Chapter 202
Chapter 202
Aunt Xiao's face suddenly turned pale, her thin figure flickered, she took two steps back, her head felt dark for a while, her breathing became difficult, she murmured——

"Rou'er, Rou'er's legs... Lian Siyue, it must be Lian Siyue's fault!"

"But, even the emperor has checked, and found out that Miss Xiao's matter has nothing to do with Miss..."

"What... even the emperor was deceived by her..." Aunt Xiao clenched her fist tightly, unable to believe it, she firmly believed that Lian Siyue was inseparable from Xiao Rou's injury.

However, Mother Zhen wavered, and said, "Auntie, if it is said that the eldest lady is in the mansion to curry favor with the old lady and the master to deal with you and the third lady, the servants will believe it, but she is still a half-grown child anyway. How could it be possible to use any tricks in front of the emperor, not only the emperor, the empress, the concubine, all the princes and ministers are all present."

After Mother Zhen said this, Aunt Xiao was also in a mess. Does this matter have anything to do with Lian Siyue?
However, she immediately affirmed her thoughts, with a flash of fear in her eyes, and said, "You don't know how scary this little bitch is, she can turn the living into the dead, and tell the false to be true , and they all believed her."

"Then, what should we do now?" Mother Zhen asked.

Ever since Aunt Xiao was said by Mrs. Mo An to be the fate of the lone star of Tiansha, the old lady and the prime minister almost gave up on her completely. If this continues, I'm afraid she will be driven crazy.

"Wait, wait, I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that my brother came back, and he chopped off Lian Siyue's head with a single sword!" Aunt Xiao shrank to the bed as she said, clasping her hands tightly. For himself, he said tremblingly, his eyes were erratic, as if he had been bewitched.

It was only then that Nanny Zhen felt that the eldest lady was terrifying, and no one showed up, so she frightened Aunt Xiao into such a state.

A few days later, Lian Yanqing brought back a message from the palace to Lian Siyue, he said that the emperor had found out everything, and there was solid evidence to prove——

Concubine Xuan is indeed a secret agent sent by the rebel party. She is the daughter of Li Qin, the nephew of Li Feng, the leader of the Jinyuan regiment. Her real name is Li Lan. She is considered to be the princess of the previous dynasty. Lan got her from Li Qin's side, taught her personally, and then sent her to Ruyang Palace as a dancer until the emperor brought her into the palace, and then deliberately and step by step destroyed the emperor's relationship between husband and wife, father and son.

And when this news reached Feng Qianyue's ears, he was also stunned for a long time, and broke out in a cold sweat——

He who cultivated and manipulated Concubine Xuan couldn't tell what was the truth for a while!

Is Concubine Xuan really the former princess Li Lan?It wasn't that he took advantage of Concubine Xuan, but Jin Yuantuan used him?
Or, all of this is Feng Yunzheng's arrangement?
No, it's impossible, where did he get the ability to arrange such a perfect plan?

These questions flashed through his mind one by one. He took a few steps back and sat down on the chair, suddenly out of breath.

Concubine Xuan, who are you?Are you Youxuan, or Li Lan?

However, Concubine Xuan is dead, he will never be able to ask the answer, this will become his heart disease!

A few days later, another explosive news spread from the palace!As the matter of Concubine Xuan was settled, Concubine Liang's grievances were completely cleared up. It was Emperor Zhou Cheng who took her out of the cold palace himself. Probably because of guilt, the emperor gave her and his son Feng Yunzheng a big reward——

Concubine Liang was promoted to noble concubine, surpassing Concubine Xu Xian and Concubine Lian Shu in rank, and she was newly granted Linhua Palace to live in.

As for the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, the emperor sent the eunuch to Prince Heng's mansion to issue an imperial edict——

Nine kings, Feng Yunzheng, returned to the court from now on, entrusted with important tasks, and rewarded a large amount of gold, treasures and jade, and also bestowed gardens and fields.

When Lian Siyue was taking care of her flowers and plants in the yard, Lian Jue ran in and told her these things excitedly, a faint smile appeared on her face——

His Highness Nine is slowly becoming stronger and more invincible, catching Feng Qianyue by surprise.

"However, His Royal Highness is not so lucky." Lian Jue said with a sneer.

"What's wrong with him?" Lian Siyue asked casually, picked off the last fruit of the yellow gardenia and put it on the plate.

"I heard from His Highness the Sixth Highness that when he was in court, His Highness the Fourth Highness actually lost his mind and was indifferent to the emperor's questions, which made the emperor very dissatisfied and even reprimanded him at the court.

Knowing that he made a mistake, he knelt for a day and a night outside the Emperor's Hall of Honor, and the Emperor said that he would not be an example before returning to the mansion. "

Even Siyue's lips showed a trace of coldness, hehe, Feng Qianyue is probably still struggling with the identity of Concubine Xuan, and he must have been confused for a long time whether Concubine Xuan was from the previous dynasty.

She knew Feng Qianyue too well. He had always been the one who schemed against others, but suddenly he was schemed severely once. This hurdle in his heart was not easy to overcome.

But why, through the branches and leaves in front of her, when she saw Lian Jie happily saying these things, she slowly felt a trace of sadness and loss in her heart——


One month later, the seven-seven-forty-nine-day deadline for chanting sutras to save evil spirits finally passed, and the monks and charms in Qingquanyuan were withdrawn one by one, and the sound of chanting sutras was no longer heard in the mansion.

Lian's mother asked the maid and mother-in-law who had been serving before to return to Lian Shiya's side, but she was still thinking about her mistakes behind closed doors in Qingquanyuan.

These days, Lian Siyue didn't meet Feng Yunzheng again, but she always heard news from the palace from time to time, such as that the Nine Kings were entrusted with important tasks by the emperor and went to the south as an inspector;

Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue offended the emperor again, so that the emperor didn't believe that he was just planting vegetables and picking flowers in the mansion every day. Suddenly, the fourth highness' situation became a bit difficult;

The Eighth Prince, Feng Ye, was sent by the emperor to lead troops to the border of Daliao to support General Xiao Zhenhai, and the battle of Zhou Liao has also come to an end, and the victory of the Great Zhou is imminent;
Etc., etc.

In these news, His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was nothing more than described as an admirable and enviable person. All the princes, kings, relatives and noble daughters of the royal family all wanted to be in the residence of Prince Heng.

But I heard that the Nine Kings were unmoved, and An Anxin completed the important tasks assigned by the emperor in the south, avoiding guests unless necessary.

Nancheng, Dudu's Mansion.

Yesterday, the water conservancy canal project was finally completed. Officials and common people from all over Nancheng put up lanterns and festoons, beat gongs and fired cannons, and rushed to tell everyone.

During his term of office, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was diligent and caring for the people, selfless and conscientious, from local officials to liberating the people, everyone praised him.

Today, Liang Xifan, the governor of Nancheng, prepared a sumptuous banquet. He invited the most famous theater troupe in Nancheng, planning to hold a banquet for His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince.

During his tenure in Nancheng, His Royal Highness never ate, drank and entertained with officials unless necessary.

Today is the last time, Liang Xifan believes that the Nine Kings will appear no matter what.

Not only did he prepare a rich feast, but at the same time, Governor Liang also had a selfish intention——

He knew that now the Nine Kings are getting the favor, and he is handsome and magnificent, if he can marry the Nine Kings, even a concubine is fine, besides, he is very confident in his daughter Li Shu, She not only possesses both ability and virtue, but also looks as beautiful as a flower. She is the number one beauty in Nancheng. As long as she enters Prince Heng's mansion, it is not impossible to become a side concubine in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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