First-class daughter

Chapter 201 Visiting the Third Sister

Chapter 201 Visiting Third Sister
Chapter 201 Visiting Third Sister
"Mother, leave him alone, let him gobble it up, that's the only way to be happy." Lian Siyue said with a smile.

She also opened her mouth to take a sip of the cherry condensed dew honey, and immediately felt the fragrance between her teeth. After eating these things, she felt a real feeling in her belly. This is the stable happiness.

Lian Jue finished a piece of crispy duck, then finished the bath bird's nest porridge scooped up by the lady, and then ate two pieces of green jade bean cake in front of him.

"I like to come to my mother to eat. Every time I eat, I feel very happy." He ate happily and said.

"Then come more, I'll let the small kitchen prepare all the things you like to eat, and you can come anytime." Seeing that his food was so delicious, the eldest lady felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

After hearing this, Lian Jue paused slightly with the hand holding the spoon, slowly raised his head, and looked at the dignified and beautiful woman in front of him——

"What's the matter, Jue'er?" The eldest lady looked at him puzzled.

Lian Jue put down the spoon in his hand, and suddenly, like a child, he put his head close to the Da Furen's arm, and said, "Mother, I love you very much, and I never want to leave you."

When the eldest lady heard this, she was startled, her hands trembled, and her eyes were slightly wet.

Lian Siyue raised her head, looked at Lian Jue strangely, blinked, and said, "Je'er..."

"You silly child... You were so happy, but suddenly you said something like this, you have to make me cry. You and Yue'er are my children. Unless you are married and married, otherwise I won't give up. I will not allow you to leave me." Da furen took a handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Mother, Jue'er...You guys, what's wrong with this?" Even Siyue looked at these two provocative people, she hadn't been like this in her rebirth, at this moment, she never thought of the person she didn't know in her previous life. The shocking secret.

"Ha..." Lian Jue chuckled, picked up his chopsticks again, and said, "It's all because the food here is so delicious."

"Hehehe..." The eldest lady couldn't help laughing, "You are really naughty."

After a big meal, Lian Jue left first, and Lian Siyue stayed and had a conversation with Da Furen before leaving.

When we walked out of Fu'an Courtyard, it was already dark.

Lian Siyue looked around with eyes deeper than night, and finally, she returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion. There are more traps and conspiracies waiting for her here.

"What's going on at Qingquanyuan?" She asked in a deep voice.

Mother Tai stepped forward, bowed and said, "The monks are still chanting sutras, day and night, and there is the sound of knocking wooden fish, Mame hum Mame hum, I don't know what they are talking about what.

The third lady refused to give in for the first two days, and she yelled and cursed in the room every day, like a madman, no one could stop her.

In a fit of anger, the old lady sent her servants over, and just said one thing, just let her be quiet.The servant girl thought about what the old lady meant, no matter the means, but only the result, so the servant girl didn't do anything good for the third lady. She got up and lay down on the bed, saying that the third lady should lie down quickly and don't let the evil spirit come out. At first she scolded The slave girl, no matter how much she scolds the slave girl, she won't let go, so she will be honest, she won't beat or scold her, she will lie on the bed obediently, and let the ghosts be exorcised without moving. "

"Heh..." Qingdai and Jiangxiang couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard Mother Tai's words, even Luzhi, who had always been cold-faced, showed a little smile.

This Nanny Tai is really a wonderful flower among the mothers. Nanny Zhou really chose the right person for the eldest lady.

"Go and have a look." Lian Siyue said with a meaningful expression on the corner of her lips.

She still cares about Lian Shiya very much, and she will miss her when she comes back.

A group of people walked to the gate of Qingquanyuan, and heard the sound of chanting scriptures and knocking wooden fish from a distance. Qingquanyuan was covered with charms to exorcise ghosts. Incense candles, the whole yard is filled with smoke.

"Miss, it's so gloomy to look at like this." Jiang Xiang said in a low voice, a good Qingquanyuan, now it's the same as Yan Luodian.

Lian Siyue stepped out, passed the monks, and pushed open the main door with a creak. It was already dark, but there were no candles lit inside, it was pitch black, and there were no maids serving her. Divided into eerie and horror.

Lian Siyue walked along the dark corridor, turned a corner, and came to the door of a room——

The door is covered with dense yellow charms, and there are three sticks of incense that are about to burn out.

"Miss, be careful..." Luzhi stood aside and said.

Lian Siyue didn't speak, raised her hand to push the door open, walked in, and went all the way to Lian Shiya's bed, looking down at her coldly——

Lian Shiya was lying on the bed, staring at the bed curtain with a pair of round eyes. In just a few days, she had lost a lot of weight. Because she couldn't see the sun, her face was as pale as a ghost.

When she saw Lian Siyue in front of her at a glance, she suddenly widened her eyes, screamed, stepped back, and screamed in her mouth——

"Ghost! Ghost!"

"Third sister, you can see clearly, it's me." Lian Siyue said lightly.

Lian Shiya was shocked when she heard this demonic voice, only to realize that the speaker was really Lian Siyue. She suddenly got up from the bed and said:

"You are scarier than a ghost, you are a ghost, you are a ghost!"

She seemed to be crazy, she rushed towards Lian Siyue, and opened her mouth as if to bite her.

Seeing this, the green branch behind her strode forward, protecting Lian Siyue behind her, and secretly bumped her elbow into Lian Shiya's chest. He fell from the bed to the ground and fell to the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Tut tsk tsk..." Seeing Lian Shiya in such a mess now, Lian Siyue felt a bit of pleasure in her heart, she shook her head regretfully, and said, "Third sister, what's wrong with you, why did you fall to the ground? Are you hungry and lacking energy?"

Lian Shiya got up from the ground in embarrassment, pointed at her with thin and pale fingers, and said, "Lian Siyue, you devil, you hurt me so much, you will die badly, you will die badly! "

"I don't need Sanmei to worry about whether I will die well, Sanmei should worry about herself." Lian Siyue said indifferently when she saw her madness.

"You..." Lian Shiya's chest rose and fell violently.

Lian Siyue glanced at her, then turned and walked out.

Lian Shiya's heart, which had been calmed down, became manic again because of Lian Siyue's appearance, and she fell and beat in Qingquanyuan.

How could Lian Siyue let Lian Shiya drive away ghosts with peace of mind——

Think she doesn't know?The reason why Xiao Rou targeted her so much was not because Aunt Xiao secretly fanned the flames!
west yard.

"What..." Aunt Xiao stood up abruptly, the cup in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, she looked straight at Mother Zhen in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Tell me, Rou'er... She broke a leg?"

"Yes, it has spread everywhere. It is said that it was bitten off by a tiger in a hunting ground. The bitten off part of the leg was eaten alive by the tiger, and there was no bone left. Now Miss Xiao is A disabled person." As Mother Zhen said, she shivered all over, her head was covered with sweat, and even her back was wet.

(End of this chapter)

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