First-class daughter

Chapter 196 is fair

Chapter 196 is fair
Chapter 196 is fair
"Emperor doctor, how is it? How could you faint when you are fine, Yue'er is not a delicate person." Lian Yanqing asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty Prime Minister, Miss Lian fainted only after being poisoned." After a long while, the imperial doctor straightened up and clasped his fists.

"Poisoned?" Everyone was shocked, how could Haohao be poisoned?
Feng Qianyue stood outside the crowd, staring at Lian Siyue's face with blazing eyes. He tried to find out the flaws in her pretense, but her face was flushed and sweat was dripping from her forehead, which seemed very abnormal It doesn't look like it's pretending.

"Doctor, what kind of poison does my sister have? Can it be cured?" Lian Jue squeezed Lian Siyue's hand and asked in a tight voice.

"Master Lian, please be at ease." The imperial physician took out a silver needle and pricked Lian Siyue's forehead lightly, a drop of blood the size of a mung bean sprang out, and then pricked both wrists.

"Cough..." After a while, Lian Siyue finally opened her eyes slowly, and she looked around blankly.

"Sister, you're awake!" Lian Jue shouted happily.

"What's wrong with me?" Her eyes were blank, with a look of fear.

"You fainted just now, is there any discomfort?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"I..." Lian Siyue stood up supporting her body, and said, "Actually, more than an hour ago, I felt a little uncomfortable, and my chest felt a little stuffy. I couldn't help it just now, so I stood up, and then I I don't know anything."

When she was talking, she touched her head, and the red gold dots on her head swayed and hit her hand inadvertently.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, Imperial Physician Hua said suddenly, as if he had noticed something.

"What's the matter, did you find anything?" Lian Jue asked hastily.Imperial Physician Hua cupped his hands and said, "Miss, I have offended you, please take a look at the steps on your head."

"Okay." Lian Siyue raised his hand, took Bu Yao off his head, and handed it to Imperial Physician Hua. After the results were obtained, Imperial Physician Hua observed carefully.

"Doctor, is there a problem with this step?" The queen asked, but Concubine Xuan was stunned, this step was rewarded by her to Lian Siyue, what's the problem?
Physician Hua said, "Empress, can I borrow the tea next to you."

"Xueli." The empress ordered her maid Xueli to bring the teacup in front of Imperial Physician Hua, who saw that Imperial Physician Hua put the end of the swing into the tea, and after a while, the color of the tea gradually changed. Deep, slowly turning reddish brown.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked and asked.

"Miss Lian, how long have you been wearing this walker on your head?" the imperial physician asked Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue thought for a while and said, "This step was given by Concubine Xuan yesterday evening. I saw it was really beautiful, so I wore it at that time."

"Doctor, why did the tea change color? What's wrong with Bu Yao?" the queen also asked.

Physician Hua took a step forward, bowed, and said, "Go back to the emperor, queen, this walking shaker is coated with the fruit juice extracted from the Datura fruit. The whole body of Datura is poisonous, and the juice of the fruit is the most poisonous. Lian Datuo Miss put this step shaker on her head, and the step shaker rubbed against her head constantly, occasionally touching her hands, the poison would slowly invade the body, and symptoms of chest tightness and heart palpitations would appear after more than twelve hours. Even Miss Lian fainted because of this.

If the time exceeds 24 hours, the toxicity will increase, and then there will be hallucinations, delirium, restlessness, tonic or clonic convulsions, coma, shallow breathing and other critical signs, and finally cardiac arrest and death. "

"Then there any help?" Lian Jue was most concerned about this issue.

"Young master Lian, don't worry, because you found it in time, wait for the humble doctor to prescribe a few pastes and drink it, and the toxins on the surface of the skin will be cleared and you will be cured." The words of the imperial physician made Lian Yanqing and Lian Jue feel relieved, and even Siyue relaxed. tone.

"Mandala?" The emperor heard the analysis of Imperial Physician Hua, who had been in the imperial hospital when he was very young, and his words were highly respected, so he had no doubts about his words.

It's just that he couldn't believe that his former concubine was so scheming!

"Father, as far as I know, Yiqiu is rich in mandala flowers. There were rumors that Emperor Yuan Ruo was not actually hanged, but died of drinking mandala juice by mistake." At this time, Feng Yun Zheng said.

"I've heard of what Nine Emperor Brother said before." Feng Ye echoed from the side.

Lian Siyue looked at Concubine Xuan in disbelief, and said, "Ms. Concubine Xuan, I didn't expect that I just accidentally heard a word from you, and you actually did this to me."

"You, what are you talking about... Wronged, wronged, the emperor, the emperor, there is no such thing, no..." Concubine Xuan couldn't imagine why she suddenly became a rebel from the previous dynasty?She has nothing to do with this Jin Yuan Tuan at all!

"You heard something, say it, don't be afraid." The queen looked at her with encouraging eyes, and said.

Lian Siyue thought for a while and said, "That day, I accidentally heard Concubine Xuan say something to release the signal. In fact, I just passed by by chance, and I didn't hear it very clearly, but Concubine Xuan discovered my existence. Then, Not long after, Concubine Xuan came to me to ask about being surprised by the horse, and gave me a step shaker. I didn't think so much at the time, I never was a poisonous step shaker. It's a guilty conscience, afraid that I will tell what I heard, and wants to poison me to death, kill me to silence it."

"" Concubine Xuan suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Prince doctor, hurry up and save her, she can't die yet!" Feng Ye hurriedly said!
The queen thumped, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, there is one more matter. The concubine wanted to report her family's ugliness to the outside world, and reported it to the emperor after returning to the palace. Now, it seems that I have to say it! Come, tell me Mammy, bring it in!"

Madam Xu?This is the person next to Concubine Xuan.

After a while, she was led into the tent by the guards, "Nurse Xu..." Suddenly seeing her cronies, Concubine Xuan became excited again.

Nanny Xu looked at Concubine Xuan apologetically, then knelt on the ground, and shouted, "The emperor spares my life, my majesty spares my life, this old servant was also forced!"

"Tell me everything you know!" the queen snapped.

"Yes, yes, the Taoist priest who tried his best to confuse the empress to curse the empress concubine Xuan was actually arranged by the empress Xuan to go to the empress's side." Madam Xu said tremblingly.

Feng Qianyue was startled suddenly, and looked at Feng Yunzheng. Although it was a fleeting expression, he still caught it——

It was a sneer, a hint of precaution.

"What... you, you nonsense..." Concubine Xuan never expected that her closest servant would also betray her——

This Taoist priest was indeed arranged by her to go to the queen's side. It was Feng Qianyue's instruction to drive a wedge between the emperor, the queen, and the good concubine.

"Your majesty, this servant is not talking nonsense. I have a lot of evidence to prove it. The emperor can go and find it!" In order to save her life, Madam Xu betrayed Concubine Xuan thoroughly.

Up until now, Concubine Xuan could no longer wash away her sins!
The queen suddenly knelt on the ground in front of everyone, with two lines of clear tears streaming down her face, she said incomparably sadly, "At the beginning, the concubine saw that Concubine Xuan deliberately confused the emperor. , so she wanted to expose her mask, but Concubine Xuan was cunning, and even turned her into an army of concubines!
All of this is her arrangement, the purpose is to use the curse to separate the concubine and the emperor, and then involve Liang Concubine and Yun Zheng. The emperor's husband and wife are at odds, father and son are at odds!
Your Majesty, it seems that Concubine Liang and Yun Zheng were both murdered by treacherous concubines, and His Majesty wants to give justice to their mother and son! "

(End of this chapter)

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