Chapter 213
Chapter 213
Although he was only a child, Lian Jue's words broke the cold and stiff atmosphere, and Lian Xi immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

When the married daughter returns home, it's already a time of living under the fence, so Lian Xi lives more cautiously, keeping a low profile, trying not to cause trouble to anyone, and not let anyone notice.

But the child Lian Jue often came to her and talked to her. On the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival, he would either send her mooncakes or lanterns. He was so happy every time he appeared in front of him. It gave her life that was already exhausted a glimmer of light.

Because of this, the Xiangfu began to gossip, thinking that the widow and aunt had plans in the Xiangfu, and wanted to use his son-in-law Lianjue to make plans in the mansion. Withdrew back, and over time, the relationship between aunt and nephew became far away.

After a while, Huang Cen came back, walked up to Lian Xi and said, "Grandma, the porridge is already cooking."

"Well." Lian Xi instructed, "These days, Master Jue's food is taken care of by the small kitchen in Qing'an Courtyard, don't let other people use the fake hands, and carefully watch everything out of the small kitchen so that nothing goes wrong. "

"Yes." Huang Cen replied.

Lian Yanqing, Lian's mother, the eldest lady and others hurried to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, only to see a carriage with a bright yellow roof parked at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, exuding a noble and mysterious aura, they held their breath while looking at the carriage.

Beside the sedan chair, apart from Lian Tian, ​​Lu Zhi and other people from the Lianfu, there were also some guards. Lian Yanqing was stunned for a moment. From the clothes of these guards, he could tell that they were not young, so he became more cautious.

Luzhi walked to the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage, and said, "Miss, we're here."

I saw a woman in a white cloak walking out of the carriage in one piece——

"Yue'er!" The eldest lady saw the person coming out of the sedan chair, she didn't care about anything, and immediately ran towards her, holding her hands tightly, and looked up and down at the person in front of her with tears in her eyes. "It's you, it's really you, I thought..."

"Mother, I'm back, I'm fine." Lian Siyue saw the haggard look on Da Furen's face, and knew how anxious she must be during the time she disappeared.

"Yue'er..." Lian's mother finally let go of Lian Siyue's heart hanging in the air, she was overjoyed and said, "Great, you are back, God bless you."

Seeing Lian Siyue's familiar face, Lian Yanqing heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You finally came back safely."

Lian Siyue walked in front of Lian's mother and Lian Yanqing, and said, "Yue'er made grandma and father worry."

"It's good to be back, it's better than anything else." Lian's mother, who was always neglected to show her emotions in front of the juniors, shed two lines of tears after being excited.

"My lord prime minister." At this moment, Imperial Physician Hua came over with a medicine box and said, "I was ordered to come here to treat Young Master Lian.
"Prime Minister, Missy has been delivered, and Imperial Physician Hua has also arrived, so I will resign from my humble position and go back to report to His Highness the Ninth Prince." At this time, a guard dressed in black walked up to Lian Yanqing, clasped his fists with both hands, and bowed. ,road.

Lian Yanqing took a look, only to realize that this person was Ye Feng, the number one bodyguard of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, who is now the most popular person in front of the emperor. His eyes showed doubts:
"His Royal Highness..."

"Father, His Highness the Ninth Highness is fortunate enough to help my daughter escape this time." Lian Siyue explained from the side.

"Is there such a thing?" Lian Siyue was rescued by His Highness the Ninth Prince, and was sent back by His personal guards. Lian Yanqing couldn't believe it. He suddenly heard the sound that Lian Siyue's horse was injured while hunting. It was His Royal Highness Jiu who rescued her——

Is it...

"His Royal Highness Jiu just returned to the capital from Nancheng today. After he went to the palace to greet the empress and concubine, he heard about the deeds of the prime minister's son and daughter on the way back to the mansion, so he told the general that the prime minister is still in the palace. Fearing that it would delay time, he sent the last general to lead the guards in the mansion to help, and now that the eldest lady has been sent back safely, and knowing that the young master is seriously ill and has specially invited the Hua imperial doctor, it can be regarded as His Highness the Ninth Prince's kindness to the prime minister." Night Breeze said as if he could see what Lian Yanqing was thinking.

Lian Siyue was silent, and said that Feng Yunzheng's help was done for Lian Yanqing's sake. This was the idea that she and Feng Yunzheng had reached an agreement——

One is to not reveal their ally relationship for the time being, so that Feng Yunzheng can investigate the assassination of Lian Jue in the palace; the other is that Lian Yanqing signed a favor with His Highness the Ninth Prince. usefulness.

"So that's how it is!" Lian Yanqing hurriedly said, "General Ye, please tell His Highness the Ninth Highness that I will come to thank you someday."

"Resign from your humble position..." Night Breeze bowed, then got on his horse, and led a group of guards to ride away.


It was already dawn, and Lian Jue had been in a coma all night, but still hadn't woken up. The maids of the Wenhua Court seemed at a loss. Thinking of the young master who was usually as bright as the morning sun, lying on the bed with uncertain life and death, they couldn't help feeling sad Come and shed tears.

With a "squeak", at this moment, the door of Lian Jue's room opened, and the eldest lady Lian Siyue appeared at the door, and everyone hurriedly called out, "Eldest miss."

"Miss, what should I do? The young master has not woken up, the doctor said he was poisoned, if he still does not wake up, he will..." Qing Dai said, tears welled up in her eyes, Jiang Xiang also shed tears beside her.

"Je'er will definitely wake up." Lian Siyue said firmly while sitting in front of Lian Jue's bed, looking at Lian Jue's picturesque face.

Immediately afterwards, Physician Hua walked in, began to diagnose the pulse, and then picked out dark blood with a silver needle to observe carefully.

"How is it? Imperial Physician Hua?" Lian Yanqing asked from the side.

Imperial Physician Hua's eyes were heavy, and he said, "Young Master Lian's poison came to Miaojiang, and this poison is called Tiankuisan."

"Miao Jiang?" There was a hint of deep thought in Lian Siyue's eyes, no wonder Doctor Lu couldn't see it for a while,
Imperial Physician Hua continued, "With this poison, after a few hours, the body will form strings of blisters, which will burst without scratching, and the whole body will be covered with spots. After nine days, it will collapse into one piece. , Seeing the wind, standing and collapsing, until the skin is all flesh, the flesh is all bone, and the whole body festers and dies'."

Lian Siyue's eyes flickered slightly, she picked up Lian Jue's hand, and rolled up his sleeves, and sure enough, a little bit of red appeared on his arm, showing signs of blistering.

"What a bad trick!" There was a trace of coldness in Lian Siyue's eyes, and the person who used this poison secretly kept a hand. If something unexpected happens and the Lian Jue is not killed with one move, if the poison is not obtained in time Even Jue will die of pain in a few days without the treatment!

"Fortunately, the eldest lady bought time for the young master Lian. If it is an hour later, the poison will invade the blood and bone marrow. Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he will be powerless to recover.

But now it is still time to take the medicine, Young Master Lian Jue will not be in danger of life, the prime minister and the old lady can rest assured..." Doctor Hua's words made Lian Yanqing, Lian's mother, the eldest lady secretly relieved.

Lian Yanqing looked at Lian Siyue, felt grateful in his heart, but at the same time his face was moved, and he said sincerely to this daughter for the first time, "Yue'er, thanks to you this time, you have worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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