Chapter 200 Returning to the Prime Minister's Mansion
Chapter 200 Returning to the Prime Minister's Mansion
The Eleventh Princess heard this, with a distressed expression on her face, "Don't worry, I will take good care of it. It's so pitiful, it lost its mother when it was born. I want to tell my father that when I hunt next year, I will take care of it. Don't shoot these animals that are still breastfeeding or have babies in their stomachs, animals are like people, without a mother, how pitiful." She carefully held the deer in her arms, stroked it gently, and put her face against it said the body.

Hearing what she said, Lian Jue's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Then this little deer will be handed over to the princess."

Princess Eleven raised her head, looked at Lianjue, and said, "Thank you, Lianjue, I will take good care of the deer, and I will wait for you to come and see it later."

This soft and helpless little thing comforted her wounded heart virtually.

Seeing that the Eleventh Princess didn't dislike the weak deer, Lian Jue felt relieved and said, "The little deer will leave to the princess, I should go."

The Eleventh Princess watched him slowly go away, and finally couldn't hold back, took a step forward, and shouted loudly, "Lian Jue, you gave me this little deer, you can come to Menghua Palace in the future look at it."

Lian Jue turned around, raised his hand high and waved at her, with a smile on his face, and then ran away quickly.

The Eleventh Princess held the deer and stood there until Lian Jue disappeared from her sight, a smile appeared on her face.

Lian Siyue sat in the carriage from a distance, and saw the expression on Princess Eleven's face. With her experience of having lived two lifetimes, and from the perspective of a bystander, she could see that this princess seemed a little dissatisfied with Lian Jue. The same emotion, this emotion can be summed up in two words - like.

However, the Eleventh Princess died before reaching the age of Ji, whether she contracted a disease or died of other reasons, she didn't know.

However, why didn't a princess who was loved by thousands of people not leave a memorial tablet in the Hall of Supreme Harmony?
Whose tablet cannot enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony?Unless... Lian Siyue's heart trembled suddenly, and his hand suddenly clenched the carriage——

Is this possible?

"Sister!" When she was lost in thought, Lian Jue jumped into her carriage and said, "I don't want to ride a horse anymore, I will take the carriage back with you."

"Okay." Lian Siyue put away the thoughts in her heart, moved her body to the side, and made room for a place, with a smile on her face.

"Very tired." Lian Jue frowned lightly, looking at the person in front of her distressedly. Although she smiled, she always gave him a feeling of being through vicissitudes.

"A little bit." Lian Siyue breathed out lightly, only in front of Lian Jue, could she reveal her true feelings so easily, in front of her, she was not a female fighter, but a... …elder sister.

The wheels of the carriage turned, and they left the hunting ground slowly with the traffic. The short four days here made her feel like a long, long time.

Lian Jue lifted the curtain of the carriage, and Lian Siyue looked over with her. It was already late autumn, and the scenery along the way was very beautiful. When the wind blew across his cheeks, he felt a new life.

"Look..." Lian Jue raised his head, there was a flock of wild geese flying to the south, they lined up in a line and in characters.

"The geese are flying away, winter is coming." Lian Siyue murmured.

As soon as they returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, the two siblings first went to Qing'an Courtyard to meet Lian's mother. Before arriving at Qing'an Courtyard, Lian's mother stood at the gate of the courtyard to greet the two of them in person, and entered the house affectionately.

Lian Siyue and Lian Jue knelt side by side on the ground, solemnly kowtowed three times to Mother Lian, and said:
"Grandma, we're back."

"Okay, okay, just come back, get up quickly." Lian Mu looked at the two grandchildren with a smile on her face, and now she saw how she liked the two siblings.

She herself didn't realize this mentality at first, this time when they went hunting, she kept saying that they were not at all lively when they left. Lian Xi said, mother, you regard Siyue and Jue'er as your heart and soul, so she realized that, I really fell in love with Lian Siyue, a granddaughter who I didn't like at first.

Lian Siyue and Lian Jue got up and sat on the sour pear wood chair, Lian Jue presented a pair of velvet antlers, and Lian's mother happily accepted it, saying, "My good grandson, he misses grandma everywhere, Grandma was very pleased."

After she asked some more questions about the hunting ground, she suddenly sighed and said, "I've also heard about what happened in the hunting ground. Fortunately, you all came back safely."

"Let grandma worry about it. Yue'er has always followed her grandmother's teachings and acted in a low-key and cautious manner. Grandma can rest assured." Lian Siyue said obediently and sensiblely.

"I heard that the girl in the Xiao family has lost her feet. It's really pitiful. The last time I saw her was at my birthday banquet. She was a beautiful and upright person. I really don't know when and what will happen. " Lian Mu seemed to be extremely regretful, said.

Lian Siyue and Lian Jue looked at each other, a tacit understanding flashed in their eyes.

Lian Jue said, "She acts recklessly and doesn't care about the seriousness. Sooner or later, something will happen."

Mother Lian nodded and said, "My good grandson is right. I'm thinking about it. I should send someone over to visit."

"Grandmother, you are very considerate and reasonable, you should visit her." Lian Siyue said.

The two siblings stayed behind and had some thoughtful words with their mother before leaving.

Immediately afterwards, I went to Fu'an Hospital.

Here, the eldest lady is almost hopeless. Ever since she received the news that they were going back to the mansion, she has been standing at the door waiting eagerly. When she saw these two people, she eagerly pulled them in front of her and checked them carefully. She was afraid that they might have something. Mishap, seeing that both of them were intact and nothing happened, a heart that fell in mid-air was relieved.

"Mother, don't worry, Jue'er and I are getting along very well."

The three talked a few words before finally returning to the house and sitting down.

Da Furen covered her heart with her hands, listening to Lian Jue happily talking about the little things that happened in the hunting ground in the past four days, she was terrified, especially when she heard that Lian Siyue was tied by the emperor with an iron chain By then, she was about to shed tears.

He pulled Lian Siyue's wrist and looked at it, and he was relieved when he found that there were no marks.

"It's too scary. As soon as you go out, my heart is always up and down. I'm always afraid that something will happen to you. Fortunately, there is no danger."

"These days when the young lady and the young master go out hunting, the madam eats vegetarian food, recites scriptures, burns incense and worships Buddha every day, so that she is afraid that something will happen to the young lady and the young master." At this time, Nanny Zhou came in from the outside and said, the maids behind them were holding some food in their hands. of.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods." Lian Jue swallowed greedily when he smelled the delicious scent.

The maids came in one file at a time, and placed plates of bird's nest soup with rock sugar, cherry condensed dew honey, emerald jade bean cake, purple ginseng and pheasant soup, abalone and bird's nest porridge, ganoderma lucidum healthy chicken, and crispy lotus leaf duck on the table.

Seeing such delicious food, Lian Jue's eyes lit up immediately, he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat, filling his mouth with a mouthful of crispy duck, he said, "The food from my mother is still delicious. I have never eaten a good meal in the hunting ground, and I think about the food here every day."

The eldest lady looked at the son with loving eyes, and scooped a bowl of abalone and bird's nest porridge for him with a spoon in her hands, and said softly, "Silly boy, eat slowly, be careful not to choke, there are still many, no People are robbing you."

(End of this chapter)

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