First-class daughter

Chapter 189 Assassination of the Emperor

Chapter 189 Assassination of the Emperor
Chapter 189 Assassination of the Emperor
Zuo Yi straightened up abruptly, only to see the unfathomable expression on the face of the Ninth Prince, making one feel as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

"Your Highness, please clarify."

"Kill the emperor." Feng Yunzheng said lightly, these four words easily spilled from his lips.

"What..." Zuo Yi jumped in shock, looking at Feng Yunzheng in disbelief——

He heard about the concubine Liang being demoted and the Nine Kings being expelled from the court. So, is the Nine Kings now going to kill their father and king to avenge themselves and their mother and concubine?
"Your Highness..." Night Breeze also looked at Feng Yunzheng in surprise. In their plan, there was never such a step as killing the emperor.

"How?" Feng Yunzheng looked straight at the left wing.

"My purpose is to survive. Your Highness asked me to kill the Emperor, but it's still..." Zuo Yi hesitated, but the bug had already crawled into his body, and he felt a bone-chilling chill all over his body.

"This king swears to his superiors that you will never die for assassinating the emperor." Feng Yunzheng said.

"..." Zuo Yi was sweating more and more, his eyes could hardly see clearly. Although he loves money extremely, but now he regrets coveting Concubine Xuan's 1 taels of gold!
"Night Breeze." Feng Yunzheng called out.

"Yes..." Night Breeze understood, and grabbed a blood fluke from the bucket.

"I promise, I promise!" He would rather choose the former than the pain of killing the emperor and being killed by a sword, or being sucked dry by blood flukes to death!Besides, this Ninth Highness doesn't seem like someone who would deceive him.

Night Breeze immediately grabbed a handful of cigarette ash and sprinkled it on his wound, the blood stopped flowing, then opened his mouth, stuffed a medicine and forced him to swallow it.

"This schistosomiasis has already penetrated into your body. The medicine you just took temporarily inhibits the learning worm from penetrating deep into your body. The medicine will work for two days. When the matter is over tomorrow, I will give you another medicine. After eating the other one, I will lure the learning bug out, don't play tricks!" Night Breeze warned sternly.

"Yes, yes!" Zuo Yi felt that he had met someone much more terrifying than Concubine Xuan.

Night Breeze untied him, and said, "Go, you want to surrender yourself to the emperor, or you will be caught by the emperor's people later, it's up to you to choose."

"..." Zuo Yi clasped his fists towards Feng Yunzheng, and then walked out of the trap with bumpy feet.

On the way back to the tent—

"Hahahaha..." Night Breeze couldn't help but chuckle, "This person is too frightened to be stupid. He treats leeches as schistosomiasis, and doesn't even know whether there are insects in his body."

"When people are under extreme fear, they often lose their judgment on one thing. Besides, he has been imprisoned in the cave for several hours, and he heard that Concubine Xuan is useless, so his fear has reached the greatest level. It's not surprising that I believed your schistosomiasis." Feng Yunzheng analyzed.

"Your Highness is right!" Night Breeze nodded.

"You go and watch him secretly. There is no room for any mistakes in this matter. Whether the concubine can be punished, and whether the king can return to the court, just watch once!" Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes!" Night Breeze obeyed the order, quickly plunged into the night, and followed the left wing.

Feng Yunzheng looked around, and finally looked at the empress's tent, he walked over -

When the Queen heard that His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was asking for an audience, there was a bit of surprise on her face, and after allowing him to enter the tent, she said——

"You are finally willing to come and see me. The matter between Ben Gong and Concubine Xuan has implicated your mother and concubine, and the matter of the crown prince has also dragged you down. Ben Gong thought, you must be resenting me."

"I don't dare." Feng Yunzheng knelt down in front of the empress, kowtowed, and said, "I just didn't have the chance to enter the palace, so I didn't go to pay my respects to the queen."

After hearing this, the queen finally let out a long sigh, "You have been wronged."

Feng Yunzheng smiled, but did not speak.

The queen continued: "Last time, five people were carefully selected for you to be Prince Heng, but you didn't want any of them, and you said that you have someone in your heart. Love and marriage are in charge. You are here today, but you can tell me who that person is. If I feel worthy, I will ask the emperor to resign from your marriage." She said to Feng Yunzheng When he spoke, there seemed to be a bit of elder love in his tone.


Feng Yunzheng said, "Queen Mother, I don't want to talk about the children's affair right now."

The Queen paused her hand while picking out the jewelry, her eyes froze, she raised her head and asked, "You didn't come here on purpose to visit me, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Concubine Xuan." Feng Yunzheng spat out these two words, staring deeply into the Queen's eyes.

The queen's face turned pale, and her hands suddenly clenched the back of the chair.

Concubine Xuan was placed in another house. The emperor had ordered the entire hunting ground to be sealed off to thoroughly investigate the truth. The hunting activity, which was supposed to last for five days, stopped after only two days. The whole hunting ground was in panic.

The Empress has unknowingly replaced all the servants around Concubine Xuan with hers, leaving Concubine Xuan with no one who can speak.

Concubine Xuan almost died in pain. After waking up and falling asleep for a while, the whole lower body below the waist began to be numb and unconscious. She felt like a person without a lower body. , The heart-piercing pain, the pain was so painful that my whole body was torn in two, every part of my body hurt, I wished I could die right away.

However, the pain made her unable to commit suicide.

The blood seemed to be blocked, unable to flow, his head was heavy and drowsy, and he couldn't help but want to vomit.

The servant who served her was not dedicated, and she didn't wipe it off when she vomited on her body, and she didn't have the strength to order others anymore.

At night, the curtain of the tent was lifted, she opened her eyes drowsily, and glimpsed a particularly stern and tall figure in a daze.

Yes, is it him?

is she dreaminghe came?
She stretched out a hand tremblingly, wanting to laugh, but what finally appeared on her face was a weird expression.

She murmured weakly, "You, you're here, aren't you?"

"How are you now?" In that familiar voice, with her usual indifference, she was taken aback and blinked vigorously. The image in her dream became clearer and clearer, and she saw— —

It's really him!

"four four……"

"Hush!" Feng Qianyue sat down beside her, raised his hand, and gently stroked her face. When the warm fingertips touched her skin, her face trembled, and he Her fingers seemed to have magical powers, and she was extremely satisfied with a little pampering.

Feng Qianyue looked at her with a smile, but the eyes were so far away that they seemed to be separated by the distance of the Milky Way.

(End of this chapter)

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