First-class daughter

Chapter 186 Unbelievable

Chapter 186 Unbelievable
Chapter 186 Unbelievable
But the upper body kept twitching and shaking, like a man suffering from epilepsy, with his mouth wide open, and the foam in his mouth was spit out bit by bit, and then more and more, the whole body Her chest was full of foam, she couldn't speak a word, her eyes were like dead fish eyes, and she looked terribly frightening.

After the imperial doctor received the news, he hurried over, squatted on the ground, and examined Concubine Xuan's body one by one.

The rest of the people gathered around, their hearts beating wildly. No one expected that a good hunting would turn into this: one had a foot bitten off, and the other had a broken waist!

"Prince doctor, doctor, how is Concubine Xuan? Is the waist really broken?" At this time, the queen empress finally rushed over and asked with an anxious look on her face.

"This..." The imperial doctor looked at Concubine Xuan, but she didn't dare to say it, for fear of irritating Concubine Xuan.

"The Empress asked you, don't hurry up! Be careful to delay the best treatment period." Concubine Xu Xian understood the hesitation of the imperial physician, and hurriedly urged.

"Yes!" the imperial physician hurriedly said, "Empress Empress, Empress Xuanfei fell from too high a place and received such a shock that all five bones on her lumbar spine were broken, not even one intact. That is to say, the entire waist is broken."

"What, broken waist?" The queen was shocked.

The rest of them couldn't help touching their waists when they heard what the imperial doctor said, they all felt pain.

Concubine Xuan, who was in a daze, also heard these words, she suddenly supported herself with her hands, as if she wanted to get up from the ground, panting heavily, her excited body shaking even more violently!

"Hold her down quickly! Otherwise you'll die!" Seeing this, the imperial doctor hurriedly ordered, and several palace maids hurriedly pressed down on her hand.

"What will happen in the future?" The Empress continued to ask.

"From now on..." The imperial physician paused, lowered his head, and said, "Even if he survives by chance, he will never be able to stand up for the rest of his life. He can only lie down all day, not even sitting."

How miserable is this life!
The queen said sternly, "Concubine Xuan is the emperor's favorite, no matter what, let her live, as long as she lives, there is a way to cure her!" She was overjoyed, but her face still had a serious expression.

Hahaha, concubine Xuan, concubine Xuan, retribution, all retribution!How pleasing it is to be unable to get up all your life, and to lie down like a worm all your life!Therefore, she must find a way to let her lie down for a lifetime!

"Yes, as long as you are alive, there will be a solution, imperial physician, you must protect Concubine Xuan's life." Concubine Xu Xian also solemnly confessed.

"Yes, I obey the order." The imperial doctor took the order, wiped the sweat from his forehead, but thought in his heart that all five waist bones were broken, even a god can't help it.

Lian Siyue watched the empress and concubine Xu Xian sing together, this kind of perspective that always sees through everything is really exciting and funny.

"I love my concubine! I love my concubine!" Here, Emperor Zhou Cheng rushed over, wearing armor and holding a bow and arrow.

Seeing the emperor coming, the rest of the people gave way one after another.

The emperor walked up to Concubine Xuan in a few steps, and when he saw the person paralyzed on the ground, he was also frightened immediately, took a step back suddenly, and looked at the person on the ground in disbelief
Is this person with such a terrifying appearance his favorite—the soft and charming concubine Xuan?
Serving others with her color, her color fades and she loves to gallop. Emperor Zhou Cheng dotes on Concubine Xuan because of her young beauty and unscrupulous age, but now Concubine Xuan suddenly becomes like this. No matter what the reason is, Emperor Zhou Cheng will be punished. A big stimulus!

Such a terrible scene, I will never forget it in the future, how can I hold it in the palm of my hand and love it like before.

Seeing the retreat and hesitation in Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes, Concubine Xuan felt that she was already desperate. She had seen too many eyes like this from the emperor, but this was when she was treating other abandoned concubines, not him—

"Huang, Huang..." Concubine Xuan lay on the ground unable to move, she struggled to utter two words, her eyes were bulging, her voice seemed to be squeezed out of a gap, it was completely different from the melodious voice in the past two people.

"Come on, come on! What happened? How did my beloved concubine become like this?" Zhou Chengdi finally turned around from the shock and shouted angrily.

Today, it was a great joy to finally catch a fetish, but now such a tragedy happened suddenly, and Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart was suffocated, he couldn't be happy!
"Your Majesty!" At this moment, the Empress grabbed the Emperor's bow and arrow, leaned forward, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"What, General Xiao's daughter...had her leg bitten off?" He was taken aback.

The queen lowered her voice, and said, "There was nothing wrong with it. Concubine Xuan kicked Xiao Rou down with both feet in order to protect herself at a critical moment, and that's became like this. However, Concubine Xuan is not wrong, too. In order to save her life, there must have been no way to make such a bad move at the time, and she has been punished now, the emperor should not be angry about it."

"..." Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Concubine Xuan again, but his mood began to become complicated.

"It's just..." Concubine Xu Xian said worriedly, "At this moment, General Xiao is leading a hundred thousand elite soldiers to fight against the enemy in Daliao. I heard that he loves Xiao Rou very much. I'm afraid the concubine's harm will cause General Xiao's dissatisfaction, I still have to keep Concubine Xuan to explain to General Xiao, after all, he has a hundred thousand elite soldiers..."

"He dares!" Zhou Chengdi's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Even if I gave him a million elite soldiers, he wouldn't dare to do anything wrong! A daughter is more important than the country and society of Great Zhou!"

"The emperor forgives the sin!" The empress and concubine Xian knelt down quickly, and said in panic, "It's the concubine who is talking too much! The concubine is benevolent, please punish the emperor!"

"Get up!" Emperor Zhou Cheng still had an angry look on his face, but he was thinking in his heart that since ancient times, the generals have been away, and the military orders have not been accepted!When he looked at Concubine Xuan again, the distress in his eyes was gradually replaced by indifference, and he said, "Doctor, no matter what, we must save Concubine Xuan."

He said coldly, "First save Concubine Xuan, she must not die."

"Yes!" A few servants came over, lifted Concubine Xuan up, and walked into the emperor's tent.

"Let's put it in another place, so much blood and foam, don't pollute the emperor's place." Seeing this, the queen ordered, but the emperor did not stop the queen's order.

When Concubine Xuan was carried away, she searched around for someone with expectant eyes, but she found in despair that she did not see the figure of Feng Qianyue whom she was thinking of.

She is very scared now, very scared, now that she has a broken waist and has become a useless waste, he must be extremely disappointed, will he still talk to her in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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