Chapter 190
Chapter 190
"I seized the opportunity to come in, and I will leave soon. Now the emperor is furious, and everyone is worried and cautious. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them truthfully."

"..." Concubine Xuan nodded vigorously.

"What happened, did you want to kill Lian Siyue, and then things turned out like this?" He asked, his tone was very gentle, but it made her feel convulsed.

"..." She didn't dare to lie and nodded.

"Why?" He asked, the coldness in his eyes deepened, but it made people feel that the coldness seemed to be absent, which was unpredictable.

"Because," Concubine Xuan flickered, and Feng Qianyue already knew something from her expression.

He let his cold face slowly, slowly reveal a smile, and said patiently, "It's okay, I won't blame you if you want to get angry and attack her, but, you misunderstood, I didn't really like her, just, She would be a good pawn, that's why I wanted to recruit her to my side."

After listening to Concubine Xuan, the expression on her face relaxed, and she followed him, slowly, slowly showing a smile, "But I, but I ruined your plan. In the future, the emperor will not spoil a paralyzed Woman, I'm useless, and now I'm... very, very sorry."

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. Take good care of your body. I'll find a way to get some good people to take care of you. Just bear with it." He is so gentle, the gentleness she dreamed of the most in her dreams. Already paralyzed and useless, he still treats her so well.

"Okay..." She choked up and was about to shed tears.

"The emperor is doing his best to investigate this matter, and I'm worried that he will eventually find out that you did it." Feng Qian frowned tightly, appearing very worried.

"Don't worry, I will grit my teeth. Even if I use ten tortures, I will not reveal our relationship. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with you." Concubine Xuan swore.

"No, actually I am not worried about myself, I am worried about you now, because Xiao Zhenhai's daughter lost a leg, the emperor will not let you go, so, if you do what I say, I may still be able to keep yours Fate." Feng Qianyue took her hand and said,
"I, what should I do?" Concubine Xuan asked.

Feng Qian got closer to her ear, whispering something softly...

The expression on her face became clearer and clearer, she finally nodded and said, "I see."

"I should go." Feng Qianyue stood up and looked back at the person lying on the bed. She was paralyzed on the bed like a rag, her young and delicate face was swollen, and her eyes were squeezed between the two slits and she was almost invisible , that originally long hair like black silk, when he fell off the horse, a piece of black hair was abruptly torn off, the scalp on his head was torn off a piece as big as a slap, blood red, and his hands, fingers It was swollen like a pig's trotter, and it was already so ugly that it was impossible to look directly at it.

How could the royal father look at such a person again.

It was only because he wanted to give an explanation to Xiao Zhenhai, who was on the march, that the imperial doctor tried his best to save him, leaving him with a sigh of relief.

It's just that, with her alive like this, he is bound to have nightmares every night.

Feng Qianyue walked out of the tent and left quickly. Once she returned to her tent, the expression on her face turned cold——

"Your Highness..." Ying Kong, his bodyguard, came over and called out.

Feng Qianyue stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand and brushed the things in front of the case to the ground, and then he suddenly pulled out the sword hanging on the wall, and slashed vigorously, cutting all the things in the tent to pieces. Nothing!

It took him a whole nine years, Concubine Liang finally fell, and Feng Yunzheng finally had no threat to him, but now, because of Concubine Xuan's ridiculous jealousy... everything fell short!
How could he still have nine years to cultivate another master, and then send it to the emperor's side!

Moreover, the situation on his side is not optimistic now!Feng Ye and Feng Yunzheng are all against him, openly or secretly!

There was a cloud of anger in his heart, wishing he could kill Concubine Xuan a thousand times or ten thousand times!This stupid woman ruined his carefully arranged plan!

"Win empty!" he called.

"Your Highness..."

"Concubine Xuan said that the archer she arranged is a man named Zuo Yi, you must find this man before them!" Feng Qianyue ordered.


Yingkong walked out, Feng Qianyue was standing in the tent, still angry.

In any case, after this incident, Concubine Xuan can't stay!What he has to do now is not to let anyone know about Concubine Xuan's relationship with him!

However, Yingkong searched secretly for a day, but failed to find the whereabouts of that person.

Ying Kong asked, "His Royal Highness, it stands to reason that the assassin did not escape from the hunting ground, and the hunting ground was blocked. It is not difficult for so many people to find an assassin. Does Your Highness feel that something is a little strange?"

Feng Qianyue looked solemn, and said, "I'm afraid someone has already stepped on it first."

"Who does His Highness think?"

"Send more people and focus on His Highness the Ninth Highness." Feng Yunzheng was making him feel more and more pressure now, especially when he was fighting for the unicorn, he couldn't forget the murderous aura emanating from him.

Although he won the unicorn in the end, he didn't actually take advantage of it. He lowered his head and looked at the position of the tiger's mouth. The wound there was not healed, and it was completely red.

However, Ying Kong found that His Highness Ninth Prince's tent was also very peaceful. He stayed in the tent and hardly ever went out. Even his bodyguard, Night Breeze, followed around and never went anywhere.

Night Breeze opened a gap in the tent, looked at Ying Kong's figure from afar, put down his hands, and returned to Feng Yunzheng, saying:

"Your Highness, it was not wrong. His Highness Fourth regarded you as a key monitoring target. He suspected that Zuo Yi was captured by us, but he never thought that we had already released Zuo Yi to be arrested."

As the search progressed, the entire hunting ground was immersed in a tense atmosphere, and everyone stayed in the tent and dared not go out casually.

Lian Yanqing came to see Lian Siyue here, and after confirming that she was fine, she went out to assist the emperor in finding the murderer.

In the evening, she felt a little dull, so she walked out of the tent to enjoy the air. She looked up at the sky. The sky was gloomy, and a violent storm was coming.

At this time, the air was filled with a solemn atmosphere that the wind and rain were about to come, which made people almost suffocate.

There have been guards running around outside the tent all the time. I heard that the emperor has issued a death order. If the murderer of the archery cannot be caught and the truth cannot be found out, they will not leave the hunting ground.

"Miss, it's getting cold, let's put on some clothes." Qing Dai walked over, holding a light purple feather gauze veil cape, and draped it over Lian Siyue's body.

"Is there any movement on Xiao Rou's side?"

(End of this chapter)

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