First-class daughter

Chapter 188 I'm Not Afraid

Chapter 188 I'm Not Afraid

Chapter 188 I'm Not Afraid

"No, I'm not afraid, and I don't want to stop. I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm afraid I won't be able to take revenge. Revenge makes me feel happy!" The blood in Lian Siyue's body was faintly boiling.

"So, what happens after the revenge? Have you ever thought about what kind of life you want to live?" Feng Yunzheng stared into her flaming eyes and asked——

In fact, this is the most important thing in the future.

"What kind of life do I want to live..." Lian Siyue's eyes gradually dimmed, and after a while, a faint bitterness appeared on the corner of her lips, and she said, "I haven't thought about it yet, and I don't know."

Looking at her leaving back, Feng Yunzheng felt a little heavy in his heart.

He prefers her to live a bright and colorful life, but her bright and colorful life needs to be stepped on the tip of a knife and the sea of ​​fire, so he can only——

with him!
"Your Highness, if the guard who reported the letter just now had come a little later, His Highness the Fourth Highness would have said what he asked for a marriage. If he caught the Qilin, the Emperor would agree no matter what." Night Breeze said with a sigh of relief.

Feng Yunzheng smiled and said, "That's why the guards showed up at this time, not too early or too late."

Night Breeze suddenly realized that the messenger had already been arranged, "Your Highness, you are really good at ruining marriages."

"Should be punished! Where did Feng Qianyue and her get married?" Feng Yunzheng's face turned cold.

"Subordinates, damn it, damn it! Slap your mouth, slap your mouth!" Night Breeze slapped himself hastily. He has been saying the wrong things recently, and he was really worried that His Highness Ninth Prince would drive him away.

"Where is that person? Where is he now?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, this subordinate has already hidden him, waiting for His Highness to tell you."

"Go and have a look." Feng Yunzheng said.

The master and the servant followed the night and arrived at the woods where the women were hunting during the day when no one was looking. By the time Concubine Xuan's letter was received, Night Breeze had already started working overnight to make the surface more secretive and the space inside larger. From the outside, it would be difficult to find without looking carefully.

At this moment, Zuo Yi, the sharp archer that Concubine Xuan was looking for, hid inside.

"Your Highness, be careful." Night Breeze led Feng Qianyue down the vines into the trap. The man whose hands and feet were bound and whose mouth was stuffed with rags widened his eyes when he saw the two of them. It's like Tongling.

He stared fiercely at Night Breeze. On that day, he received an order from Concubine Xuan to shoot a man named Lian Siyue. The reward was ten thousand taels of gold. The man in black with an indifferent face attacked from behind and knocked him out. When he woke up, he was hiding in this cave, and he didn't know what happened.
"Hmm..." He whimpered roughly, struggling to free himself with his hands and feet,

Night Breeze walked over and removed the cloth strip from his mouth. He finally gained the freedom to speak, suppressed his throat, and asked:
"You, you..."

"Shut up!" Night Breeze's long sword slammed against his throat, "Your Highness hasn't spoken yet, so there's no place for you to speak."

He immediately closed his mouth, sweat dripping down in big drops.

Feng Yunzheng's eyes only glanced at him lightly, but he felt the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

"Night Breeze..." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze understood, and kicked the crook of the left wing's calf. His feet softened, and he immediately fell to his knees with a plop. Before he could straighten up, Night Breeze blew past his waist again A dagger that cut iron like mud slid hard on his left calf. ——

Immediately, blood gushed out from the slit of the knife.

"Ah, Your Highness, the hand seems to be heavy, and the biggest blood vessel has been cut." Night Breeze shrugged, showing a sorry expression.

"Ah!" Zuo Yi let out a scream, and immediately leaned forward, his upper body fell to the ground, with a very painful expression on his face, and large drops of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"That's not enough? If you have the ability to kill people, what's the pain?" Night Breeze sneered, took a bucket from the corner of the trap, and put it in front of his eyes. Going to be paralyzed!
Inside the bucket were flesh-colored worms, each half a finger long, wriggling around in the bucket, looking extremely disgusting.

A frightened expression appeared on Zuo Yi's face.

Night Breeze picked up a worm with a dagger, and the worm twisted on the back of the knife. He squatted on the ground, letting the worm stay in front of Zuo Yi's eyes for a while, and then placed the worm on his bleeding body On the wound, the worm suddenly looked like a person who was too hungry and thirsty, desperately began to suck blood, and the left wing felt an itchy wound, as if there were squirming flesh worms drilling into his body——

"You, what did you do to me, what kind of bug is this? Why do you want to eat my blood."

"This worm, schistosomiasis, is soft and looks gentle, but in fact, it is very hungry now, so it is desperately sucking your blood, sucking up the blood that flows out, and it will still Get into your body, suck your blood every day, and then, you will become more and more dry, and your face will become like old bark, until it sucks the blood in your body, and you will die." Ye Feng's tone was very scary, while Feng Yunzheng listened quietly from the side, with an indifferent expression.

Hearing this, Zuo Yi turned pale with fright. He turned his head, and sure enough, he saw that disgusting and terrifying worm was burying its head in his wound to suck blood. Going into his flesh, he felt an itch that went deep into the bone marrow.

He shook his body vigorously, trying to shake the worm out.

Night Breeze saw her intentions and said, "Don't waste your energy, you can't shake it off, half of its body got in, besides, look, here is a bucket for you, are you done shaking? ?”

He raised his head, his face had already started to turn purple, his eyes puffed up, he looked at Feng Yunzheng, and said, "I will let me do what I have to do."

Although Feng Yunzheng hardly spoke since he came in, Zuo Yi knew that he was the king who controlled everything.

However, Feng Yunzheng pursed his lips and didn't speak. There was a terrible dead silence in the air!

Big beads of sweat fell from his face, he turned his head, the schistosomime could hardly see his body, he threw himself on the ground and shouted: "Help me, save me!"

"Your golden concubine Xuan is now disabled, not only can she not give you the revenge of ten thousand gold cars, she can't keep your life, because she can't even protect herself now.

But if you do what I want, I can consider not letting you die, the ten thousand taels of gold is still yours, and I will not let the people who do business with me lose money. "Feng Yunzheng finally spoke belatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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