First-class daughter

Chapter 212 People Who Know

Chapter 212 People Who Know
Chapter 212 People Who Know
Lian Yanqing was greatly shocked when he heard what Lu Zhi said, he never thought that this daughter of his would put his own safety at risk in order to protect his younger brother.

"Yue'er understands righteousness so well, it's really a blessing for my family!" Lian's mother sighed deeply, clenched the scepter in her hand, with a look of grief and relief on her face.

"..." Da Furen burst into tears, bent her knees, and knelt on the ground, "Yue'er, my Yue'er, God begs you to be merciful, please save my Yue'er's life."

This scene is really touching.

"Lu Zhi, you know the way. I order you to lead the guards in the mansion immediately to join General Liu Fu. No matter what, you must bring the eldest lady back." At this time, Lian Yanqing handed the token around his waist to Lu Zhi , solemnly ordered.

"Yes." Luzhi took the token from Lian Yanqing with both hands, turned around and set off immediately.

"Green branch..." At this time, Mother Lian shouted, and Lu Zhi stopped in her tracks——

"Old lady."

"Regardless of whether the eldest lady is intact or not, she must be brought back in a dignified manner." Mother Lian instructed, her tone a bit heavy.

"Yes!" Green Branch turned and left again.


In the corridor not far away, Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya had comfortable smiles on their faces at the same time, Lian Shiya couldn't restrain herself from jumping up——

"Mother, did you hear that? Lian Siyue is courting death this time."

"Hehe, not only will she die, but she won't even be able to survive the tricks. Did you hear what that lowly maid said? She was cut by a sword, poisoned, and bled all over her body. Even the emperor's son couldn't survive. It's gone." Aunt Xiao suddenly felt that the grievances she had suffered these days were nothing.

"Mother, the wicked will have their own harvest. This time, God will punish their siblings for us. I really hope that Lian Jue will never wake up again. I hope they will bring Lian Siyue's body back soon!" Lian Shiyana The pair of beautiful eyes were already in a state of extreme madness, and when they spoke, there was a glint of sinister energy in their eyes.

Mandarin Academy.

Lian Jue was lying on the bed covered in blood, his picturesque face was covered in blood, his eyes were tightly closed, and he looked dying. Dr. Lu who hurried over sat in front of the bed to diagnose his pulse.

Lian Yanqing, Lian's mother, the eldest lady and the others gathered around the bed, waiting with tense hearts.

Dr. Lu first took off the bloody clothes on Lian Jue's body. As soon as he took off the clothes, he saw two deep sword wounds near the heart and on the shoulders. The blood that flowed out was not bright red, but dark. Red, looking shocking.

When Lian's mother and the eldest lady saw the sword wound on Lian Jue's body, they were so frightened that they could hardly breathe, and felt extremely distressed.

"Doctor Lu, how are you?" Lian Yanqing asked urgently when he saw Doctor Lu put down Lian Jue's hand.

"My lord..." Doctor Lu said with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Forgive me for being old and incompetent, but I couldn't see why the young master was poisoned at once. I can only treat the knife wound first to stop the bleeding."

" can't see the poison in the camp?" Lian Yanqing was shocked, his heart was shocked. It seemed that the person who came was going to put his son to death!

Why?Who is the murderer?
"Then...will that tactic...will it..." Da Furen asked with a trembling voice.

"No! Don't talk nonsense! No one is allowed to say that word!" Lian's mother reprimanded the eldest lady before she could say that scary word, "My good grandson is blessed and will be fine. , Doctor Lu, you stop the bleeding first, Yanqing, you go and find all the best doctors, and save Jue'er at all costs, this is the only legitimate son of our Prime Minister's Mansion! "

"Mother, I'll send someone to find the doctor right away." Lian Yanqing immediately turned around and left the Wenhua Academy. He walked hurriedly,
Doctor Lu first cleaned the wound on Lian Jue's body, applied medicine to stop the bleeding, and bandaged the wound, and then prescribed a few pastes of medicine and asked the servant girl to fry them for temporary use.

Lian Jue fell into a deep coma due to an unknown poison, closed his eyes tightly, and lay on the bed, the newly changed white obscene clothes made his face paler due to excessive blood loss, as if he would leave them at any time And go the same.

Lian's mother sat in front of the couch, held his hand in her hand, touched it gently, and said, "My dear grandson, you have to hold on, it's not in vain that your sister who understands righteousness treats you well." It's a good idea."

The eldest lady was listening, and was drawn to tears again, and said, "I am sorry for Yue'er, it is I who am sorry for Yue'er..."

"Ma'am!" Seeing this, Nanny Zhou hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed her hand tightly, using her strength secretly, lest Da Furen would be overwhelmed and tell the truth.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the Wenhua Courtyard was brightly lit, it was silent, and no one fell asleep. The doctors checked every half an hour, and everyone was waiting for the news of Lian Siyue, while waiting for Lian Siyue's news. Jue can wake up.

Lian's mother never left, she sat on the sour pear wood chair outside Lianjue's room, twisting Buddhist beads in her hands, and Lian Yanqing sat opposite her until the middle of the night.

The eldest lady and Nanny Zhou have been guarding in front of Lian Jue's bed, while the rest of the maids are all guarding outside the room.

Nanny Song came over and said, "Madam, you should go back and rest first. If the young master wakes up, someone will notify you immediately. You have not been in good health recently, and you can't get sick."

Lian's mother opened her eyes, glanced at Lian Jue's room, and said, "Forget it, I'll go back to Qing'an Courtyard to rest for a while."

"Big, big, Missy is back, Missy is back!" Mother Lian just stood up when she heard a voice of ecstasy, and then saw the guard who guarded the door rushing in.

Lian Yanqing stood up abruptly, and asked eagerly, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

The eldest lady also stumbled out of the room when she heard the news, "Did I get it wrong, is Yue'er back?"

"Yes, sir, madam, the eldest lady has returned in a carriage!"

"Quick, go and have a look! Xi'er, stay and take care of Jue'er." Lian Mu hurriedly said.

A group of people hurried to the entrance of the mansion, the expressions on everyone's faces were both anxious and expectant!
In Lian Jue's room, Lian Xi sat down in front of Lian Jue, took the handkerchief from Huang Cen's hand, and leaned over to wipe off the sweat from Lian Jue's forehead. Some situations when the former eldest lady gave birth to her second child.

"Huang Cen, you guys go and make some light porridge for Young Master Jue. If you wake up, you can drink it."

"Yes, aunt."

The maids closed the door and went out, only Lian Xi was left in the room in front of Lian Jue, looking at Lian Jue's face, she murmured softly:

"Jue'er, no matter who you are, get better soon, you are a good boy, so innocent, so beautiful, you may not know that when you said a word unintentionally back then, it made my aunt feel very warm..."

When Lian Xi was in the mansion, she usually talked as little as an invisible person, but now she spoke to Lian Jue.

She remembered that a few years ago, her husband passed away, and even her mother couldn't bear her to stay in her husband's house as a widow, so she went against all odds and took her back to the house.
But after all, she is a married daughter, and her husband came back after her death. On the day she just came back, people in this mansion always looked at her with strange expressions.

Only Xiao Lianjue bounced up to her, held her hand in front of everyone, raised her head, and said, "Aunt Xi, this is your home, it's great that you're back , Jue'er likes Aunt Xi, in the future Jue'er will play with Aunt Xi, and give Aunt Xi my favorite rock candy elbow."

(End of this chapter)

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