the bow and arrow in his hand as if he had found a treasure, and said, "It was Prince Yue who found this auspicious thing for me. I am very pleased!"

"The Fourth Highness is mighty!"

"The Fourth Highness is mighty!"

Immediately, everyone also raised their bows and arrows high, shouting like a tsunami, and Feng Qianyue suddenly became the most popular person in front of the emperor.

"Hahaha..." Emperor Zhou Cheng laughed three times, and after the cheers, he asked Feng Qianyue, "Qian'er, tell me, what reward do you want, as long as you tell me, I will do my best to satisfy you!"

"Father!" Feng Qianyue suddenly knelt down in front of the audience, kowtowed to the emperor three times before straightening up, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "I really want to ask my father to do something!"

"Say it!" Zhou Chengdi said, still smiling.

"I implore father and emperor to connect the daughter of the prime minister's mansion with Siyue..." Feng Qianyue paused after speaking!
Immediately, Feng Ye who was riding on the steed trembled all over, and suddenly raised his head to look at Feng Qianyue——

What?Like the moon?Brother Siwang tried his best to catch ask for a marriage girl?
"... Qian'er?" Seeing Feng Qianyue paused, the emperor looked at him suspiciously.

Feng Qianyue exhaled softly, and said, "I implore father and emperor to make Lian Siyue, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and my son..."

"Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good!"

But at this moment, there was an urgent voice, and a horse was galloping, and the rider was a guard who hurried over from the camp——

"Your Majesty, it's not good!"

The man rolled off his horse, threw himself all the way in front of the emperor, and knelt on the ground.

"What's the matter? You're in a panic!" The emperor's expression darkened, and he said displeasedly.

Feng Qianyue also frowned, looking at the person kneeling beside him with stern eyes, wishing to dig out the person's heart!
"Concubine Xuan, Concubine Xuan...was injured when she was shooting, her waist...was broken." The guard prostrated himself on the ground, gasping for breath, and said.

"What?" The emperor stood up abruptly, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Say another word!"

"Concubine Xuan met a fierce tiger while shooting and hunting. When she was running away on horseback, she fell from a few heights and fell on the stone wall with her waist broken!" the guard said in one breath. .

"Back to the camp!" Emperor Zhou Cheng, who was thinking about Concubine Xuan, was no longer in the mood to listen to what Feng Qianyue had to say, so he quickly got on his horse and hurried back towards the camp.

And Feng Qianyue supported his body, and stood up slowly, his legs were a little weak, his head was a little dizzy, and his steps were a little weak when walking.

He thought back to what the guard said just now, Concubine Xuan's waist is broken, Concubine Xuan's waist is fine, how could it be broken?Where did the tiger come from?
At this time, a hand stretched out, supported his arm, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Si Wang, be careful."

Feng Qianyue raised his head weakly, saw a face in front of him, looked straight into his eyes, his heart beat slightly, brushed away Feng Yunzheng's hand, pretending to be calm and authentic:
"I'm fine!"

Feng Yunzheng let go of his hand, looked at his palm, with an unfathomable expression on his face, and said, "Brother Siwang, be careful when walking, there will always be obstacles on the ground, don't fall."

Feng Qianyue looked up at him abruptly, a chill flashed in his eyes, but he didn't stop any longer, but hurried on his horse and followed the emperor back to the camp.

Feng Yunzheng stood in the distance, looking at Feng Qianyue's back, the smile on his face gradually deepened, that smile was like the coldest cold wind, when it blew, it killed people invisible.

The tiger had been shot dead, lying with the half-eaten horse, the blood flowed like rivers on the ground, exuding a disgusting fishy smell.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. Concubine Xuan was paralyzed on the ground, sweating profusely, her face pale as wax. I wonder if the pain was too severe and her body could not move——

(End of this chapter)

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