First-class daughter

Chapter 197 Complete Destruction

Chapter 197 Complete Destruction
Chapter 197 Complete Destruction
What Empress Duanwen said was reasonable and pierced the emperor's heart. He looked at Feng Yunzheng, the son who had been expelled by him, and thought of the good concubine Liang, and couldn't help but feel guilty.

A trace of emotion appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, then he slowly knelt, knelt down, and knelt in front of the emperor without saying a word!

However, this silence seemed to have more meaning to the emperor!
He raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, a soreness flashed through his heart, let out a heavy breath, waved his hands, and said:

"Take Concubine Xuan down."

"No, no... Wrong... Wrong..." Concubine Xuan was eager to argue, but the emperor was already heartbroken, so he didn't want to listen to her more, the queen signaled, and the guards took Concubine Xuan away in a hurry.


At this point, the truth has been half revealed, the emperor ordered that no one in the know should reveal the fact that Concubine Xuan is a traitor to the party, and that Concubine Xuan was seriously injured during the hunt.

However, the emperor never said anything more about the wronged concubine Liang and the nine king Feng Yunzheng. No one knew what was going on in his heart.

Everyone left the emperor's tent one by one, Empress Du stayed behind, and said a few words of comfort to the emperor, Feng Qianyue took advantage of people's surprise and left secretly.

Lian Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lian Siyue, "You were actually involved in this assassination incident. I was terrified as a father. Fortunately, you were proved innocent, so it was safe and sound. The next two days For three days, you stay in the tent, don't come out and walk around."

"Yes, father." Lian Siyue bent his knees obediently, with a smile on his face, but there was a chill in his heart. What his father was worried about was not her safety, but his own official career. The imperial doctor said she was hit Poison, he didn't even give a warning.

Lian Jue also noticed this, seeing Lian Yanqing leaving in a hurry, he frowned, with a look of disapproval on his face.

Behind her, there was a sound of familiar footsteps, Lian Siyue smiled lightly, turned around, and saw Feng Yunzheng standing in front of her, with the same smile on her face.

Feng Yunzheng breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said, "Congratulations, Miss Lian."

"Congratulations too, Your Highness the Ninth Prince." Lian Siyue met his breezy eyes and said something that only the two of them could understand.

But they also know that many things have just begun, and people with ulterior motives have not surfaced one by one, and they can only get a moment of relief.

Back in the tent, as soon as the curtain was lowered, Lian Siyue opened her hand, letting Qingdai stretch her hand on her back, and took out a hot water bottle tied to it, she turned her head to look at the hot water bag, and then It fell to the ground with a snap.

"Finally I can untie it. I'm really about to get sick from the heat." With a relaxed expression on her face, she threw herself down on the bed and opened her hands, regardless of her manners.

Qing Dai said: "After applying it for a whole afternoon, maybe the skin is scalded, Jiang Xiang, hurry up and fetch a basin of cold water to cool the young lady's back."

Lian Jue came over, first looked at the hot water bottle on the ground suspiciously, then at Lian Siyue lying on the bed, then at Qing Dai, and asked curiously:

"What exactly is going on?"

"Just now when I fainted, I was sweating and had a fever. You think I can really act so well." Lian Siyue looked at Lian Jue's bewildered look amusedly.

"You mean... that Bu Yao is not poisonous?" Lian Jue asked in surprise.

"Of course it's poisonous, but I didn't get poisoned by Datura! This hot water bottle has been attached to my back since I got out of the tent, and I also put on an extra layer of clothes today, so my body is hot, and I can't get out of it. Sweat, the heart beat will also speed up.

Just when the timing was about right, I pretended to faint!

Bu Yao was originally dipped in the venomous juice of Datura fruit. Looking at my fainting performance at the time, Imperial Physician Hua was convinced of his diagnosis. "

"Ah?" Lian Jue blinked, he really thought Lian Siyue was poisoned by Datura.

"I'm sorry, Jue'er." Lian Siyue sat up from the bed and looked at Lian Jue apologetically, "I didn't tell you about this from the beginning to the end, because one less person who knows means less danger, sister I don't want you to get involved, do you understand my intention?"

In fact, just now in the emperor's tent, Lian Siyue saw Lian Jue was so worried about her and worried about her, she felt sorry for lying to him like this.

"Of course I understand that this matter is very dangerous. If there is a slight mistake, the whole game will be lost. You and His Highness the Ninth Prince are risking their lives for this matter." Lian Jue said.

It turned out that he saw that Feng Yunzheng was also involved in this matter.

"Fortunately, the matter has come to an end, you don't have to worry anymore." Lian Siyue finally heaved a sigh of relief, showing a comfortable smile to Lian Jue.

Lian Jue also laughed.

At this time, Jiang Xiang came in with cold water to wipe Lian Siyue's body, and it was not appropriate for Lian Jue to stay any longer, so she went out.

He walked out of the tent, still with that smile on his face that was sincerely thankful and happy for Lian Siyue, but his heart felt as if there was a gap, and he felt uncomfortably heartbroken.

Concubine Xuan was carried back to the original tent. At this moment, her face was ashen, and she was hanging on her last breath.

Her weak eyes stared straight ahead, and the last bit of thought she had left told her that the worst thing she did in this hunt was to provoke Lian Siyue!
No, it doesn't matter, there is Fourth Highness, he will find a way to save her, thinking about it, a misty smile appeared on her broken face.

That's right, she has been with Feng Qianyue since she was seven years old, and now it has been ten years, how could he be willing to leave her behind.

Thinking of this, she felt that her body was slowly floating up, and her soul was getting farther and farther away from herself, farther and farther away.

"Your Majesty, let me do your makeup for you. You haven't washed for two days." At this time, a voice seemed to come from far away, finally grabbing Concubine Xuan's attention.

She stared blankly at the blurry figure in front of her, blinked her eyes vigorously, and finally saw clearly, a maid was standing in front of her with a bronze mirror and a comb, but she didn't know this person, she had never seen him before. Have not seen her.

"...Hoo..." She made a strange sound, not knowing whether to tell this person to come over or to tell him to go away.

"Look in the mirror first." The maid slowly put the bronze mirror up in front of her, she moved her eyelids with difficulty, and looked into the mirror, ah, ah, when she saw herself in the mirror, she was not human At that time, a terrifying expression appeared on his face, his eyes were as big as Tongling, as if he saw a ghost.

"..." She panted sharply, panting... Then suddenly, her eyes bulged and her head tilted——

Her last breath was taken away by her frightening face.

Outside Feng Qianyue's tent.

He stood under the moonlight, the moon's silvery light shrouded his purple python robe, and the silver thread pattern on the white background of the robe shone with a faint light.

"Your Highness, the matter is settled, she is dead." Ying Kong walked behind him and said.

Feng Qianyue didn't turn around, turned his back to Ying Kong, and said flatly, "Got it."

He fulfilled her, and finally destroyed her.

(End of this chapter)

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