First-class daughter

Chapter 194 Concubine Xuan Rebels

Chapter 194 Concubine Xuan Rebels
Chapter 194 Concubine Xuan Rebels
"Your majesty must not wrong your concubines!" The queen trembled angrily.

No one thought that Concubine Xuan would point the finger at the Empress, but the Empress had already used witchcraft to curse Concubine Xuan, so at this moment, Concubine Xuan's words were somewhat believable.

——This is also the reason why Feng Qianyue finally decided to ask Concubine Xuan to testify against the queen and divert her attention.

The emperor's heart has actually deviated at this time. He knows that he is the queen. Although he is the master of the sixth house, since the crown prince was abolished, his temperament has also changed drastically. Even if there is no real evidence to prove that the queen is behind the scenes The mastermind, but what Concubine Xuan said couldn't get rid of her suspicions.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the tent seemed to freeze, except for Concubine Xuan's trembling sobs, no one spoke, and the emperor's face became more and more serious

Feng Qianyue's eyes slowly fell on the emperor's face, and there was an imperceptible chuckle on the corner of his lips——

Even if there is no direct evidence to prove that the empress is the mastermind, but there is a curse first, and the emperor will have a grudge against her in the future. As long as there is this grudge, the empress will not have a good life in the future.

But when he looked at Lian Siyue who was kneeling on the ground, Feng Qianyue's heart beat slightly——

"Your Majesty, the assassin has been found!"

However, at this moment, Jiang Keji's voice came from outside.

The assassin found it?Lian Jue's face showed joy, the assassin found it, and the sister's grievances can be washed away!

When two guards walked in with a wounded man in black, the expression on Feng Qianyue's face flashed, and he looked at Feng Yunzheng suddenly, only to find that the expression on Feng Yunzheng's face was still calm——

Feng Qianyue was puzzled, why didn't he catch the assassin to wash away Lian Siyue's grievances and then claim credit to the father, but the father's people caught the assassin himself?Could it be that Feng Yunzheng has other plans?
He looked at Lian Siyue again, on her face was only the excitement of the assassin being caught and about to be cleared of her grievances, and she and Lian Jue looked at each other happily, every expression was just right, without flaws.

As soon as Concubine Xuan saw Zuo Yi, she quietly grabbed the clothes tightly with her hands, her face became paler and paler. She thought Feng Qianyue would be the first to catch people and kill them, but unexpectedly, the Emperor's people found them first.

What should we do now?She couldn't help but glance at Feng Qianyue, but Feng Qianyue didn't look at her, he seemed to be thinking about something rapidly in his mind.

"In front of the emperor, hurry up and kneel down!" Jiang Keji pressed the assassin's shoulder and pressed him to the ground.

Zuo Yi knelt down on both knees, right next to Lian Siyue.

"Bold rebel, dare to assassinate under my nose, who ordered you, tell me!" Sitting on the wide chair, the emperor asked sharply.

"No one ordered." Zuo Yi gave Zhou Chengdi a cold look, and said every word.

Hearing Zuo Yi's answer, Feng Qianyue and Concubine Xuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

"A daring lunatic who dares to despise His Majesty. His crime is unforgivable. Someone, drag him out and behead him!" Jiang Keji said immediately when he saw that the assassin was not afraid but arrogant in front of the emperor.

"..." However, the emperor signaled the guards who stepped forward to retreat, then stood up and walked in front of the assassin.

"Your Majesty..." Jiang Keji called out.

The emperor raised his hand, and Jiang Keji stepped back.

"You seem to hate me very much? Why?" The emperor looked straight into the eyes of the assassin. The assassin was obviously a little flustered, with sweat streaming down his forehead, and there was a flash of panic in his eyes——


His eyes turned red, and when he tried to break free, the hands tied behind his back were loosened, and his hands were covered with blood. It turned out that there was a small blade in his hand, which was quietly cutting the rope when he was tied.

"God emperor, take your life!"

Almost at the same time, he rushed towards Emperor Zhou Cheng with lightning speed, and cut the blade off his neck!
"Ah!" Everyone screamed.

"Help!" someone yelled.

But at this time, a figure from behind flashed like lightning, and Feng Yunzheng had subdued the assassin in the blink of an eye and crushed him to the ground!
"Your Majesty!" Jiang Keji and others quickly drew out their long swords and stood around the emperor. The swords were aimed at the throats of the people on the ground. The other princes also drew out their swords one by one and surrounded the emperor to protect him!
But the faces of Feng Qianyue and Concubine Xuan who were originally relieved suddenly changed drastically!what happened?Why did the left wing assassinate the emperor!

Feng Qianyue clenched her fists tightly, and seemed to understand that Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue had a bigger conspiracy waiting for him and Concubine Xuan——

And this conspiracy is directly linked to the assassination of the emperor!
The assassin's blade was only a few millimeters away from him just now!Sweat dripped from the emperor's forehead, and he was furious, "You want to assassinate me?"

The assassin was trembling all over, Feng Yunzheng's eyes sank, and he stepped on his neck secretly hard, saying: "The emperor asked you something, tell me quickly! Who are you instigated by?"

"..." However, he clenched his mouth tightly, as if he refused to speak no matter what.

Feng Yunzheng seemed to have remembered something, he picked up the sword, swiped across the assassin's back, then bent down and tore off the clothes on his back forcefully, his expression changed drastically, and he said——

"Father, he is a dead soldier of the former Jinyuan Regiment! Look..."

What?Rebels from the previous dynasty?Jinyuan regiment?The emperor was shocked, and quickly walked over a few steps, looked down, and saw that the assassin's back was engraved with a pattern representing the previous dynasty——

Three circles, ranging from small to large, are encircled like archery targets.

Isn't this a sign of the rebellion of the previous government?

Emperor Zhou Cheng took a step back immediately, his face turned pale——

In the 48th year of Emperor Yuanzhen of the former dynasty, Emperor Wu of Zhou, the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, broke through the capital, Emperor Yuanzhen committed suicide, the Yuan Dynasty perished, and the Great Zhou Dynasty was established. Li Yu Wang Li Ji ascended the throne, known as Yuan Ruodi.

Emperor Yuanruo and a group of survivors did not give up their dream of restoring Dayuan. They used Yiqiu Island as their base to develop their economy and military affairs, and used their reserve forces to counterattack Dazhou. Chen Xin still persuaded Emperor Yuanqiang several times to send troops to attack Da Zhou.

As a result, the entire army was annihilated in the first battle, and Emperor Yuanqiang was hanged by the rebels. Chen Xin fled with Li Feng, the youngest son of Emperor Yuanqiang, and secretly summoned the old officials of the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Tuan.

"In recent years, the Jinyuan regiment has specialized in cultivating slayers and secret agents, with the ultimate goal of assassinating the emperor's father. At the same time, he also assassinated members of the royal family. Come to think of it, the person he was going to assassinate that day was Eleven. Fortunately, Lian Siyue rescued Eleven by mistake. Injured Concubine Xuan's horse by mistake!" Feng Yunzheng said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng gasped and asked:

"Are you really a dead soldier of the Jinyuan Regiment?"

"Long live the Great Yuan Dynasty, long live, long live!" Zuo Yi shouted with scarlet eyes, sweat dripping down one by one, as if he was too excited.

Feng Yunzheng forced him to straighten his body, and his subordinates tore his shirt with force, only to hear two clicks, and a few things as thick as little fingers fell from his body.

"What is this?" Jiang Keji bent down, picked up these things, and said.

The eighth prince, Feng Ye, took a few glances and said, "Father, this is a firecracker battle. There will be some patterns after lift-off. Since it is on his body, it should be a signal for the members of their Jinyuan regiment to contact."

(End of this chapter)

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