Chapter 195

Chapter 195

"The firecracker?" The emperor took the firecracker in Jiang Keji's hand, looked at it, looked at it, suddenly, his expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the paralyzed concubine Xuan!

Concubine Xuan was taken aback immediately, as if the emperor's eyes were about to kill her in a hurry.

Emperor Zhou Cheng rang. On the day she arrived at the hunting ground, she saw this beautiful and young concubine setting off firecrackers outside the tent. She told him with a sweet smile, "This is a firecracker. Look, they can fly into the air after they take off." It draws a round figure, which is very beautiful, your majesty, let's enjoy it together."

At that time, her eyes smiled into two crescent moons, lively and beautiful, he didn't take it to heart at that time, knowing that she was young and her playfulness had not changed.


Emperor Zhou Cheng walked quickly to Concubine Xuan's dressing table, stretched out his hand and flicked it, only to hear a bang, everyone was startled, and then looked down, and sure enough, some and The same firecracker in the hands of an assassin.

"Your Majesty, these firecrackers are the same as the ones that fell from your body at this moment." The queen turned pale with shock, and pointed!
"Light it up, go out and have a look!" the emperor ordered.

"Yes." The eunuch took the firecrackers and went out to light them, and everyone followed them outside. At this moment, he and Concubine Xuan fired one firecrackers at the same time, and when they rose into the air, circles appeared one after another, with exactly the same shape and size.

The emperor's hand was slowly clenched.

"Your Majesty, the General remembered that when we were hunting in the forest, there was such a firecracker in mid-air. At that time, the General and the other guards thought it was the farmers who knew that His Majesty was hunting and used it to pray for His Majesty. Now look at it. Come on, it's not that simple!" Jiang Keji recalled.

The emperor suddenly felt a little dark in front of his eyes, took two steps back, slowly raised his eyes, and looked at Concubine Xuan——

If Concubine Xuan was really on the same side as this assassin, then she was telling her allies that the emperor was here by setting off the firecracker that day!
Concubine Xuan was shocked, her face turned pale, she shook her head, "No, no, Your Majesty... I, I don't know..."

As she spoke, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she suddenly looked at Lian Siyue who was wearing an iron chain, and she remembered the situation when she called her into the tent that day——

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Lian Siyue asked with interest when she saw the little white thing on the table.

"This is a firecracker. When I was young in my hometown, my parents used to let off this kind of firecracker. This thing is rarely seen in Kyoto."

At that time, she didn't pay attention to just such a sentence at all, but now it seems that Lian Siyue was already playing with her at that time!And she even designed to frame her self-righteously!
"You, you..." Concubine Xuan panted heavily, her eyes opened like Tonglings, staring at Lian Siyue, but her body felt more and more weak, and she felt powerless as soon as she said two words.

"Your Majesty... You, it turns out that the person you were going to assassinate that day was the Eleventh Princess. Do you know that when you were in deep danger, the Eleventh Princess was the first to run back to save you regardless of the danger? How could you bear it?" Treating her like this, if she knew, how sad she would be." Lian Siyue seemed to feel worthless for Princess Eleven, with a sad expression on her face.

"No, no, Your Majesty..."

"Haha, now I finally understand!" The queen looked at Concubine Xuan and sneered twice, and said, "Your Majesty, the person who has the problem is obviously Concubine Xuan herself. Dealing with the emperor, now that something happened, she also tried to put the blame on the concubine, this is killing two birds with one stone, Your Majesty!

Concubine Xuan, Concubine Xuan, I originally thought you were just arrogant, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious!

You lurk beside the emperor, you really have ulterior motives, think about it now, ever since you entered the palace, this harem has not had a single day of peace, even Concubine Liang with such a good character... all..."

The queen said, looked at the emperor, and said sharply again:

"Tell me, when are you going to kill the emperor!"

The queen's words made Concubine Xuan unable to catch her breath, panting suddenly, "You, you..." She looked at Feng Qianyue involuntarily.

And the emperor looked at this concubine, cold sweat broke out slightly on his forehead!People who share the same bed day and night are always thinking about how to kill him...then...

Feng Qianyue clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth, but at this moment, he couldn't come out to speak for Concubine Xuan, otherwise, he would be suspected!
He glanced at the Tenth Prince Feng Rong, Feng Rong understood what he meant, and said:

"Father, my son has nothing else, but if Concubine Xuan is an assassin's party, [-] deaths are not enough. However, is it too hasty to conclude that she is a member of the Jinyuan regiment based on these firecrackers?"

"Father, what the ten emperors said is not unreasonable, but according to Jiang Keji, there have been firecrackers in other places, which means that there are accomplices of the Jinyuan regiment nearby. I implore you to go and arrest any of them. No one should be spared." At this time, Feng Ye stood up, fisted with both hands, and asked for instructions.

The emperor nodded and said, "Yes."

"I request you to go with me!" Feng Rong also asked for orders.

"Sure! The two of you go together with Jiang Keji, and you must arrest all the traitors before sunset!" the emperor ordered.


The two brothers Feng Ye and Feng Rong led Jiang Keji and a group of elite guards to search around the hunting ground. After two hours, they caught three Jinyuan Tuanshi who had tattoos with the same circular pattern on their backs. The soldiers also found three to five firecrackers of varying numbers from their bodies, which were the same as the ones in the hands of Zuo Wing and Concubine Xuan.

"Your Majesty, what are you still hesitating about? How can such a coincidence happen in this world? Think about it, the origin of this Concubine Xuan is actually unknown. A dancer in Ruyang Palace, who knows her origin, maybe her father and brother are also Fake, the emperor returned to the palace, might as well arrest him for investigation and interrogation, there will always be a result! But today, it seems that Concubine Xuan is inseparable from this Jinyuan regiment!" The queen said earnestly from the side.

When Feng Qianyue heard this, a trace of cold sweat slowly broke out in the palms of his hands.

Lian Siyue looked at the emperor's frown, and she knew that now, Emperor Zhou Cheng was not unwilling to believe that Concubine Xuan was from the Jin Yuan Tuan, but rather unwilling to admit that he was a majestic emperor and fell into a woman's trap inside.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, candles were lit in the tent——

"Your Majesty, please allow me, my daughter..." At this moment, Lian Siyue stood up unsteadily, her steps faltering.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Lian Jue was the first to notice Lian Siyue's strangeness, he supported her, and shouted anxiously.

"I...I can't breathe, I'm dizzy..." As he spoke, Lian Siyue's eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell softly into Lian Jue's arms, and passed out.

"What's going on here? The Imperial Physician... The Imperial Physician..." Lian Yanqing walked over quickly, squatted on the ground, and shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, pass it on to the imperial physician!" The empress also said anxiously.

"Untie the iron chain." The emperor gave an order, and Lian Jue carried her to the side of the low couch and lay down.

After a while, the accompanying Physician Hua rushed over with a box, squatted aside to check Lian Siyue's pulse, looked at his eyelids, and everyone held their breaths and waited——

(End of this chapter)

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