Chapter 198
Chapter 198
The night was dark, and there was a bit of coolness in the air. "Pa-ta", a sound softer than the breeze came faintly in the air, so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Feng Qianyue raised his hand slowly, touched his face, his face was wet, and he looked at his fingers with doubts in his eyes——

Is this tears?

Or night dew?
It's just that this wetness is icy cold!

After a long time, he turned around, but was surprised to see a figure——

"Lian Siyue!"

She was standing right in front of him, under the reflection of the moonlight, she was wearing a snow-blue skirt, and the crabapple flowers embroidered with silver thread were glowing faintly under the moonlight, entangled with the wind.

"Your Highness, it's so late, why are you still standing here?" Lian Siyue asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

She washed up and was about to go to bed to rest when she suddenly heard the news of Concubine Xuan's death from outside.She sat in front of the couch, and after a moment of silence, she walked over to Feng Qianyue.

At this moment, his eyes were burning, a look of embarrassment had never been seen on his face, and his voice was unexpectedly vicious, saying:

"Lian Siyue, next time, God won't help you again, and you won't have such good luck again!"

"What..." Lian Siyue was startled, and then laughed suddenly, and she laughed harder and harder, until she couldn't stop laughing, and finally laughed until tears came out, then she bent over and covered her stomach and continued to laugh, and continued to laugh. laugh……

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Qianyue was baffled by her laughter, and couldn't help but get angry.

Finally, she stopped laughing, her face was cold and expressionless, she looked at Feng Qianyue, and said, "Feng Qianyue, where are there so many coincidences, the mirror in front of Concubine Xuan was not something she saw by accident what."

"What do you mean?" Feng Qianyue clenched her fists tightly and asked in a cold voice.

"It's nothing interesting, I just want to come and tell His Royal Highness that Si Ren has passed away, so sleep well, I hope, you can sleep well."

With that said, Lian Siyue turned around and left his sight——

Yes, where did so many coincidences come from?There is no coincidence at all, everything is arranged by her!

At the bonfire banquet on the first day, she deliberately kept staring at Feng Qianyue to arouse his displeasure, and when he looked back at her, she didn't seem to avoid it as usual, but she was more provocative. look at him.

Then she left the banquet hall under his watchful eyes, attracting him to follow. She knew Concubine Xuan's true nature well, and when they left one after the other, she would definitely follow.

Sure enough, she followed, and Leng Mei found her hiding behind the haystack, and Leng Mei gave her a signal from a distance.

Then, she told Feng Qianyue a lukewarm truth, and Feng Qianyue said these swear words to her, and deliberately let Concubine Xuan hear——

In the end, there was a series of things that followed.

And, she succeeded!Successfully got Concubine Xuan to take action.

All of this is because she really knows Feng Qianyue and Concubine Xuan's character so well that she can use them with ease.

However, she and Feng Yunzheng reached an unanimous decision not to involve Feng Qianyue in the hunting ground, and they took the method of defeating each other!
As for Feng Qianyue——

After the emperor returns to the palace, he will definitely investigate Concubine Xuan's matter. From Ruyang to Concubine Xuan's father and brother, during the investigation process, he will always arouse the Emperor's doubts and suspicions to some extent——

This is the most important.

Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue, I used everything I have, everything I have, to seek revenge on you!From today onwards, you will never be able to sleep peacefully in your life.

"Lian Siyue, just be a sinister, vicious, scheming woman!" She smiled to herself and said.

On the third day, the news of Concubine Xuan's death spread in the hunting grounds. The emperor declared internally that all secrets would be kept strictly, but externally said that Concubine Xuan was seriously injured while hunting and died of illness.

The emperor must not let the officials know that his favorite concubine is a traitor, work carefully!Otherwise, the government and the public will be shaken, the people will be indignant, and his dragon prestige will also be compromised.

The hunting competition was also announced to stop, and everyone went back to Kyoto for a day of refurbishment.

As for Concubine Xuan, she dug a hole in the hunting ground and buried it hastily.

In the queen's tent.

Feng Yunzheng knelt in front of the queen on one knee, and said, "I thank my mother for my success."

"This palace is perfecting both you and myself at the same time. If Concubine Xuan is not eliminated, there will be no peace in the harem.

However, the emperor still hasn't spoken about your mother and concubine and you. Maybe everything will have a final result when you return to the palace. I very much hope that you can return to the court.The crown prince has been abolished, and it is impossible to leave Yongshou Palace in this life. If you want to choose a crown prince among other princes, I hope that person will be you. "The queen looked at Feng Yunzheng and said.

What the queen said seems to be sincere, but unfortunately, he is a reborn person, no matter how perfect the queen's acting skills are, he can't escape his eyes——

What she said was just a temptation.

Feng Yunzheng raised his eyes, looked at the queen, his eyes conveyed a certain deep meaning, and said, "Mother, who said that Yongshou Palace is the destination of the prince."

The queen was taken aback, "Yun Zheng?"

"Mother, my son still has something to talk to, so I'm leaving today." However, Feng Yunzheng didn't say anything, and left in a hurry.

The queen sat in the tent, holding the back of the chair with her hands, and then tightly, showing faint veins on the back of her hands.

During this whole day of rest, some would stay behind closed doors, while others could not bear to come out to breathe. The sixth prince, Feng Yu, was the latter. Concubine Xuan's death did not have any impact on him, so he pulled Feng Ye and Lian Jue came to ride a horse on the racetrack.

The horse farm here connects the world and the wilderness. It is much larger than the capital of Kyoto, and it is very refreshing to ride.

Concubine Xu Xian was sitting on the high platform of the racecourse, and the maid behind her was serving with a fan. She looked at Feng Ye on the racecourse, and nodded with a smile——

Ye'er, whom she was so proud of, became more and more heroic.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan is gone. It's such a joy." said Jin Nai, the slave who squeezed her shoulders.

But Concubine Xu Xian said coolly, "Not necessarily."

Upon hearing this, Nanny Jin said, "Madam, this old servant is puzzled."

"Yesterday, I sang with the queen and delayed the time to save Concubine Xuan. I was afraid that her son born in the future would be favored alone. It would be better to get rid of this disaster earlier, but I didn't expect to wash away the grievances for Concubine Liang and the Nine Kings. Compared with Concubine Xuan The child who hasn't been seen yet is still a bigger threat from Concubine Liang and the Nine Kings." Concubine Xian showed a light and cold expression on her face.

After hearing this, Nanny Jin suddenly realized, and said, "Your Majesty is really thoughtful."

Just as they were talking, Feng Ye and Lian Jue walked over here, while Feng Yu left beforehand.What happened to Lian Jue, a shoe was missing on his foot, Feng Ye supported him.

"They're here, don't talk about it." Concubine Xu Xian said, showing a loving smile on the face of the two young people who came over, and asked:

"This is the young master Lianxiang, what's the matter, why are the shoes gone?"

Feng Ye sat down on the chair next to Concubine Xian, held back a smile, and said, "Concubine Mother, don't carry any pot without opening it, some people are going to hide in the tent."

After Lian Jue heard this, Ruyu's face turned slightly red, and she said, "Concubine Xie Xian is concerned, I'm fine."

(End of this chapter)

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